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HD 51106 and HD 50747: an ellipsoidal binary and a triple system observed with CoRoT

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 نشر من قبل Noel Dolez
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an analysis of the observations of HD 51106 and HD 50747 by the satellite CoRoT, obtained during its initial run, and of the spectroscopic preparatory observations. AIMS: We complete an analysis of the light curve, extract the main frequencies observed, and discuss some preliminary interpretations about the stars. Methods: We used standard Fourier transform and pre-whitening methods to extract information about the periodicities of the stars. Results: HD 51106 is an ellipsoidal binary, the light curve of which can be completely explained by the tidal deformation of the star and smaller secondary effects. HD 50747 is a triple system containing a variable star, which exhibits many modes of oscillation with periods in the range of a few hours. On the basis of this period range and the analysis of the physical parameters of the star, we conclude that HD 50747 is a Gamma-Doradus star.

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165 - A. Mueller , , A. Carmona (2 2011
We present new imaging and spectroscopic data of the young Herbig star HD 144432 A, which was known to be a binary star with a separation of 1.47 arcsec. High-resolution NIR imaging data obtained with NACO at the VLT reveal that HD 144432 B itself is a close binary pair with a separation of 0.1 arcsec. High-resolution optical spectra, acquired with FEROS at the 2.2m MPG/ESO telescope in La Silla, of the primary star and its co-moving companions were used to determine their main stellar parameters such as effective temperature, surface gravity, radial velocity, and projected rotational velocity by fitting synthetic spectra to the observed stellar spectra. The two companions, HD 144432 B and HD 144432 C, are identified as low-mass T Tauri stars of spectral type K7V and M1V, respectively. From the position in the HRD the triple system appears to be co-eval with a system age of 6+/-3 Myr.
137 - S. Mathur , H. Bruntt , C. Catala 2012
The numerous results obtained with asteroseismology thanks to space missions such as CoRoT and Kepler are providing a new insight on stellar evolution. After five years of observations, CoRoT is going on providing high-quality data. We present here t he analysis of the double star HD169392 complemented by ground-based spectroscopic observations. This work aims at characterizing the fundamental parameters of the two stars, their chemical composition, the acoustic-mode global parameters including their individual frequencies, and their dynamics. We have analysed HARPS observations of the two stars to retrieve their chemical compositions. Several methods have been used and compared to measure the global properties of acoustic modes and their individual frequencies from the photometric data of CoRoT. The new spectroscopic observations and archival astrometric values suggest that HD169392 is a wide binary system weakly bounded. We have obtained the spectroscopic parameters for both components, suggesting the origin from the same cloud. However, only the mode signature of HD169392 A has been measured within the CoRoT data. The signal-to-noise ratio of the modes in HD169392B is too low to allow any confident detection. We were able to extract mode parameters of modes for l=0, 1, 2, and 3. The study of the splittings and inclination angle gives two possible solutions with splittings and inclination angles of 0.4-1.0 muHz and 20-40 degrees for one case and 0.2-0.5 muHz and 55-86 degrees for the other case. The modeling of this star with the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal led to a mass of 1.15+/-0.01 Ms, a radius of 1.88+/-0.02 Rs, and an age of 4.33+/-0.12 Gyr, where the uncertainties are the internal ones.
KIC 8560861 (HD 183648) is a marginally eccentric (e=0.05) eclipsing binary with an orbital period of P_orb=31.973d, exhibiting mmag amplitude pulsations on time scales of a few days. We present the results of the complex analysis of high and medium- resolution spectroscopic data and Kepler Q0 -- Q16 long cadence photometry. The iterative combination of spectral disentangling, atmospheric analysis, radial velocity and eclipse timing variation studies, separation of pulsational features of the light curve, and binary light curve analysis led to the accurate determination of the fundamental stellar parameters. We found that the binary is composed of two main sequence stars with an age of 0.9+-0.2 Gyr, having masses, radii and temperatures of M_1=1.93+-0.12 M_sun, R_1=3.30+-0.07 R_sun, T_eff1=7650+-100 K for the primary, and M_2=1.06+-0.08 M_sun, R_2=1.11+-0.03 R_sun, T_eff2=6450+-100 K for the secondary. After subtracting the binary model, we found three independent frequencies, two of which are separated by twice the orbital frequency. We also found an enigmatic half orbital period sinusoidal variation that we attribute to an anomalous ellipsoidal effect. Both of these observations indicate that tidal effects are strongly influencing the luminosity variations of HD 183648. The analysis of the eclipse timing variations revealed both a parabolic trend, and apsidal motion with a period of (P_apse)_obs=10,400+-3,000 y, which is three times faster than what is theoretically expected. These findings might indicate the presence of a distant, unseen companion.
300 - M. Hareter , M. Paparo 2013
The star HD 51844 was observed in CoRoT LRa02 as a Seismo target which turned out to be an SB2 system. The 117 days long light curve revealed delta Scuti pulsation in the range of 6 to 15 d^{-1} where four frequencies have amplitudes larger than 1.4 mmag and a rich frequency spectrum with amplitudes lower than 0.6 mmag. Additionally, the light curve exhibits a brightening event recurring every 33.5 days with a maximum of 3 mmag and a duration of about 5 days. Thus, this star can be considered as a heartbeat candidate. The radial velocities from spectroscopy confirmed an eccentric binary system with nearly identical masses and physical parameters. The brightening event of the light curve coincides with the maximum radial velocity separation showing that the brightening is in fact caused by tidal distortion and/or reflected light. One component displays large line profile variations, while the other does not show significant variation. The frequency analysis revealed a quintuplet structure of the four highest-amplitude frequencies, which is due to the orbital motion of the pulsating star.
73 - F. Marcadon , T. Appourchaux , 2018
The NASA Kepler space telescope has detected solar-like oscillations in several hundreds of single stars, thereby providing a way to determine precise stellar parameters using asteroseismology. In this work, we aim to derive the fundamental parameter s of a close triple star system, HD 188753, for which asteroseismic and astrometric observations allow independent measurements of stellar masses. We used six months of Kepler photometry available for HD 188753 to detect the oscillation envelopes of the two brightest stars. For each star, we extracted the individual mode frequencies by fitting the power spectrum using a maximum likelihood estimation approach. We then derived initial guesses of the stellar masses and ages based on two seismic parameters and on a characteristic frequency ratio, and modelled the two components independently with the stellar evolution code CESTAM. In addition, we derived the masses of the three stars by applying a Bayesian analysis to the position and radial-velocity measurements of the system. Based on stellar modelling, the mean common age of the system is $10.8 pm 0.2,$Gyr and the masses of the two seismic components are $M_A =$ $0.99 pm 0.01,M_odot$ and $M_{Ba} =$ $0.86 pm 0.01,M_odot$. From the mass ratio of the close pair, $M_{Bb}/M_{Ba} = 0.767 pm 0.006$, the mass of the faintest star is $M_{Bb} =$ $0.66 pm 0.01,M_odot$ and the total seismic mass of the system is then $M_{syst} =$ $2.51 pm 0.02,M_odot$. This value agrees perfectly with the total mass derived from our orbital analysis, $M_{syst} =$ $2.51^{+0.20}_{-0.18},M_odot$, and leads to the best current estimate of the parallax for the system, $pi = 21.9 pm 0.2,$mas. In addition, the minimal relative inclination between the inner and outer orbits is $10.9^circ pm 1.5^circ$, implying that the system does not have a coplanar configuration.
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