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The CoRoT target HD 49933: 2- Comparison of theoretical mode amplitudes with observations

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 نشر من قبل Reza Samadi Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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From the seismic data obtained by CoRoT for the star HD 49933 it is possible, as for the Sun, to constrain models of the excitation of acoustic modes by turbulent convection. We compare a stochastic excitation model described in Paper I (arXiv:0910.4027) with the asteroseismology data for HD 49933, a star that is rather metal poor and significantly hotter than the Sun. Using the mode linewidths measured by CoRoT for HD 49933 and the theoretical mode excitation rates computed in Paper I, we derive the expected surface velocity amplitudes of the acoustic modes detected in HD 49933. Using a calibrated quasi-adiabatic approximation relating the mode amplitudes in intensity to those in velocity, we derive the expected values of the mode amplitude in intensity. Our amplitude calculations are within 1-sigma error bars of the mode surface velocity spectrum derived with the HARPS spectrograph. The same is found with the mode amplitudes in intensity derived for HD 49933 from the CoRoT data. On the other hand, at high frequency, our calculations significantly depart from the CoRoT and HARPS measurements. We show that assuming a solar metal abundance rather than the actual metal abundance of the star would result in a larger discrepancy with the seismic data. Furthermore, calculations that assume the ``new solar chemical mixture are in better agreement with the seismic data than those that assume the ``old solar chemical mixture. These results validate, in the case of a star significantly hotter than the Sun and Alpha Cen A, the main assumptions in the model of stochastic excitation. However, the discrepancies seen at high frequency highlight some deficiencies of the modelling, whose origin remains to be understood.

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The oscillations of the solar-like star HD 49933 have been observed thoroughly by CoRot. Two dozens of frequency shifts, which are closely related with the change in magnetic activity, have been measured. To explore the effects of the magnetic activi ty on the frequency shifts, we calculate frequency shifts for the radial and $l = 1$ p-modes of HD 49933 with the general variational method, which evaluates the shifts using a spatial integral of the product of a kernel and some sources. The theoretical frequency shifts well reproduce the observation. The magnitudes and positions of the sources are determined according to the $chi^2$ criterion. We predict the source that contributes to both $l = 0$ and $l = 1$ modes is located at $0.48 - 0.62$Mm below the stellar surface. In addition, based on the assumption that $A_{0}$ is proportional to the change in the MgII activity index $Delta{i}_{MgII}$, we obtained that the change of MgII index between minimum and maximum of HD 49933 cycle period is about 0.665. The magnitude of the frequency shifts compared to the Sun already told us that HD 49933 is much more active than the Sun, which is further confirmed in this paper. Furthermore, our calculation on the frequency shifts of $l = 1$ modes indicates the variation of turbulent velocity in the stellar convective zone may be an important source for the $l = 1$ shifts.
Solar-like oscillations are stochastically excited by turbulent convection at the surface layers of the stars. We study the role of the surface metal abundance on the efficiency of the stochastic driving in the case of the CoRoT target HD 49933. We c ompute two 3D hydrodynamical simulations representative -- in effective temperature and gravity -- of the surface layers of the CoRoT target HD 49933, a star that is rather metal poor and significantly hotter compared to the Sun. One 3D simulation has a solar metal abundance and the other has a surface iron-to-hydrogen, [Fe/H], abundance ten times smaller. For each 3D simulation we match an associated global 1D model and we compute the associated acoustic modes using a theoretical model of stochastic excitation validated in the case of the Sun and Alpha Cen A. The rate at which energy is supplied per unit time into the acoustic modes associated with the 3D simulation with [Fe/H]=-1 are found about three times smaller than those associated with the 3D simulation with [Fe/H]=0. As shown here, these differences are related to the fact that low metallicity implies surface layers with a higher mean density. In turn, a higher mean density favors smaller convective velocities and hence less efficient driving of the acoustic modes. Our result shows the importance of taking the surface metal abundance into account in the modeling of the mode driving by turbulent convection. A comparison with observational data is presented in a companion paper using seismic data obtained for the CoRoT target HD 49933.
