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Structural Relaxation of a Gel Modeled by Three Body Interactions

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 نشر من قبل Shibu Saw
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report a molecular dynamics simulation study of a model gel whose interaction potential is obtained by modifying the three body Stillinger-Weber model potential for silicon. The modification reduces the average coordination number, and suppresses the liquid-gas phase coexistence curve. The low density, low temperature equilibrium gel that can thus form exhibits interesting dynamical behavior, including compressed exponential relaxation of density correlations. We show that motion responsible for such relaxation has ballistic character, and arises from the motion of chain segments in the gel without the restructuring of the gel network.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We report a computer simulation study of a model gel-former obtained by modifying the three-body interactions of the Stillinger-Weber potential for silicon. This modification reduces the average coordination number and consequently shifts the liquid- gas phase coexistence curve to low densities, thus facilitating the formation of gels without phase separation. At low temperatures and densities, the structure of the system is characterized by the presence of long linear chains interconnected by a small number of three coordinated junctions at random locations. At small wave-vectors the static structure factor shows a non-monotonic dependence on temperature, a behavior which is due to the competition between the percolation transition of the particles and the stiffening of the formed chains. We compare in detail the relaxation dynamics of the system as obtained from molecular dynamics with the one obtained from Monte Carlo dynamics. We find that the bond correlation function displays stretched exponential behavior at moderately low temperatures and densities, but exponential relaxation at low temperatures. The bond lifetime shows an Arrhenius behavior, independent of the microscopic dynamics. For the molecular dynamics at low temperatures, the mean squared displacement and the (coherent and incoherent) intermediate scattering function display at intermediate times a dynamics with ballistic character and we show that this leads to compressed exponential relaxation. For the Monte Carlo dynamics we find always an exponential or stretched exponential relaxation. Thus we conclude that the compressed exponential relaxation observed in experiments is due to the out-of-equilibrium dynamics.
93 - Anh D. Phan 2020
A new approach is theoretically proposed to study the glass transition of active pharmaceutical ingredients and a glass-forming anisotropic molecular liquid at high pressures. We describe amorphous materials as a fluid of hard spheres. Effects of nea rest-neighbor interactions and cooperative motions of particles on glassy dynamics are quantified through a local and collective elastic barrier calculated using the Elastically Collective Nonlinear Langevin Equation theory. Inserting two barriers into Kramers theory gives structural relaxation time. Then, we formulate a new mapping based on the thermal expansion process under pressure to intercorrelate particle density, temperature, and pressure. This analysis allows us to determine the pressure and temperature dependence of alpha relaxation. From this, we estimate an effective elastic modulus of amorphous materials and capture effects of conformation on the relaxation process. Remarkably, our theoretical results agree well with experiments.
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We investigate the heterogeneous dynamics in a model, where chemical gelation and glass transition interplay, focusing on the dynamical susceptibility. Two independent mechanisms give raise to the correlations, which are manifested in the dynamical s usceptibility: one is related to the presence of permanent clusters, while the other is due to the increase of particle crowding as the glass transition is approached. The superposition of these two mechanisms originates a variety of different behaviours. We show that these two mechanisms can be unentangled considering the wave vector dependence of the dynamical susceptibility.
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