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DJpsiFDC: an event generator for the process $ggto J/psi J/psi$ at LHC

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 نشر من قبل Jian Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
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DJpsiFDC is an event generator package for the process $ggto J/psi J/psi$. It generates events for primary leading-order $2to 2$ processes. The package could generate a LHE document and this document could easily be embedded into detector simulation software frameworks. The package is produced in Fortran codes.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The associated production of J/psi + gamma at the LHC is studied within the NRQCD framework. The signal we focus on is the production of a J/psi and an isolated photon produced back-to-back, with their transverse momenta balanced. It is shown that ev en for very large values of transverse momentum (pT of the order of 50 GeV) the dominant contribution to this process is not fragmentation. This is because of the fact that fragmentation-type contributions to the cross-section come from only a q q(bar) initial state, which is suppressed at the LHC. We identify gg-initiated diagrams higher-order in alpha(s) which do have fragmentation-type vertices. We find, however, that the contribution of these diagrams is negligibly small.
The products of the electron width of the J/psi meson and the branching fraction of its decays to the lepton pairs were measured using data from the KEDR experiment at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider. The results are Gamma_{ee}(J/psi)*Br(J/p si->e^+e^-)=(0.3323pm0.0064pm0.0048) keV, Gamma_{ee}(J/psi)*Br(J/psi->mu^+mu^-)=(0.3318pm0.0052pm0.0063) keV. Their combinations Gamma_{ee}times(Gamma_{ee}+Gamma_{mumu})/Gamma=(0.6641pm0.0082pm0.0100) keV, Gamma_{ee}/Gamma_{mumu}=1.002pm0.021pm0.013 can be used to improve theaccuracy of the leptonic and full widths and test leptonic universality. Assuming emu universality and using the world average value of the lepton branching fraction, we also determine the leptonic Gamma_{ll}=5.59pm0.12 keV and total Gamma=94.1pm2.7 keV widths of the J/psi meson.
Motivated by a recent successful dynamical explanation for the newly observed fully-charm structure $X(6900)$ in the mass spectrum of di-$J/psi$ by LHCb [J.~Z.~Wang textit{et al.} arXiv:2008.07430], in this work, we extend the same dynamical rescatte ring mechanism to predict the line shape of more potential fully-heavy structures in the invariant mass spectrum of $J/psi psi(3686)$, $J/psi psi(3770)$, $psi(3686) psi(3686)$, and $J/psi Upsilon(1S)$ at high energy proton-proton collisions, whose verification in experiments should be helpful to further clarify the nature of $X(6900)$. The above final states of vector heavy quarkonia can be experimentally reconstructed more effectively by a $mu^+mu^-$ pair in the muon detector compared with $Qbar{Q}$ meson with other quantum numbers. Furthermore, the corresponding peak mass positions of each of predicted fully-heavy structures are also given. Our theoretical studies here could provide some valuable information for the future measurement proposals of LHCb and CMS, especially based on the accumulated data after completing Run III of LHC in the near future.
The two-photon transition $psi(3686)togammagamma J/psi$ is studied in a sample of 106 million $psi(3686)$ decays collected by the BESIII detector. The branching fraction is measured to be $(3.1pm0.6(unit{stat})^{+0.8}_{-1.0}(unit{syst})) times10^{-4} $ using $J/psito e^+e^-$ and $J/psitomu^+mu^-$ decays, and its upper limit is estimated to be $4.5times10^{-4}$ at the 90% conference level. This work represents the first measurement of a two-photon transition among charmonium states. The orientation of the $psi(3686)$ decay plane and the $J/psi$ polarization in this decay are also studied. In addition, the product branching fractions of sequential $E1$ transitions $psi(3686)togammachi_{cJ}, chi_{cJ}togamma J/psi (J=0,1,2)$ are reported.
At LHC energies, the charged-particle multiplicity dependence of particle production is a topic of considerable interest in $pp$ collisions. It has been argued that multiple partonic interactions play an important role in particle production mechanis ms, not only affecting the soft processes but also the hard processes. Recently, ALICE has measured $J/psi$ production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity to study the correlation between soft and hard processes. In this contribution, we present the $J/psi$ production versus multiplicity for $pp$ and $p-Pb$ collisions measured by ALICE. We compare the results with different theoretical models.
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