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The dusty heart of nearby active galaxies. I. High-spatial resolution mid-IR spectro-photometry of Seyfert galaxies

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 نشر من قبل Sebastian H\\\"onig
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present 8-13 micron imaging and spectroscopy of 9 type 1 and 10 type 2 AGN obtained with the VLT/VISIR instrument at spatial resolution <100 pc. The emission from the host galaxy sources is resolved out in most cases. The silicate absorption features are moderately deep and emission features are shallow. We compare the mid-IR luminosities to AGN luminosity tracers and found that the mid-IR radiation is emitted quite isotropically. In two cases, IC5063 and MCG-3-34-64, we find evidence for extended dust emission in the narrow-line region. We confirm the correlation between observed silicate feature strength and Hydrogen column density recently found in Spitzer data. In a further step, our 3D clumpy torus model has been used to interpret the data. We show that the strength of the silicate feature and the mid-IR spectral index can be used to get reasonable constraints on the dust distribution in the torus. The mid-IR spectral index, alpha, is almost exclusively determined by the radial dust distribution power-law index, a, and the silicate feature depth is mostly depending on the average number of clouds, N0, along an equatorial line-of-sight and the torus inclination. A comparison of model predictions to our type 1 and type 2 AGN reveals typical average parameters a=-1.0+/-0.5 and N0=5-8, which means that the radial dust distribution is rather shallow. As a proof-of-concept of this method, we compared the model parameters derived from alpha and the silicate feature to more detailed studies of IR SEDs and interferometry and found that the constraints on a and N0 are consistent. Finally, we might have found evidence that the radial structure of the torus changes from low to high AGN luminosities towards steeper dust distributions, and we discuss implications for the IR size-luminosity relation. (abridged)

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We present mid-infrared (MIR, 7.5-13.5 $mu$m) imaging and spectroscopy observations obtained with the CanariCam (CC) instrument on the 10.4m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS for a sample of 20 nearby, MIR bright and X-ray luminous QSOs. We find that for the majority of QSOs the MIR emission is unresolved at angular scales nearly 0.3 arcsec, corresponding to physical scales $<600$ pc. We find that the higher-spatial resolution CC spectra have similar shapes to those obtained with Spitzer/IRS, and hence we can assume that the spectra are not heavily contaminated by extended emission in the host galaxy. We thus take advantage of the higher signal to noise Spitzer/IRS spectra, as a fair representation of the nuclear emission, to decompose it into a combination of active galactic nuclei (AGN), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and stellar components. In most cases the AGN is the dominant component, with a median contribution of 85 per cent of the continuum light at MIR (5-15 $mu$m) within the IRS slit. This IR AGN emission is well reproduced by clumpy torus models. We find evidence for significant differences in the parameters that describe the dusty tori of QSOs when compared with the same parameters of Seyfert 1 and 2 nuclei. In particular, we find a lower number of clouds ($N_{0}<12$), steeper radial distribution of clouds ($q=1.5-3.0$), and clouds that are less optically thick ($tau_{V}<100$) than in Seyfert 1, which could be attributed to dusty structures that have been partially evaporated and piled up by the higher radiation field in QSOs. We find that the combination of the angular width $sigma_{torus}$, viewing angle $i$, and number of clouds along the equatorial line $N_{0}$, produces large escape probabilities ($P_{esc} > 2$ per cent) and low geometrical covering factors ($f_{2}<0.6$), as expected for AGN with broad lines in their optical spectra.
We present an atlas of Spitzer/IRS high resolution (R~600) 10-37um spectra for 24 well known starburst galaxies. The spectra are dominated by fine-structure lines, molecular hydrogen lines, and emission bands of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Six out of the eight objects with a known AGN component show emission of the high excitation [NeV] line. This line is also seen in one other object (NGC4194) with, a priori, no known AGN component. In addition to strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission features in this wavelength range (11.3, 12.7, 16.4um), the spectra reveal other weak hydrocarbon features at 10.6, 13.5, 14.2um, and a previously unreported emission feature at 10.75um. An unidentified absorption feature at 13.7um is detected in many of the starbursts. We use the fine-structure lines to derive the abundance of neon and sulfur for 14 objects where the HI 7-6 line is detected. We further use the molecular hydrogen lines to sample the properties of the warm molecular gas. Several basic diagrams characterizing the properties of the sample are also shown. We have combined the spectra of all the pure starburst objects to create a high S/N template, which is available to the community.
