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Spin and Valley Splittings in Multilayered Massless Dirac Fermion System

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 نشر من قبل Naoya Tajima
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The inter-layer magnetoresistance in a multilayered massless Dirac fermion system, $alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$, under hydrostatic pressure was investigated. We succeeded in detecting the zero-mode (n=0) Landau level and its spin splitting in the magnetic field normal to the 2D plane. We demonstrated that the effective Coulomb interaction in the magnetic field intensifies the spin splitting of zero-mode Landau carriers. At temperatures below 2K, magnetic fields above several Tesla break the twofold valley degeneracy.

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We report the first observation of Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations and quantized Hall resistance in the multilayered massless Dirac fermion system $alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ with tilted cones. Holes were injected into the thin crystal fixed on a polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) substrate by contact electrification. The detection of SdH oscillations whose phase was modified by Berrys phase $pi$ strongly suggested that the carrier doping was successful in this system. We succeeded in detecting the quantum Hall effect (QHE) with the steps which is the essence of two dimensional Dirac fermion systems. The number of effectively doped layers was examined to be two in this device. We reveal that the correlation between effective layers plays an important role in QHE.
We use an empirical tight-binding approach to calculate electron and hole states in [111]-grown PbSe nanowires. We show that the valley-orbit and spin-orbit splittings are very sensitive to the atomic arrangement within the nanowire elementary cell a nd differ for [111]-nanowires with microscopic $D_{3d}$, $C_{2h}$ and $D_{3}$ symmetries. For the nanowire diameter below 4 nm the valley-orbit splittings become comparable with the confinement energies and the $boldsymbol{k}cdotboldsymbol{p}$ method is inapplicable. Nanowires with the $D_{3}$ point symmetry having no inversion center exhibit giant spin splitting $E = alpha k_z$, linear in one-dimensional wave vector $k_z$, with the constant $alpha$ up to 1 eV$cdot$AA.
301 - N. Tajima , S. Sugawara , R. Kato 2009
We report on the experimental results of interlayer magnetoresistance in multilayer massless Dirac fermion system $alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ under hydrostatic pressure and its interpretation. We succeeded in detecting the zero-mode Landau level (n=0 Landau level) that is epected to appear at the contact points of Dirac cones in the magnetic field normal to the two-dimensional plane. The characteristic feature of zero-mode Landau carriers including the Zeeman effect is clearly seen in the interlayer magnetoresistance.
Recently discovered advanced materials, such as heavy fermions, frequently exhibit a rich phase diagram suggesting the presence of different competing interactions. A unified description of the origin of these multiple interactions, albeit very impor tant for the comprehension of such materials is, in general not available. It would be therefore very useful to have a simple model where the common source of different interactions could be possibly traced back. In this work we consider a system consisting in a set of localized spins on a square lattice with antiferromagnetic nearest neighbors interactions and itinerant electrons, which are assumed to be Dirac-like and interact with the localized spins through a Kondo magnetic interaction. This system is conveniently described by the Spin-Fermion model, which we use in order to determine the effective interactions among the itinerant electrons. By integrating out the localized degrees of freedom we obtain a set of different interactions, which includes: a BCS-like superconducting term, a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio-like, excitonic term and a spin-spin magnetic term. The resulting phase diagram is investigated by evaluation of the mean-field free-energy as a function of the relevant order parameters. This shows the competition of the above interactions, depending on the temperature, chemical potential and coupling constants.
The quantum spin Hall insulator (QSHI) state has been demonstrated in two semiconductor systems - HgTe/CdTe quantum wells (QWs) and InAs/GaSb QW bilayers. Unlike the HgTe/CdTe QWs, the inverted band gap in InAs/GaSb QW bilayers does not open at the $ Gamma$ point of the Brillouin zone, preventing the realization of massless Dirac fermions. Here, we propose a new class of semiconductor systems based on InAs/Ga(In)Sb multilayers, hosting a QSHI state, a graphene-like phase and a bilayer graphene analogue, depending on their layer thicknesses and geometry. The QSHI gap in the novel structures can reach up to 60 meV for realistic design and parameters. This value is twice as high as the thermal energy at room temperature and significantly extends the application potential of III-V semiconductor-based topological devices.
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