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Modeling Multi-Wavelength Stellar Astrometry. I. SIM Lite Observations of Interacting Binaries

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 نشر من قبل Jeffrey Coughlin
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Interacting binaries consist of a secondary star which fills or is very close to filling its Roche lobe, resulting in accretion onto the primary star, which is often, but not always, a compact object. In many cases, the primary star, secondary star, and the accretion disk can all be significant sources of luminosity. SIM Lite will only measure the photocenter of an astrometric target, and thus determining the true astrometric orbits of such systems will be difficult. We have modified the Eclipsing Light Curve code (Orosz & Hauschildt 2000) to allow us to model the flux-weighted reflex motions of interacting binaries, in a code we call REFLUX. This code gives us sufficient flexibility to investigate nearly every configuration of interacting binary. We find that SIM Lite will be able to determine astrometric orbits for all sufficiently bright interacting binaries where the primary or secondary star dominates the luminosity. For systems where there are multiple components that comprise the spectrum in the optical bandpass accessible to SIM Lite, we find it is possible to obtain absolute masses for both components, although multi-wavelength photometry will be required to disentangle the multiple components. In all cases, SIM Lite will at least yield accurate inclinations, and provide valuable information that will allow us to begin to understand the complex evolution of mass-transferring binaries. It is critical that SIM Lite maintains a multi-wavelength capability to allow for the proper deconvolution of the astrometric orbits in multi-component systems.

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اقرأ أيضاً

93 - M. Shao , B. Nemati 2008
SIM-Lite is an astrometric interferometer being designed for sub-microarcsecond astrometry, with a wide range of applications from searches for Earth-analogs to determining the distribution of dark matter. SIM-Lite measurements can be limited by rand om and systematic errors, as well as astrophysical noise. In this paper we focus on instrument systematic errors and report results from SIM-Lites interferometer testbed. We find that, for narrow-angle astrometry such as used for planet finding, the end-of-mission noise floor for SIM-Lite is below 0.035 uas.
257 - Angelle M. Tanner 2010
With the development of extreme high contrast ground-based adaptive optics instruments and space missions aimed at detecting and characterizing Jupiter- and terrestrial-mass planets, it is critical that each target star be thoroughly vetted to determ ine whether it is a viable target given both the instrumental design and scientific goals of the program. With this in mind, we have conducted a high contrast imaging survey of mature AFGKM stars with the PALAO/PHARO instrument on the Palomar 200 inch telescope. The survey reached sensitivities sufficient to detect brown dwarf companions at separations of > 50 AU. The results of this survey will be utilized both by future direct imaging projects such as GPI, SPHERE and P1640 and indirect detection missions such as SIM Lite. Out of 84 targets, all but one have no close-in (0.45-1) companions and 64 (76%) have no stars at all within the 25 field-of-view. The sensitivity contrasts in the Ks passband ranged from 4.5 to 10 for this set of observations. These stars were selected as the best nearby targets for habitable planet searches owing to their long-lived habitable zones (> 1 billion years). We report two stars, GJ 454 and GJ 1020, with previously unpublished proper motion companions. In both cases, the companions are stellar in nature and are most likely M dwarfs based on their absolute magnitudes and colors. Based on our mass sensitivities and level of completeness, we can place an upper limit of ~17% on the presence of brown dwarf companions with masses >40 MJ at separations of 1 arcsecond. We also discuss the importance of including statistics on those stars with no detected companions in their field of view for the sake of future companion searches and an overall understanding of the population of low-mass objects around nearby stars.
We present and analyze ALMA submillimeter observations from a multi-wavelength campaign of Sgr A* during 18 July 2019. In addition to the submillimeter, we utilize concurrent mid-IR (Spitzer) and X-ray (Chandra) observations. The submillimeter emissi on lags $delta t=21.48^{+3.44}_{-3.57}$ minutes behind the mid-IR data. The entire submillimeter flare was not observed, raising the possibility that the time delay is a consequence of incomplete sampling of the light curve. The decay of the submillimeter emission is not consistent with synchrotron cooling. Therefore, we analyze these data adopting an adiabatically expanding synchrotron source that is initially optically thick or thin in the submillimeter, yielding time-delayed or synchronous flaring with the IR, respectively. The time-delayed model is consistent with a plasma blob of radius $0.8~R_{text{S}}$ (Schwarzschild radius), electron power-law index $p=3.5$ ($N(E)propto E^{-p}$), equipartition magnetic field of $B_{text{eq}}approx90$ Gauss, and expansion velocity $v_{text{exp}}approx0.004c$. The simultaneous emission is fit by a plasma blob of radius $2~R_{text{S}}$, $p=2.5$, $B_{text{eq}}approx27$ Gauss, and $v_{text{exp}}approx0.014c$. Since the submillimeter time delay is not completely unambiguous, we cannot definitely conclude which model better represents the data. This observation presents the best evidence for a unified flaring mechanism between submillimeter and X-ray wavelengths and places significant constraints on the source size and magnetic field strength. We show that concurrent observations at lower frequencies would be able to determine if the flaring emission is initially optically thick or thin in the submillimeter.
We present observations of the afterglow of GRB 080319B at optical, mm and radio frequencies from a few hours to 67 days after the burst. Present observations along with other published multi-wavelength data have been used to study the light-curves a nd spectral energy distributions of the burst afterglow. The nature of this brightest cosmic explosion has been explored based on the observed properties and its comparison with the afterglow models. Our results show that the observed features of the afterglow fits equally good with the Inter Stellar Matter and the Stellar Wind density profiles of the circum-burst medium. In case of both density profiles, location of the maximum synchrotron frequency $ u_m$ is below optical and the value of cooling break frequency $ u_c$ is below $X-$rays, $sim 10^{4}$s after the burst. Also, the derived value of the Lorentz factor at the time of naked eye brightness is $sim 300$ with the corresponding blast wave size of $sim 10^{18}$ cm. The numerical fit to the multi-wavelength afterglow data constraints the values of physical parameters and the emission mechanism of the burst.
112 - J. A. Eisner 2012
We present imaging observations at 1.3 mm wavelength of Class I protostars in the Taurus star forming region, obtained with the CARMA interferometer. Of an initial sample of 10 objects, we detected and imaged millimeter wavelength emission from 9. On e of the 9 is resolved into two sources, and detailed analysis of this binary protostellar system is deferred to a future paper. For the remaining 8 objects, we use the CARMA data to determine the basic morphology of the millimeter emission. Combining the millimeter data with 0.9 micron images of scattered light, Spitzer IRS spectra, and broadband SEDs (all from the literature), we attempt to determine the structure of the circumstellar material. We consider models including both circumstellar disks and envelopes, and constrain the masses (and other structural parameters) of each of these components. We show that the disk masses in our sample span a range from <0.01 to >0.1 Msun. The disk masses for our sample are significantly higher than for samples of more evolved Class II objects. Thus, Class I disk masses probably provide a more accurate estimate of the initial mass budget for star and planet formation. However, the disk masses determined here are lower than required by theories of giant planet formation. The masses also appear too low for gravitational instability, which could lead to high mass accretion rates. Even in these Class I disks, substantial particle growth may have hidden much of the disk mass in hard-to-see larger bodies.
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