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Effect of fingerprints orientation on skin vibrations during tactile exploration of textured surfaces

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 نشر من قبل Julien Scheibert
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Alexis Prevost

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In humans, the tactile perception of fine textures is mediated by skin vibrations when scanning the surface with the fingertip. These vibrations are encoded by specific mechanoreceptors, Pacinian corpuscules (PCs), located about 2 mm below the skin surface. In a recent article, we performed experiments using a biomimetic sensor which suggest that fingerprints (epidermal ridges) may play an important role in shaping the subcutaneous stress vibrations in a way which facilitates their processing by the PC channel. Here we further test this hypothesis by directly recording the modulations of the fingerpad/substrate friction force induced by scanning an actual fingertip across a textured surface. When the fingerprints are oriented perpendicular to the scanning direction, the spectrum of these modulations shows a pronounced maximum around the frequency v/lambda, where v is the scanning velocity and lambda the fingerprints period. This simple biomechanical result confirms the relevance of our previous finding for human touch.

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Background: Skin marker-based analysis of functional spinal movement is a promising method for quantifying longitudinal effects of treatment interventions in patients with spinal pathologies. However, observed day-to-day changes might not necessarily be due to a treatment intervention, but can result from errors related to soft tissue artifacts, marker placement inaccuracies or biological day-to-day variability. Research question: How reliable are skin marker-derived three-dimensional spinal kinematics during functional activities between two separate measurement sessions? Methods: Twenty healthy adults (11f/9m) were invited to a movement analysis laboratory for two visits separated by 7-10 days. At each visit, they performed various functional activities (i.e. sitting, standing, walking, running, chair rising, box lifting and vertical jumping), while marker trajectories were recorded using a skin marker-based 10-camera optical motion capture system and used to calculate sagittal and frontal plane spinal curvature angles as well as transverse plane segmental rotational angles in the lumbar and thoracic regions. Between-session reliability for continuous data and discrete parameters was determined by analyzing systematic errors using one sample T-tests as well as by calculating intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and minimal detectable changes (MDCs). Results and Significance: The analysis indicated high relative consistency for sagittal plane curvature angles during all activities, but not for frontal and transverse plane angles during walking and running. MDCs were mostly below 15{deg}, with relative values ranging between 10% and 750%. This study provides important information that can serve as a basis for researchers and clinicians aiming at investigating longitudinal effects of treatment interventions on spinal motion behavior in patients with spinal pathologies.
Musculoskeletal models have the potential to improve diagnosis and optimize clinical treatment by predicting accurate outcomes on an individual basis. However, the subject-specific modeling of spinal alignment is often strongly simplified or is based on radiographic assessments, exposing subjects to unnecessary radiation. We therefore developed a novel skin marker-based approach for modeling subject-specific spinal alignment and evaluated its feasibility by comparing the predicted with the actual intervertebral joint (IVJ) locations/orientations (ground truth) using lateral-view radiographic images. Moreover, the predictive performance of the subject-specific models was evaluated by comparing the predicted L1/L2 spinal loads during various functional activities with in vivo measured data obtained from the OrthoLoad database. IVJ locations/orientations were predicted closer to ground truth as opposed to standard model scaling, with average location prediction errors of 0.99+/-0.68 cm on the frontal and 1.21+/-0.97 cm on the transverse axis as well as an average orientation prediction error of 4.74{deg}+/-2.80{deg}. Simulated spinal loads showed similar curve patterns but considerably larger values as compared to in vivo measured data. Differences in spinal loads between generic and subject-specific models become only apparent on an individual subject level. These results underline the feasibility of the proposed method and associated workflow for inter- and intra-subject investigations using musculoskeletal simulations. When implemented into standard model scaling workflows, it is expected to improve the accuracy of muscle activity and joint loading simulations, which is crucial for investigations of treatment effects or pathology-dependent deviations.
Diffusion tractography is routinely used to study white matter architecture and brain connectivity in vivo. A key step for successful tractography of neuronal tracts is the correct identification of tract directions in each voxel. Here we propose a f ingerprinting-based methodology to identify these fiber directions in Orientation Distribution Functions, dubbed ODF-Fingerprinting (ODF-FP). In ODF-FP, fiber configurations are selected based on the similarity between measured ODFs and elements in a pre-computed library. In noisy ODFs, the library matching algorithm penalizes the more complex fiber configurations. ODF simulations and analysis of bootstrapped partial and whole-brain in vivo datasets show that the ODF-FP approach improves the detection of fiber pairs with small crossing angles while maintaining fiber direction precision, which leads to better tractography results. Rather than focusing on the ODF maxima, the ODF-FP approach uses the whole ODF shape to infer fiber directions to improve the detection of fiber bundles with small crossing angle. The resulting fiber directions aid tractography algorithms in accurately displaying neuronal tracts and calculating brain connectivity.
Acoustic impedance mismatches between soft tissues and bones are known to result in strong aberrations in optoacoustic and ultrasound images. Of particular importance are the severe distortions introduced by the human skull, impeding transcranial bra in imaging with these modalities. While modelling of ultrasound propagation through the skull may in principle help correcting for some of the skull-induced aberrations, these approaches are commonly challenged by the highly heterogeneous and dispersive acoustic properties of the skull and lack of exact knowledge on its geometry and internal structure. Here we demonstrate that the spatio-temporal properties of the acoustic distortions induced by the skull are preserved for signal sources generated at neighboring intracranial locations by means of optoacoustic excitation. This optoacoustic memory effect is exploited for building a three-dimensional model accurately describing the generation, propagation and detection of time-resolved broadband optoacoustic waveforms traversing the skull. The memory-based model-based inversion is then shown to accurately recover the optical absorption distribution inside the skull with spatial resolution and image quality comparable to those attained in skull-free medium.
Synthetic diamond production is key to the development of quantum metrology and quantum information applications of diamond. The major quantum sensor and qubit candidate in diamond is the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color center. This lattice defect comes in four different crystallographic orientations leading to an intrinsic inhomogeneity among NV centers that is undesirable in some applications. Here, we report a microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor decomposition (MPCVD) diamond growth technique on (111)-oriented substrates that yields perfect alignment ($94pm2%$) of as-grown NV centers along a single crystallographic direction. In addition, clear evidence is found that the majority ($74pm4%$) of the aligned NV centers were formed by the nitrogen being first included in the (111) growth surface and then followed by the formation of a neighboring vacancy on top. The achieved homogeneity of the grown NV centers will tremendously benefit quantum information and metrology applications.
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