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Simulating Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems with Tree Tensor Networks

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 نشر من قبل Valentin Murg
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a tree-tensor-network-based method to study strongly correlated systems with nonlocal interactions in higher dimensions. Although the momentum-space and quantum-chemist

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We analyze and discuss convergence properties of a numerically exact algorithm tailored to study the dynamics of interacting two-dimensional lattice systems. The method is based on the application of the time-dependent variational principle in a mani fold of binary and quaternary Tree Tensor Network States. The approach is found to be competitive with existing matrix product state approaches. We discuss issues related to the convergence of the method, which could be relevant to a broader set of numerical techniques used for the study of two-dimensional systems.
We show that Projected Entangled-Pair States (PEPS) are able to describe critical, fermionic systems exhibiting both 1d and 0d Fermi surfaces on a 2d lattice. In the thermodynamic limit, the energy precision as a function of the bond dimension improv es as a power law, illustrating that an arbitrary precision can be obtained by increasing the bond dimension in a controlled manner. We also identify a non-trivial obstruction in the Gaussian and fermionic variant of PEPS, rooted in its topology and restricting its efficient applicability to models with a matching parity configuration.
132 - Roman Orus 2018
Tensor network states and methods have erupted in recent years. Originally developed in the context of condensed matter physics and based on renormalization group ideas, tensor networks lived a revival thanks to quantum information theory and the und erstanding of entanglement in quantum many-body systems. Moreover, it has been not-so-long realized that tensor network states play a key role in other scientific disciplines, such as quantum gravity and artificial intelligence. In this context, here we provide an overview of basic concepts and key developments in the field. In particular, we briefly discuss the most important tensor network structures and algorithms, together with a sketch on advances related to global and gauge symmetries, fermions, topological order, classification of phases, entanglement Hamiltonians, AdS/CFT, artificial intelligence, the 2d Hubbard model, 2d quantum antiferromagnets, conformal field theory, quantum chemistry, disordered systems, and many-body localization.
126 - Lixin He , Hong An , Chao Yang 2018
The study of strongly frustrated magnetic systems has drawn great attentions from both theoretical and experimental physics. Efficient simulations of these models are essential for understanding their exotic properties. Here we present PEPS++, a nove l computational paradigm for simulating frustrated magnetic systems and other strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. PEPS++ can accurately solve these models at the extreme scale with low cost and high scalability on modern heterogeneous supercomputers. We implement PEPS++ on Sunway TaihuLight based on a carefully designed tensor computation library for manipulating high-rank tensors and optimize it by invoking various high-performance matrix and tensor operations. By solving a 2D strongly frustrated $J_1$-$J_2$ model with over ten million cores, PEPS++ demonstrates the capability of simulating strongly correlated quantum many-body problems at unprecedented scales with accuracy and time-to-solution far beyond the previous state of the art.
We present a generalization of the Time Dependent Variational Principle (TDVP) to any finite sized loop-free tensor network. The major advantage of TDVP is that it can be employed as long as a representation of the Hamiltonian in the same tensor netw ork structure that encodes the state is available. Often, such a representation can be found also for long-range terms in the Hamiltonian. As an application we use TDVP for the Fork Tensor Product States tensor network for multi-orbital Anderson impurity models. We demonstrate that TDVP allows to account for off-diagonal hybridizations in the bath which are relevant when spin-orbit coupling effects are important, or when distortions of the crystal lattice are present.
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