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Theory of anisotropic Rashba splitting of surface states

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 نشر من قبل Laszlo Szunyogh Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the surface Rashba effect for a surface of reduced in-plane symmetry. Formulating a k.p perturbation theory, we show that the Rashba splitting is anisotropic, in agreement with symmetry-based considerations. We show that the anisotropic Rashba splitting is due to the admixture of bulk states of different symmetry to the surface state, and it cannot be explained within the standard theoretical picture supposing just a normal-to-surface variation of the crystal potential. Performing relativistic ab initio calculations we find a remarkably large Rashba anisotropy for an unreconstructed Au(110) surface that is in the experimentally accessible range.

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We study the band structure of the $text{Bi}_2text{Se}_3$ topological insulator (111) surface using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We examine the situation where two sets of quantized subbands exhibiting different Rashba spin-splitting ar e created via bending of the conduction (CB) and the valence (VB) bands at the surface. While the CB subbands are strongly Rashba spin-split, the VB subbands do not exhibit clear spin-splitting. We find that CB and VB experience similar band bending magnitudes, which means, a spin-splitting discrepancy due to different surface potential gradients can be excluded. On the other hand, by comparing the experimental band structure to first principles LMTO band structure calculations, we find that the strongly spin-orbit coupled Bi 6$p$ orbitals dominate the orbital character of CB, whereas their admixture to VB is rather small. The spin-splitting discrepancy is, therefore, traced back to the difference in spin-orbit coupling between CB and VB in the respective subbands regions.
We investigate theoretically the properties of a weak link between two superconducting leads, which has the form of a non-superconducting nanowire with a strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling caused by an electric field. In the Coulomb blockade regime of single-electron tunneling, we find that such a weak link acts as a spin splitter of the spin states of Cooper pairs tunneling through the link, to an extent that depends on the direction of the electric field. We show that the Josephson current is sensitive to interference between the resulting two transmission channels, one where the spins of both members of a Cooper pair are preserved and one where they are both flipped. As a result, the current is a periodic function of the strength of the spin-orbit interaction and of the bending angle of the nanowire (when mechanically bent); an identical effect appears due to strain-induced spin-orbit coupling. In contrast, no spin-orbit induced interference effect can influence the current through a single weak link connecting two normal metals.
We report on beating appearance in Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in conduction band of 18-22nm HgTe quantum wells under applied top-gate voltage. Analysis of the beatings reveals two electron concentrations at the Fermi level arising due to Rashba-l ike spin splitting of the first conduction subband H1. The difference dN_s in two concentrations as a function of the gate voltage is qualitatively explained by a proposed toy electrostatic model involving the surface states localized at quantum well interfaces. Experimental values of dN_s are also in a good quantitative agreement with self-consistent calculations of Poisson and Schrodinger equations with eight-band kp Hamiltonian. Our results clearly demonstrate that the large spin splitting of the first conduction subband is caused by surface nature of $H1$ states hybridized with the heavy-hole band.
Electric weak links, the term used for those parts of an electrical circuit that provide most of the resistance against the flow of an electrical current, are important elements of many nanodevices. Quantum dots, nanowires and nano-constrictions that bridge two bulk conductors (or superconductors) are examples of such weak links. Here we consider nanostructures where the electronic spin-orbit interaction is strong in the weak link but is unimportant in the bulk conductors, and explore theoretically the role of the spin-orbit active weak link (which we call a Rashba spin splitter) as a source of new spin-based functionality in both normal and superconducting devices. Some recently predicted phenomena, including mechanically-controlled spin- and charge currents as well as the effect of spin polarization of superconducting Cooper pairs, are reviewed.
Electronic states on the Bi/InAs(110)-(2$times$1) surface and its spin-polarized structure are revealed by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES), spin-resolved ARPES, and density-functional-theory calculation. The surface state showed qua si-one-dimensional (Q1D) dispersion and a nearly metallic character; the top of the hole-like surface band is just below the Fermi level. The size of the Rashba parameter ($alpha_{rm R}$) reached quite a large value ($sim$5.5 eVAA). The present result would provide a fertile playground for further studies of the exotic electronic phenomena in 1D or Q1D systems with the spin-split electronic states as well as for advanced spintronic devices.
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