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The Rise and Fall of Passive Disk Galaxies: Morphological Evolution Along the Red Sequence Revealed by COSMOS

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 نشر من قبل Kevin Bundy
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف K. Bundy

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The increasing abundance of passive red-sequence galaxies since z=1-2 is mirrored by a coincident rise in the number of galaxies with spheroidal morphologies. In this paper, however, we show that in detail the correspondence between galaxy morphology and color is not perfect, providing insight into the physical origin of this evolution. Using the COSMOS survey, we study a significant population of red sequence galaxies with disk-like morphologies. These passive disks typically have Sa-Sb morphological types with large bulges, but they are not confined to dense environments. They represent nearly one-half of all red-sequence galaxies and dominate at lower masses (log Mstar < 10) where they are increasingly disk-dominated. As a function of time, the abundance of passive disks with log Mstar < 11 increases, but not as fast as red-sequence spheroidals in the same mass range. At higher mass, the passive disk population has declined since z~1, likely because they transform into spheroidals. We estimate that as much as 60% of galaxies transitioning onto the red sequence evolve through a passive disk phase. The origin of passive disks therefore has broad implications for understanding how star formation shuts down. Because passive disks tend to be more bulge-dominated than their star-forming counterparts, a simple fading of blue disks does not fully explain their origin. We explore several more sophisticated explanations, including environmental effects, internal stabilization, and disk regrowth during gas-rich mergers. While previous work has sought to explain color and morphological transformations with a single process, these observations open the way to new insight by highlighting the fact that galaxy evolution may actually proceed through several separate stages.

