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A possible generation mechanism for the IBEX ribbon from outside the heliosphere

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 نشر من قبل Maciej Bzowski
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف S. Grzedzielski

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The brightest and most surprising feature in the first all-sky maps of Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENA) emissions (0.2-6 keV) produced by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) is an almost circular ribbon of a ~140{deg} opening angle, centered at (l,b) = (33{deg}, 55{deg}), covering the part of the celestial sphere with the lowest column densities of the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC). We propose a novel interpretation of the IBEX results based on the idea of ENA produced by charge-exchange between the neutral H atoms at the nearby edge of the LIC and the hot protons of the Local Bubble (LB). These ENAs can reach the Suns vicinity because of very low column density of the intervening LIC material. We show that a plane-parallel or slightly curved interface layer of contact between the LIC H atoms (n_H = 0.2 cm^-3, T = 6000-7000 K) and the LB protons (n_p = 0.005 cm^-3, T ~ 10^6 K), together with indirect contribution coming from multiply-scattered ENAs from the LB, may be able to explain both the shape of the ribbon and the observed intensities provided that the edge is < (500-2000) AU away, the LIC proton density is (correspondingly) < (0.04-0.01) cm^-3, and the LB contains ~1% of non-thermal protons over the IBEX energy range. If this model is correct, then IBEX, for the first time, has imaged in ENAs a celestial object from beyond the confines of the heliosphere and can directly diagnose the plasma conditions in the LB.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Maps of Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) fluxes obtained from Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) observations revealed a bright structure extending over the sky, subsequently dubbed the IBEX ribbon. The ribbon had not been expected from the existing m odels and theories prior to IBEX, and a number of mechanisms have since been proposed to explain the observations. In these mechanisms, the observed ENAs emerge from source plasmas located at different distances from the Sun. Since each part of the sky is observed by IBEX twice during the year from opposite sides of the Sun, the apparent position of the ribbon as observed in the sky is shifted due to parallax. To determine the ribbon parallax, we found the precise location of the maximum signal of the ribbon observed in each orbital arc. The obtained apparent positions were subsequently corrected for the Compton-Getting effect, gravitational deflection, and radiation pressure. Finally, we selected a part of the ribbon where its position is similar between the IBEX energy passbands. We compared the apparent positions obtained from the viewing locations on the opposite sides of the Sun, and found that they are shifted by a parallax angle of $0.41^circpm0.15^circ$, which corresponds to a distance of $140^{+84}_{-38}$ AU. This finding supports models of the ribbon with the source located just outside the heliopause.
Direct-sampling observations of interstellar neutral (ISN) He by Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) provide valuable insight into the physical state of and processes operating in the interstellar medium ahead of the heliosphere. The ISN He atom si gnals are observed at the four lowest ESA steps of the IBEX-Lo sensor. The observed signal is a mixture of the primary and secondary components of ISN He and H. Previously, only data from one of the ESA steps have been used. Here, we extended the analysis to data collected in the three lowest ESA steps with the strongest ISN He signal, for the observation seasons 2009-2015. The instrument sensitivity is modeled as a linear function of the atom impact speed onto the sensors conversion surface separately for each ESA step of the instrument. We found that the sensitivity increases from lower to higher ESA steps, but within each of the ESA steps it is a decreasing function of the atom impact speed. This result may be influenced by the hydrogen contribution, which was not included in the adopted model, but seems to exist in the signal. We conclude that the currently accepted temperature of ISN He and velocity of the Sun through the interstellar medium do not need a revision, and we sketch a plan of further data analysis aiming at investigating ISN H and a better understanding of the population of ISN He originating in the outer heliosheath.
The interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) near the heliosphere is a basic part of the solar neighborhood that can only be studied using polarized starlight. Results of an ongoing survey of polarized starlight are analyzed with the goal of linking the in terstellar magnetic field that shapes the heliosphere to the nearby field in interstellar space. New results for the direction of the nearby ISMF, based on a merit function that utilizes polarization position angles, identify several magnetic components. The dominant interstellar field, B_pol, is aligned with the direction L,B= 36.2,49.0 (+/-16.0) degrees and is within 8 degrees of the IBEX Ribbon ISMF direction. Stars tracing B_pol have the same mean distance as stars that do not trace B_pol, but show weaker polarizations consistent with lower column densities of polarizing grains. The variations in the polarization position angle directions indicate a low level of magnetic turbulence. B_pol is found after excluding polarizations that trace a separate magnetic structure that apparently is due to interstellar dust deflected around the heliosphere. Local interstellar cloud velocities relative to the LSR increase with the angles between the LSR velocities and ISMF, indicating that the kinematics of local interstellar material is ordered by the ISMF. Polarization and color excess data are consistent with an extension of Loop I to the solar vicinity. Polarizations are consistent with previous findings of more efficient grain alignment in low column density sightlines. Optical polarization and color excess data indicate the presence of nearby interstellar dust in the BICEP2 field. Color excess E(B-V) indicates an optical extinction of A_V about 0.59 mag in the BICEP2 field, while the polarization data indicate that A_V is larger than 0.09 mag. The IBEX Ribbon ISMF extends to the boundaries of the BICEP2 region.
The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) has now operated in space for 7 years and returned nearly continuous observations that have led to scientific discoveries and reshaped our entire understanding of the outer heliosphere and its interaction wit h the local interstellar medium. Here we extend prior work, adding the 2014-2015 data for the first time, and examine, validate, initially analyze, and provide a complete 7-year set of Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) observations from ~0.1 to 6 keV. The data, maps, and documentation provided here represent the 10th major release of IBEX data and include improvements to various prior corrections to provide the citable reference for the current version of IBEX data. We are now able to study time variations in the outer heliosphere and interstellar interaction over more than half a solar cycle. We find that the Ribbon has evolved differently than the globally distributed flux (GDF), with a leveling off and partial recovery of ENAs from the GDF, owing to solar wind output flattening and recovery. The Ribbon has now also lost its latitudinal ordering, which reflects the breakdown of solar minimum solar wind conditions and exhibits a greater time delay than for the surrounding GDF. Together, the IBEX observations strongly support a secondary ENA source for the Ribbon, and we suggest that this be adopted as the nominal explanation of the Ribbon going forward.
In the early 1990s, after its Jupiter flyby, the Ulysses spacecraft identified interstellar dust in the solar system. Since then the in-situ dust detector on board Ulysses continuously monitored interstellar grains with masses up to 10e-13 kg, penetr ating deep into the solar system. While Ulysses measured the interstellar dust stream at high ecliptic latitudes between 3 and 5 AU, interstellar impactors were also measured with the in-situ dust detectors on board Cassini, Galileo and Helios, covering a heliocentric distance range between 0.3 and 3 AU in the ecliptic plane. The interstellar dust stream in the inner solar system is altered by the solar radiation pressure force, gravitational focussing and interaction of charged grains with the time varying interplanetary magnetic field. The grains act as tracers of the physical conditions in the local interstellar cloud (LIC). Our in-situ measurements imply the existence of a population of big interstellar grains (up to 10e-13 kg) and a gas-to-dust-mass ratio in the LIC which is a factor of > 2 larger than the one derived from astronomical observations, indicating a concentration of interstellar dust in the very local interstellar medium. Until 2004, the interstellar dust flow direction measured by Ulysses was close to the mean apex of the Suns motion through the LIC, while in 2005, the data showed a 30 deg shift, the reason of which is presently unknown. We review the results from spacecraft-based in-situ interstellar dust measurements in the solar system and their implications for the physical and chemical state of the LIC.
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