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The effect of gas drag on the growth of protoplanets -- Analytical expressions for the accretion of small bodies in laminar disks

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 نشر من قبل Chris Ormel
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Planetary bodies form by accretion of smaller bodies. It has been suggested that a very efficient way to grow protoplanets is by accreting particles of size <<km (e.g., chondrules, boulders, or fragments of larger bodies) as they can be kept dynamically cold. We investigate the effects of gas drag on the impact radii and the accretion rates of these particles. As simplifying assumptions we restrict our analysis to 2D settings, a gas drag law linear in velocity, and a laminar disk characterized by a smooth (global) pressure gradient that causes particles to drift in radially. These approximations, however, enable us to cover an arbitrary large parameter space. The framework of the circularly restricted three body problem is used to numerically integrate particle trajectories and to derive their impact parameters. Three accretion modes can be distinguished: hyperbolic encounters, where the 2-body gravitational focusing enhances the impact parameter; three-body encounters, where gas drag enhances the capture probability; and settling encounters, where particles settle towards the protoplanet. An analysis of the observed behavior is presented; and we provide a recipe to analytically calculate the impact radius, which confirms the numerical findings. We apply our results to the sweepup of fragments by a protoplanet at a distance of 5 AU. Accretion of debris on small protoplanets (<50 km) is found to be slow, because the fragments are distributed over a rather thick layer. However, the newly found settling mechanism, which is characterized by much larger impact radii, becomes relevant for protoplanets of ~10^3 km in size and provides a much faster channel for growth.

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(abridged) When preplanetary bodies reach proportions of ~1 km or larger in size, their accretion rate is enhanced due to gravitational focusing (GF). We have developed a new numerical model to calculate the collisional evolution of the gravitational ly-enhanced growth stage. We validate our approach against existing N-body and statistical codes. Using the numerical model, we explore the characteristics of the runaway growth and the oligarchic growth accretion phases starting from an initial population of single planetesimal radius R_0. In models where the initial random velocity dispersion (as derived from their eccentricity) starts out below the escape speed of the planetesimal bodies, the system experiences runaway growth. We find that during the runaway growth phase the size distribution remains continuous but evolves into a power-law at the high mass end, consistent with previous studies. Furthermore, we find that the largest body accretes from all mass bins; a simple two component approximation is inapplicable during this stage. However, with growth the runaway body stirs up the random motions of the planetesimal population from which it is accreting. Ultimately, this feedback stops the fast growth and the system passes into oligarchy, where competitor bodies from neighboring zones catch up in terms of mass. Compared to previous estimates, we find that the system leaves the runaway growth phase at a somewhat larger radius. Furthermore, we assess the relevance of small, single-size fragments on the growth process. In classical models, where the initial velocity dispersion of bodies is small, these do not play a critical role during the runaway growth; however, in models that are characterized by large initial relative velocities due to external stirring of their random motions, a situation can emerge where fragments dominate the accretion.
The Rossiter-McLaughlin (hereafter RM) effect is a key tool for measuring the projected spin-orbit angle between stellar spin axes and orbits of transiting planets. However, the measured radial velocity (RV) anomalies produced by this effect are not intrinsic and depend on both instrumental resolution and data reduction routines. Using inappropriate formulas to model the RM effect introduces biases, at least in the projected velocity Vsin(i) compared to the spectroscopic value. Currently, only the iodine cell technique has been modeled, which corresponds to observations done by, e.g., the HIRES spectrograph of the Keck telescope. In this paper, we provide a simple expression of the RM effect specially designed to model observations done by the Gaussian fit of a cross-correlation function (CCF) as in the routines performed by the HARPS team. We derived also a new analytical formulation of the RV anomaly associated to the iodine cell technique. For both formulas, we modeled the subplanet mean velocity v_p and dispersion beta_p accurately taking the rotational broadening on the subplanet profile into account. We compare our formulas adapted to the CCF technique with simulated data generated with the numerical software SOAP-T and find good agreement up to Vsin(i) < 20 km/s. In contrast, the analytical models simulating the two different observation techniques can disagree by about 10 sigma in Vsin(i) for large spin-orbit misalignments. It is thus important to apply the adapted model when fitting data.
