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Rare meson decays into very light neutralinos

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 نشر من قبل Ben O'Leary
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Ben OLeary

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Results are presented for the two-body decays of mesons into light neutralinos and from the first complete calculation of the loop-induced decays of kaons to pions plus light neutralinos and of B mesons to kaons plus light neutralinos. The branching ratios are shown to be strongly suppressed within the MSSM with minimal flavor violation, and no bounds on the neutralino mass can be inferred from experimental data, i.e. a massless neutralino is allowed.

قيم البحث

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In this paper, we study the lepton number violation processes of $B_c$ meson induced by possible doubly-charged scalars. Both the three-body decay channels and the four-body decay channels are considered. For the former, $Brtimesleft(frac{s_Delta h_{ ij}}{M_Delta^2}right)^{-2}$ is of the order of $10^{-7}sim 10^{-9}$, and for the later channels, $Brtimesleft(frac{s_Delta h_{ij}}{M_Delta^2}right)^{-2}$ is of the order of $10^{-12}sim 10^{-20}$, where $s_Delta$, $h_{ij}$, $M_Delta$ are the constants related to the doubly-charged boson.
Leptonic and semileptonic meson decays that proceed via flavour-changing neutral currents provide excellent probes of physics of the standard model and beyond. We present explicit results for the Wilson coefficients of the weak effective Lagrangian f or these decays in any perturbative model in which these processes proceed via one-loop contributions. We explicitly show that our results are finite and gauge independent, and provide Mathematica code that implements our results in an easily usable form.
59 - J. Kalinowski DESY 1997
The region of the supersymmetry parameter space, in which charginos decay predominantly into sneutrinos and leptons: chi+ -> tilde{ u} + l+, is not excluded experimentally for small mass differences between charginos and sneutrinos. The decay sneutri nos are invisible in R-parity conserving theories since they are either the lightest supersymmetric particles or they decay primarily into the channel: neutrino + lightest neutralino. If the energy of the decay leptons is so small that they escape detection, chargino events e+e- -> chi+chi- in e+e- collisions remain invisible, eroding the excluded chargino mass range at LEP. This region of the supersymmetry parameter space can partly be covered by searching for single W events in e+e- -> W+W-$, with one W boson decaying to leptons or quark jets, but the second W boson decaying to (undetected) charginos and neutralinos.
180 - Sebastian Tapia 2021
In this work, we study the lepton flavor and lepton number violating $B_{c}$ meson decays via two intermediate on-shell Majorana neutrinos $N_j$ into two charged leptons and a charged pion $B_{c}^{pm} to mu^{pm} N_j to mu^{pm} tau^{pm} pi^{mp}$. We evaluated the possibility to measure the modulation of the decay width along the detector length produced as a consequence of the lepton flavor violating process, in a scenario where the heavy neutrinos masses range between $2.0$ GeV $leq M_N leq 6.0$ GeV. We study some realistic conditions which could lead to the observation of this phenomenon at futures $B$ factories such HL-LHCb.
The problem of $rho$- and $omega$- mesons contributions to the background for $eta to pi^0 e^+e^-$ decay and to the asymmetries in the decays $eta to pi^+pi^-pi^0$ and $eta to pi^+pi^-gamma$ is considered.
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