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Galaxies arrive on the red sequences of clusters at high redshift ($z>1$) once their star formation is quenched and evolve passively thereafter. However, we have previously found that cluster red sequence galaxies (CRSGs) undergo significant morpholo gical evolution subsequent to the cessation of star formation, at some point in the past 9-10~Gyr. Through a detailed study of a large sample of cluster red sequence galaxies spanning $0.2<z<1.4$ we elucidate the details of this evolution. Below $z sim 0.5-0.6$ (in the last 5-6 Gyr) there is little or no morphological evolution in the population as a whole, unlike in the previous 4-5 Gyrs. Over this earlier time (i) disk-like systems with S{e}rsic $n < 2$ progressively disappear, as (ii) the range of their axial ratios similarly decreases, removing the most elongated systems (those consistent with thin disks seen at an appreciable inclination angle), and (iii) radial colour gradients (bluer outwards) decrease in an absolute sense from significant age-related gradients to a residual level consistent with the metallicity-induced gradients seen in low redshift cluster members. The distribution of their effective radii shows some evidence of evolution, consistent with growth of {it at most} a factor $<1.5$ between $zsim 1.4$ and $z sim 0.5$, significantly less than for comparable field galaxies, while the distribution of their central ($<1$kpc) bulge surface densities shows no evolution at least at $z<1$. A simple model involving the fading and thickening of a disk component after comparatively recent quenching (after $zsim 1.5$) around an otherwise passively evolving older spheroid component is consistent with all of these findings.
We carried out deep searches for CO line emission in the outer disk of M33, at R>7 kpc, and examined the dynamical conditions that can explain variations in the mass distribution of the molecular cloud throughout the disk of M33. We used the IRAM-30~ m telescope to search for CO lines in the outer disk toward 12 faint mid-infrared (MIR) selected sources and in an area of the southern outer disk hosting MA1, a bright HII region. We detect narrow CO lines at the location of two MIR sources at galactocentric distances of about 8 kpc that are associated with low-mass young stellar clusters, and at four locations in the proximity of MA1. The paucity of CO lines at the location of weak MIR-selected sources probably arises because most of them are not star-forming sites in M33, but background sources. Although very uncertain, the total molecular mass of the detected clouds around MA1 is lower than expected given the stellar mass of the cluster, because dispersal of the molecular gas is taking place as the HII region expands. The mean mass of the giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in M33 decreases radially by a factor 2 from the center out to 4 kpc, then it stays constant until it drops at R>7 kpc. We suggest that GMCs become more massive toward the center because of the fast rotation of the disk, which drives mass growth by coalescence of smaller condensations as they cross the arms. The analysis of both HI and CO spectral data gives the consistent result that corotation of the two main arms in this galaxy is at a radius of 4.7+-0.3 kpc, and spiral shock waves become subsonic beyond 3.9 kpc. Perturbations are quenched beyond 6.5 kpc, where CO lines have been detected only around sporadic condensations associated with UV and MIR emission.
Recent studies have argued that galaxy mergers are not important drivers for the evolution of S0s, on the basis that mergers cannot preserve the coupling between the bulge and disk scale-lengths observed in these galaxies and the lack of correlation of their ratio with the S0 Hubble type. We investigate whether the remnants resulting from collision-less N-body simulations of intermediate and minor mergers onto S0 galaxies evolve fulfilling global structural relations observed between the bulges and disks of these galaxies. Different initial bulge-to-disk ratios of the primary S0 have been considered, as well as different satellite densities, mass ratios, and orbits of the encounter. We have analysed the final morphology of the remnants in images simulating the typical observing conditions of S0 surveys. We derive bulge+disk decompositions of the final remnants to compare their global bulge-to-disk structure with observations. We show that all remnants present undisturbed S0 morphologies according to the prescriptions of specialized surveys. The dry intermediate and minor mergers induce noticeable bulge growth (S0c --> S0b and S0b --> S0a), but affect negligibly to the bulge and disk scale-lengths. Therefore, if a coupling between these two components exists prior to the merger, the encounter does not break this coupling. This fact provides a simple explanation for the lack of correlation between the ratio of bulge and disk scale-lengths and the S0 Hubble type reported by observations. These models prove that dry intermediate and minor mergers can induce global structural evolution within the sequence of S0 Hubble types compatible with observations, meaning that these processes should not be discarded from the evolutionary scenarios of S0s just on the basis of the strong coupling observed between the bulge and disk scale-lengths in these galaxies (abridged).
Galaxy mergers are considered as questionable mechanisms for the evolution of lenticular galaxies (S0s), on the basis that even minor ones induce structural changes that are difficult to reconcile with the strong bulge-disk coupling observed in the p hotometric scaling relations of S0s. We check if the evolution induced onto S0s by dry intermediate and minor mergers can reproduce their photometric scaling relations, analysing the bulge-disk decompositions of the merger simulations presented in Eliche-Moral et al. (2012). The mergers induce an evolution in the photometric planes compatible with the data of S0s, even in those ones indicating a strong bulge-disk coupling. The mergers drive the formation of the observed photometric relation in some cases, whereas they induce a slight dispersion compatible with data in others. Therefore, this evolutionary mechanism tends to preserve these scaling relations. In those photometric planes where the morphological types segregate, the mergers always induce evolution towards the region populated by S0s. The structural coupling of the bulge and the disk is preserved or reinforced because the mergers trigger internal secular processes in the primary disk that induce significant bulge growth, even although these models do not induce bars. Intermediate and minor mergers can thus be considered as plausible mechanisms for the evolution of S0s attending to their photometric scaling relations, as they can preserve and even strengthen any pre-existing structural bulge-disk coupling, triggering significant internal secular evolution (even in the absence of bars or dissipational effects). This means that it may be difficult to isolate the effects of pure internal secular evolution from those of the merger-driven one in present-day early-type disks (abridged).
We combine SAURON integral field data of a representative sample of local early-type, red sequence galaxies with Spitzer/IRAC imaging in order to investigate the presence of trace star formation in these systems. With the Spitzer data, we identify ga laxies hosting low-level star formation, as traced by PAH emission, with measured star formation rates that compare well to those estimated from other tracers. This star formation proceeds according to established scaling relations with molecular gas content, in surface density regimes characteristic of disk galaxies and circumnuclear starbursts. We find that star formation in early-type galaxies happens exclusively in fast-rotating systems and occurs in two distinct modes. In the first, star formation is a diffuse process, corresponding to widespread young stellar populations and high molecular gas content. The equal presence of co- and counter-rotating components in these systems strongly implies an external origin for the star-forming gas, and we argue that these star formation events may be the final stages of (mostly minor) mergers that build up the bulges of red sequence lenticulars. In the second mode of star formation, the process is concentrated into well-defined disk or ring morphologies, outside of which the host galaxies exhibit uniformly evolved stellar populations. This implies that these star formation events represent rejuvenations within previously quiescent stellar systems. Evidence for earlier star formation events similar to these in all fast rotating early-type galaxies suggests that this mode of star formation may be common to all such galaxies, with a duty cycle of roughly 1/10, and likely contributes to the embedded, co-rotating inner stellar disks ubiquitous in this population.
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