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Regularity of the laws of shot noise series and of related processes

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 نشر من قبل Jean-Christophe Breton
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the regularity of shot noise series and of Poisson integrals. We give conditions for the absolute continuity of their law with respect to Lebesgue measure and for their continuity in total variation norm. In particular, the case of truncated series in adressed. Our method relies on a disintegration of the probability space based on a mere conditioning by the first jumps of the underlying Poisson process.

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We analyze almost sure asymptotic behavior of extreme values of a regenerative process. We show that under certain conditions a properly centered and normalized running maximum of a regenerative process satisfies a law of the iterated logarithm for t he $limsup$ and a law of the triple logarithm for the $liminf$. This complements a previously known result of Glasserman and Kou [Ann. Appl. Probab. 5(2) (1995), 424--445]. We apply our results to several queuing systems and a birth and death process.
In this paper, we develop low regularity theory for 3D Burgers equation perturbed by a linear multiplicative stochastic force. This method is new and essentially different from the deterministic partial differential equations(PDEs). Our results and m ethod can be widely applied to other stochastic hydrodynamic equations and the deterministic PDEs. As a further study, we establish a random version of maximum principle for random 3D Burgers equations, which will be an important tool for the study of 3D stochastic Burgers equations. As we know establishing moment estimates for highly nonlinear stochastic hydrodynamic equations is difficult. But moment estimates are very important for us to study the probabilistic properties and long-time behavior for the stochastic systems. Here, the random maximum principle helps us to achieve some important moment estimates for 3D stochastic Burgers equations and lays a solid foundation for the further study of 3D stochastic Burgers equations.
We consider the connections among `clumped residual allocation models (RAMs), a general class of stick-breaking processes including Dirichlet processes, and the occupation laws of certain discrete space time-inhomogeneous Markov chains related to sim ulated annealing and other applications. An intermediate structure is introduced in a given RAM, where proportions between successive indices in a list are added or clumped together to form another RAM. In particular, when the initial RAM is a Griffiths-Engen-McCloskey (GEM) sequence and the indices are given by the random times that an auxiliary Markov chain jumps away from its current state, the joint law of the intermediate RAM and the locations visited in the sojourns is given in terms of a `disordered GEM sequence, and an induced Markov chain. Through this joint law, we identify a large class of `stick breaking processes as the limits of empirical occupation measures for associated time-inhomogeneous Markov chains.
161 - P. Biane , J. Pitman , M. Yor 1999
This paper reviews known results which connect Riemanns integral representations of his zeta function, involving Jacobis theta function and its derivatives, to some particular probability laws governing sums of independent exponential variables. Thes e laws are related to one-dimensional Brownian motion and to higher dimensional Bessel processes. We present some characterizations of these probability laws, and some approximations of Riemanns zeta function which are related to these laws.
Shot noise processes have been extensively studied due to their mathematical properties and their relevance in several applications. Here, we consider nonnegative shot noise processes and prove their weak convergence to Levy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU), whose features depend on the underlying jump distributions. Among others, we obtain the OU-Gamma and OU-Inverse Gaussian processes, having gamma and inverse gaussian processes as background Levy processes, respectively. Then, we derive the necessary conditions guaranteeing the diffusion limit to a Gaussian OU process, show that they are not met unless allowing for negative jumps happening with probability going to zero, and quantify the error occurred when replacing the shot noise with the OU process and the non-Gaussian OU processes. The results offer a new class of models to be used instead of the commonly applied Gaussian OU processes to approximate synaptic input currents, membrane voltages or conductances modelled by shot noise in single neuron modelling.
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