We present the Very Large Array survey of Advanced Camera for Surveys Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury galaxies (VLA-ANGST). VLA-ANGST is a National Radio Astronomy Observatory Large Program consisting of high spectral (0.6-2.6 km/s) and spatial (~6) re solution observations of neutral, atomic hydrogen (HI) emission toward 35 nearby dwarf galaxies from the ANGST survey. ANGST is a systematic HST survey to establish a legacy of uniform multi-color photometry of resolved stars for a volume-limited sample of nearby galaxies (Dlesssim4 Mpc). VLA-ANGST provides VLA HI observations of the sub-sample of ANGST galaxies with recent star formation that are observable from the northern hemisphere and that were not observed in the The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). The overarching scientific goal of VLA-ANGST is to investigate fundamental characteristics of the neutral interstellar medium (ISM) of dwarf galaxies. Here we describe the VLA observations, the data reduction, and the final VLA-ANGST data products. We present an atlas of the integrated HI maps, the intensity-weighted velocity fields, the second moment maps as a measure for the velocity dispersion of the HI, individual channel maps, and integrated HI spectra for each VLA-ANGST galaxy. We closely follow the observational setup and data reduction of THINGS to achieve comparable sensitivity and angular resolution. A major difference, however, is the high velocity resolution of the VLA-ANGST observations (0.65 and 1.3km/s for the majority of the galaxies). The VLA-ANGST data products are made publicly available at: https://science.nrao.edu/science/surveys/vla-angst. With available star formation histories from resolved stellar populations and lower resolution ancillary observations from the FIR to the UV, VLA-ANGST will enable detailed studies of the relationship between the ISM and star formation in dwarf galaxies on a ~100 pc scale.
144 - T. Diaz-Santos 2010
We present a high spatial (diffraction-limited) resolution (~0.3) mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopic study of the nuclei and star-forming regions of 4 local luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) using T-ReCS on the Gemini South telescope. We investigate t he spatial variations of the features seen in the N-band spectra of LIRGs on scales of ~100 pc, which allow us to separate the AGN emission from that of the star formation (SF). We compare our Gemini T-ReCS nuclear and integrated spectra of LIRGs with those obtained with Spitzer IRS. The 9.7um silicate absorption feature is weaker in the nuclei of the LIRGs than in the surrounding regions. This is probably due to the either clumpy or compact environment of the central AGN or young, nuclear starburst. We find that the [NeII] luminosity surface density is tightly and directly correlated with that of Pa-alpha for the LIRG star-forming regions (slope of 1.00+-0.02). Although the 11.3um PAH feature shows also a trend with Pa-alpha, this is not common for all the regions. We also find that the [NeII]Pa-alpha ratio does not depend on the Pa-alpha equivalent width (EW), i.e., on the age of the ionizing stellar populations, suggesting that, on the scales probed here, the [NeII] emission line is a good tracer of the SF activity in LIRGs. On the other hand, the 11.3um PAHPa-alpha ratio increases for smaller values of the Pa-alpha EW (increasing ages), indicating that the 11.3um PAH feature can also be excited by older stars than those responsible for the Pa-alpha emission. Additional high spatial resolution observations are essential to investigate, in a statistical way, the star formation in local LIRGs at the smallest scales and to probe ultimately whether they share the same physical properties as high-z LIRGs, ULIRGs and submillimiter galaxies.
We present diffraction-limited (FWHM ~ 0.3arcsec) Gemini/T-ReCS mid-infrared (MIR: N-band or narrow-band at 8.7micron) imaging of four Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) drawn from a representative local sample. The MIR emission in the central few kp c is strikingly similar to that traced by Pa-alpha, and generally consists of bright nuclear emission and several compact circumnuclear and/or extranuclear HII regions. The central MIR emission is dominated by these powerful HII regions, consistent with the majority of AGN in this local sample of LIRGs contributing a minor part of the MIR emission. The luminous circumnuclear HII regions detected in LIRGs follow the extrapolation of the 8micron vs. Pa-alpha relation found for M51 HII knots. The integrated central 3-7kpc of galaxies, however, present elevated 8micron/Pa-alpha ratios with respect to individual HII regions, similar to the integrated values for star-forming galaxies. Our results show that the diffuse 8micron emission, not directly related to the ionizing stellar population, can be as luminous as that from the resolved HII regions. Therefore, calibrations of the star formation rate for distant galaxies should be based on the integrated 8micron emission of nearby galaxies, not that of the HII regions alone.
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