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Radiative cascade from quantum dot metastable spin-blockaded biexciton

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 نشر من قبل Eilon Poem
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We detect a novel radiative cascade from a neutral semiconductor quantum dot. The cascade initiates from a metastable biexciton state in which the holes form a spin-triplet configuration, Pauli-blockaded from relaxation to the spin-singlet ground state. The triplet biexciton has two photon-phonon-photon decay paths. Unlike in the singlet-ground state biexciton radiative cascade, in which the two photons are co-linearly polarized, in the triplet biexciton cascade they are crosslinearly polarized. We measured the two-photon polarization density matrix and show that the phonon emitted when the intermediate exciton relaxes from excited to ground state, preserves the excitons spin. The phonon, thus, does not carry with it any which-path information other than its energy. Nevertheless, entanglement distillation by spectral filtering was found to be rather ineffective for this cascade. This deficiency results from the opposite sign of the anisotropic electron-hole exchange interaction in the excited exciton relative to that in the ground exciton.

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We theoretically investigate the efficiency of an entanglement swapping procedure based on the use of quantum dots as sources of entangled photon pairs. The four-photon interference that affects such efficiency is potentially limited by the fine-stru cture splitting and by the time correlation between cascaded photons, which provide which-path information. The effect of spectral inhomogeneity is also considered, and a possible quantum eraser experiment is discussed for the case of identical dots.
66 - X.F. Wu , X.M. Dou , K. Ding 2015
We report the observed photon bunching statistics of biexciton cascade emission at zero time delay in single quantum dots by second-order correlation function measurements under continuous wave excitation. It is found that the bunching phenomenon is independent of the biexciton binding energy when it varies from 0.59 meV to nearly zero. The photon bunching takes place when the exciton photon is not spectrally distinguishable from biexciton photon, and either of them can trigger the start in a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss setup. However, if the exciton energy is spectrally distinguishable from the biexciton the photon statistics becomes asymmetric and a cross-bunching lineshape is obtained. The theoretical calculations based on a model of three-level rate-equation analysis are consistent with the result of second-order correlation function measurements.
434 - H. Y. Hui , R.-B. Liu 2008
We propose to create a biexciton by a coherent optical process using a frequency-sweeping (chirped) laser pulse. In contrast to the two-photon Rabi flop scheme, the present method uses the state transfer through avoided level crossing and is a geomet ric control. The proposed process is robust against pulse area uncertainty, detuning, and dephasing. The speed of the adiabatic operation is constrained by the biexciton binding energy.
We investigate the degree of entanglement quantified by the concurrence of photon pairs that are simultaneously emitted in the biexciton-exciton cascade from a quantum dot in a cavity. Four dot-cavity configurations are compared that differ with resp ect to the detuning between the cavity modes and the quantum dot transitions, corresponding to different relative weights of direct two-photon and sequential single-photon processes. The dependence of the entanglement on the exciton fine-structure splitting $delta$ is found to be significantly different for each of the four configurations. For a finite splitting and low temperatures, the highest entanglement is found when the cavity modes are in resonance with the two-photon transition between the biexciton and the ground state and, in addition, the biexciton has a finite binding energy of a few meV. However, this widely used configuration is rather strongly affected by phonons such that other dot-cavity configurations, that are commonly regarded as less suited for obtaining high degrees of entanglement, become more favorable already at temperatures on the order of 10 K and above. If the cavity modes are kept in resonance with one of the exciton-to-ground-state transitions and the biexciton binding energy is finite, the entanglement drastically drops for positive $delta$ with rising temperatures when $T$ is below $simeq$ 4 K, but is virtually independent of the temperature for higher $T$.
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