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Segments and Hilbert schemes of points

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 نشر من قبل Paolo Lella
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Using results obtained from the study of homogeneous ideals sharing the same initial ideal with respect to some term order, we prove the singularity of the point corresponding to a segment ideal with respect to the revlex term order in the Hilbert scheme of points in $mathbb{P}^n$. In this context, we look inside properties of several types of segment ideals that we define and compare. This study led us to focus our attention also to connections between the shape of generators of Borel ideals and the related Hilbert polynomial, providing an algorithm for computing all saturated Borel ideals with the given Hilbert polynomial.

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It remains an open problem to classify the Hilbert functions of double points in $mathbb{P}^2$. Given a valid Hilbert function $H$ of a zero-dimensional scheme in $mathbb{P}^2$, we show how to construct a set of fat points $Z subseteq mathbb{P}^2$ of double and reduced points such that $H_Z$, the Hilbert function of $Z$, is the same as $H$. In other words, we show that any valid Hilbert function $H$ of a zero-dimensional scheme is the Hilbert function of a set of a positive number of double points and some reduced points. For some families of valid Hilbert functions, we are also able to show that $H$ is the Hilbert function of only double points. In addition, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the Hilbert function of a scheme of a double points, or double points plus one additional reduced point, to be the Hilbert function of points with support on a star configuration of lines.
In this paper we provide a new method to certify that a nearby polynomial system has a singular isolated root with a prescribed multiplicity structure. More precisely, given a polynomial system f $=(f_1, ldots, f_N)in C[x_1, ldots, x_n]^N$, we presen t a Newton iteration on an extended deflated system that locally converges, under regularity conditions, to a small deformation of $f$ such that this deformed system has an exact singular root. The iteration simultaneously converges to the coordinates of the singular root and the coefficients of the so called inverse system that describes the multiplicity structure at the root. We use $$alpha$$-theory test to certify the quadratic convergence, and togive bounds on the size of the deformation and on the approximation error. The approach relies on an analysis of the punctual Hilbert scheme, for which we provide a new description. We show in particular that some of its strata can be rationally parametrized and exploit these parametrizations in the certification. We show in numerical experimentation how the approximate inverse system can be computed as a starting point of the Newton iterations and the fast numerical convergence to the singular root with its multiplicity structure, certified by our criteria.
89 - V. Trivedi 2015
For a pair $(M, I)$, where $M$ is finitely generated graded module over a standard graded ring $R$ of dimension $d$, and $I$ is a graded ideal with $ell(R/I) < infty$, we introduce a new invariant $HKd(M, I)$ called the {em Hilbert-Kunz density funct ion}. In Theorem 1.1, we relate this to the Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity $e_{HK}(M,I)$ by an integral formula. We prove that the Hilbert-Kunz density function is additive. Moreover it satisfies a multiplicative formula for a Segre product of rings. This gives a formula for $e_{HK}$ of the Segre product of rings in terms of the HKd of the rings involved. As a corollary, $e_{HK}$ of the Segre product of any finite number of Projective curves is a rational number. As an another application we see that $e_{HK}(R, {bf m}^k) - e(R, {bf m}^k)/d!$ grows at least as a fixed positive multiple of $k^{d-1}$ as $kto infty$.
We study the closed convex hull of various collections of Hilbert functions. Working over a standard graded polynomial ring with modules that are generated in degree zero, we describe the supporting hyperplanes and extreme rays for the cones generate d by the Hilbert functions of all modules, all modules with bounded a-invariant, and all modules with bounded Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity. The first of these cones is infinite-dimensional and simplicial, the second is finite-dimensional but neither simplicial nor polyhedral, and the third is finite-dimensional and simplicial.
175 - M.E. Rossi , G. Valla 2009
In this presentation we shall deal with some aspects of the theory of Hilbert functions of modules over local rings, and we intend to guide the reader along one of the possible routes through the last three decades of progress in this area of dynamic mathematical activity. Motivated by the ever increasing interest in this field, our goal is to gather together many new developments of this theory into one place, and to present them using a unifying approach which gives self-contained and easier proofs. In this text we shall discuss many results by different authors, following essentially the direction typified by the pioneering work of J. Sally. Our personal view of the subject is most visibly expressed by the presentation of Chapters 1 and 2 in which we discuss the use of the superficial elements and related devices. Basic techniques will be stressed with the aim of reproving recent results by using a more elementary approach. Over the past few years several papers have appeared which extend classical results on the theory of Hilbert functions to the case of filtered modules. The extension of the theory to the case of general filtrations on a module has one more important motivation. Namely, we have interesting applications to the study of graded algebras which are not associated to a filtration, in particular the Fiber cone and the Sally-module. We show here that each of these algebras fits into certain short exact sequences, together with algebras associated to filtrations. Hence one can study the Hilbert function and the depth of these algebras with the aid of the know-how we got in the case of a filtration.
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