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Flavor Violating Transitions of Charged Leptons from a Seesaw Mechanism of Dimension Seven

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 نشر من قبل Yi Liao
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Yi Liao

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A mechanism has been suggested recently to generate the neutrino mass out of a dimension-seven operator. This is expected to relieve the tension between the occurrence of a tiny neutrino mass and the observability of other physics effects beyond it. Such a mechanism would inevitably entail lepton flavor violating effects. We study in this work the radiative and purely leptonic transitions of the light charged leptons. In so doing we make a systematic analysis of the flavor structure by providing a convenient parametrization of the mass matrices in terms of independent physical parameters and diagonalizing them explicitly. We illustrate our numerical results by sampling over two CP phases and one Yukawa coupling which are the essential parameters in addition to the heavy lepton mass. We find that with the stringent constraints coming from the muon decays and the muon-electron conversion in nuclei taken into account the decays of the tau lepton are severely suppressed in the majority of parameter space. There exist, however, small regions in which some tau decays can reach a level that is about 2 orders of magnitude below their current bounds.

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We discuss a mechanism where charged lepton masses are derived from one-loop diagrams mediated by particles in a dark sector including a dark matter candidate. We focus on a scenario where the muon and electron masses are generated at one loop with n ew ${cal O}(1)$ Yukawa couplings. The measured muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment, $(g-2)_mu$, can be explained in this framework. As an important prediction, the muon and electron Yukawa couplings can largely deviate from their standard model predictions, and such deviations can be tested at High-Luminosity LHC and future $e^+e^-$ colliders.
We study the indirect effects of New Physics in the Higgs decay into four charged leptons, using an Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach to Higgs interactions. We evaluate the deviations induced by the EFT dimension-six operators in observables like partial decay width and various kinematic distributions, including angular observables, and compare them with the contribution of the full SM electroweak corrections. The calculation is implemented in an improved version of the event generator Hto4l, which can provide predictions in terms of different EFT-bases and is available for data analysis at the LHC. We also perform a phenomenological study in order to assess the benefits coming from the inclusion of differential information in the future analyses of very precise data which will be collected during the high luminosity phase of the LHC.
112 - Di Zhang , Shun Zhou 2021
The canonical type-I seesaw model with three heavy Majorana neutrinos is one of the most natural extensions of the standard model (SM) to accommodate tiny Majorana masses of three ordinary neutrinos. At low-energy scales, Majorana neutrino masses and unitarity violation of lepton flavor mixing have been extensively discussed in the literature, which are respectively generated by the unique dimension-five Weinberg operator and one dimension-six operator in the seesaw effective field theory (SEFT) with the tree-level matching. In this work, we clarify that a self-consistent calculation of radiative decays of charged leptons $beta^- to alpha^- + gamma$ requires the SEFT with one-loop matching, where new six-dimensional operators emerge and make important contributions. For the first time, the Wilson coefficients of all the relevant six-dimensional operators are computed by carrying out the one-loop matching between the effective theory and full seesaw model, and applied to calculate the total rates of radiative decays of charged leptons.
In this note we discuss a characteristic collider signature of models of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking in which the selectron and smuon are mass-degenerate co-NLSP. In these models, all processes involving superpartners give rise to two NLSP selectrons or smuons, each of which subsequently decays to a nearly massless LSP gravitino and an electron or a muon. In a large region of the parameter space, the NLSPs travel macroscopic distances, of the order 0.1-1000 mm, before they decay. Hence, these models give rise to collider signatures involving charged tracks that end at vertices, which are inside the detector volume but displaced with respect to the original collision point, from which an electron or a muon is emitted. In order to probe this class of models we propose a search for disappearing charged tracks in association with displaced electrons or muons.
We investigate collider signatures of standard model extensions featuring vector-like leptons and a flavorful scalar sector. Such a framework arises naturally within asymptotically safe model building, which tames the UV behavior of the standard mode l towards the Planck scale and beyond. We focus on values of Yukawa couplings and masses which allow to explain the present data on the muon and electron anomalous magnetic moments. Using a CMS search based on $77.4 , rm{fb}^{-1}$ at the $sqrt{s}=13$ TeV LHC we find that flavorful vector-like leptons are excluded for masses below around $300$ GeV if they are singlets under $SU(2)_L$, and around $800$ GeV if they are doublets. Exploiting the flavor-violating-like decays of the scalars, we design novel null test observables based on opposite sign opposite flavor invariant masses. These multi-lepton distributions allow to signal new physics and to extract mass hierarchies in reach of near-future searches at the LHC and the HL-LHC.
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