Dynamical models of Solar System evolution have suggested that P-/D-type volatile-rich asteroids formed in the outer Solar System and may be genetically related to the Jupiter Trojans, the comets and small KBOs. Indeed, their spectral properties rese mble that of anhydrous cometary dust. High-angular-resolution images of P-type asteroid (87) Sylvia with VLT/SPHERE were used to reconstruct its 3D shape, and to study the dynamics of its two satellites. We also model Sylvias thermal evolution. The shape of Sylvia appears flattened and elongated. We derive a volume-equivalent diameter of 271 +/- 5 km, and a low density of 1378 +/- 45 kg.m-3. The two satellites orbit Sylvia on circular, equatorial orbits. The oblateness of Sylvia should imply a detectable nodal precession which contrasts with the fully-Keplerian dynamics of the satellites. This reveals an inhomogeneous internal structure, suggesting that Sylvia is differentiated. Sylvias low density and differentiated interior can be explained by partial melting and mass redistribution through water percolation. The outer shell would be composed of material similar to interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and the core similar to aqueously altered IDPs or carbonaceous chondrite meteorites such as the Tagish Lake meteorite. Numerical simulations of the thermal evolution of Sylvia show that for a body of such size, partial melting was unavoidable due to the decay of long-lived radionuclides. In addition, we show that bodies as small as 130-150 km in diameter should have followed a similar thermal evolution, while smaller objects, such as comets and the KBO Arrokoth, must have remained pristine, in agreement with in situ observations of these bodies. NASA Lucy mission target (617) Patroclus (diameter~140 km) may, however, be differentiated.
90 - Min-Kai Lin 2016
Low mass, self-gravitating accretion disks admit quasi-steady,`gravito-turbulent states in which cooling balances turbulent viscous heating. However, numerical simulations show that gravito-turbulence cannot be sustained beyond dynamical timescales w hen the cooling rate or corresponding turbulent viscosity is too large. The result is disk fragmentation. We motivate and quantify an interpretation of disk fragmentation as the inability to maintain gravito-turbulence due to formal secondary instabilities driven by: 1) cooling, which reduces pressure support; and/or 2) viscosity, which reduces rotational support. We analyze the axisymmetric gravitational stability of viscous, non-adiabatic accretion disks with internal heating, external irradiation, and cooling in the shearing box approximation. We consider parameterized cooling functions in 2D and 3D disks, as well as radiative diffusion in 3D. We show that generally there is no critical cooling rate/viscosity below which the disk is formally stable, although interesting limits appear for unstable modes with lengthscales on the order of the disk thickness. We apply this new linear theory to protoplanetary disks subject to gravito-turbulence modeled as an effective viscosity, and cooling regulated by dust opacity. We find that viscosity renders the disk beyond $sim 60$AU dynamically unstable on radial lengthscales a few times the local disk thickness. This is coincident with the empirical condition for disk fragmentation based on a maximum sustainable stress. We suggest turbulent stresses can play an active role in realistic disk fragmentation by removing rotational stabilization against self-gravity, and that the observed transition in behavior from gravito-turbulent to fragmenting may reflect instability of the gravito-turbulent state itself.
246 - F. S. Masset , J. Casoli 2009
We evaluate the horseshoe drag exerted on a low-mass planet embedded in a gaseous disk, assuming the disks flow in the coorbital region to be adiabatic. We restrict this analysis to the case of a planet on a circular orbit, and we assume a steady flo w in the corotating frame. We also assume that the corotational flow upstream of the U-turns is unperturbed, so that we discard saturation effects. In addition to the classical expression for the horseshoe drag in barotropic disks, which features the vortensity gradient across corotation, we find an additional term which scales with the entropy gradient, and whose amplitude depends on the perturbed pressure at the stagnation point of the horseshoe separatrices. This additional torque is exerted by evanescent waves launched at the horseshoe separatrices, as a consequence of an asymmetry of the horseshoe region. It has a steep dependence on the potentials softening length, suggesting that the effect can be extremely strong in the three dimensional case. We describe the main properties of the coorbital region (the production of vortensity during the U-turns, the appearance of vorticity sheets at the downstream separatrices, and the pressure response), and we give torque expressions suitable to this regime of migration. Side results include a weak, negative feed back on migration, due to the dependence of the location of the stagnation point on the migration rate, and a mild enhancement of the vortensity related torque at large entropy gradient.
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