The known beta Cephei star HD 180642 was observed by the CoRoT satellite in 2007. From the very high-precision light curve, its pulsation frequency spectrum could be derived for the first time (Degroote and collaborators). In this paper, we obtain ad ditional constraints for forthcoming asteroseismic modeling of the target. Our results are based on both extensive ground-based multicolour photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy. We determine T_eff = 24 500+-1000 K and log g = 3.45+-0.15 dex from spectroscopy. The derived chemical abundances are consistent with those for B stars in the solar neighbourhood, except for a mild nitrogen excess. A metallicity Z = 0.0099+-0.0016 is obtained. Three modes are detected in photometry. The degree l is unambiguously identified for two of them: l = 0 and l = 3 for the frequencies 5.48694 1/d and 0.30818 1/d, respectively. The radial mode is non-linear and highly dominant with an amplitude in the U-filter about 15 times larger than the strongest of the other modes. For the third frequency of 7.36673 1/d found in photometry, two possibilities remain: l = 0 or 3. In the radial velocities, the dominant radial mode presents a so-called stillstand but no clear evidence of the existence of shocks is observed. Four low-amplitude modes are found in spectroscopy and one of them, with frequency 8.4079 1/d, is identified as (l,m)=(3,2). Based on this mode identification, we finally deduce an equatorial rotational velocity of 38+-15 km/s.
115 - J. Ballot , L. Gizon , R. Samadi 2011
The star HD 52265 is a G0V metal-rich exoplanet-host star observed in the seismology field of the CoRoT space telescope from November 2008 to March 2009. The satellite collected 117 days of high-precision photometric data on this star, showing that i t presents solar-like oscillations. HD 52265 was also observed in spectroscopy with the Narval spectrograph at the same epoch. We characterise HD 52265 using both spectroscopic and seismic data. The fundamental stellar parameters of HD 52265 were derived with the semi-automatic software VWA, and the projected rotational velocity was estimated by fitting synthetic profiles to isolated lines in the observed spectrum. The parameters of the observed p modes were determined with a maximum-likelihood estimation. We performed a global fit of the oscillation spectrum, over about ten radial orders, for degrees l=0 to 2. We also derived the properties of the granulation, and analysed a signature of the rotation induced by the photospheric magnetic activity. Precise determinations of fundamental parameters have been obtained: Teff = 6100 +- 60 K, log g = 4.35 +- 0.09, [M/H] = 0.19 +- 0.05, as well as vsini = 3.6 +0.3 -1.0 km/s. We have measured a mean rotation period P_rot = 12.3 +- 0.15 days, and find a signature of differential rotation. The frequencies of 31 modes are reported in the range 1500-2550 micro-Hz. The large separation exhibits a clear modulation around the mean value <Dnu> = 98.3 +- 0.1 micro-Hz. Mode widths vary with frequency along an S-shape with a clear local maximum around 1800 micro-Hz. We deduce lifetimes ranging between 0.5 and 3 days for these modes. Finally, we find a maximal bolometric amplitude of about 3.96 +- 0.24 ppm for radial modes.
The CoRoT mission is in its third year of observation and the data from the second long run in the galactic centre direction are being analysed. The solar-like oscillating stars that have been observed up to now have given some interesting results, s pecially concerning the amplitudes that are lower than predicted. We present here the results from the analysis of the star HD 170987.The goal of this research work is to characterise the global parameters of HD 170987. We look for global seismic parameters such as the mean large separation, maximum amplitude of the modes, and surface rotation because the signal-to-noise ratio in the observations do not allow us to measure individual modes. We also want to retrieve the stellar parameters of the star and its chemical composition.We have studied the chemical composition of the star using ground-based observations performed with the NARVAL spectrograph. We have used several methods to calculate the global parameters from the acoustic oscillations based on CoRoT data. The light curve of the star has been interpolated using inpainting algorithms to reduce the effect of data gaps. We find power excess related to p modes in the range [400 - 1200]muHz with a mean large separation of 55.2+-0.8muHz with a probability above 95% that increases to 55.9 +-0.2muHz in a higher frequency range [500 - 1250] muHz and a rejection level of 1%. A hint of the variation of this quantity with frequency is also found. The rotation period of the star is estimated to be around 4.3 days with an inclination axis of i=50 deg +20/-13. We measure a bolometric amplitude per radial mode in a range [2.4 - 2.9] ppm around 1000 muHz. Finally, using a grid of models, we estimate the stellar mass, M=1.43+-0.05 Msun, the radius, R=1.96+-0.046 Rsun, and the age ~2.4 Gyr.
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