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Complex asteroseismology of the B-type main sequence pulsators

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 نشر من قبل Daszynska-Daszkiewicz Jadwiga
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present examples of an extended asteroseismic modelling in which we aim at fitting not only pulsational frequencies but also certain complex parameter related to each frequency. This kind of studies, called textbf{complex asteroseismology}, has been successfully applied to a few main sequence B-type pulsators and provided, in particular, plausible constraints on textbf{stellar opacities}. Here, we briefly describe our results for three early B-type stars.

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Context: OB stars are important in the chemistry and evolution of the Universe, but the sample of targets well understood from an asteroseismological point of view is still too limited to provide feedback on the current evolutionary models. Our study extends this sample with two spectroscopic binary systems. AIMS. Our goal is to provide orbital solutions, fundamental parameters and abundances from disentangled high-resolution high signal-to-noise spectra, as well as to analyse and interpret the variations in the Kepler light curve of these carefully selected targets. This way we continue our efforts to map the instability strips of beta Cep and SPB stars using the combination of high-resolution ground-based spectroscopy and uninterrupted space-based photometry. Methods: We fit Keplerian orbits to radial velocities measured from selected absorption lines of high-resolution spectroscopy using synthetic composite spectra to obtain orbital solutions. We use revised masks to obtain optimal light curves from the original pixel-data from the Kepler satellite, which provided better long term stability compared to the pipeline processed light curves. We use various time-series analysis tools to explore and describe the nature of variations present in the light curve. Results: We find two eccentric double-lined spectroscopic binary systems containing a total of three main sequence B-type stars (and one F-type component) of which at least one in each system exhibits light variations. The light curve analysis (combined with spectroscopy) of the system of two B stars points towards the presence of tidally excited g modes in the primary component. We interpret the variations seen in the second system as classical g mode pulsations driven by the kappa mechanism in the B type primary, and explain the unexpected power in the p mode region as a result of nonlinear resonant mode excitation.
We present results of a {bf comprehensive} asteroseismic modelling of the $beta$ Cephei variable $theta$ Ophiuchi. {bf We call these studies {it complex asteroseismology} because our goal is to reproduce both pulsational frequencies as well as corres ponding values of a complex, nonadiabatic parameter, $f$, defined by the radiative flux perturbation.} To this end, we apply the method of simultaneous determination of the spherical harmonic degree, $ell$, of excited pulsational mode and the corresponding nonadiabatic $f$ parameter from combined multicolour photometry and radial velocity data. Using both the OP and OPAL opacity data, we find a family of seismic models which reproduce the radial and dipole centroid mode frequencies, as well as the $f$ parameter associated with the radial mode. Adding the nonadiabatic parameter to seismic modelling of the B-type main sequence pulsators yields very strong constraints on stellar opacities. In particular, only with one source of opacities it is possible to agree the empirical values of $f$ with their theoretical counterparts. Our results for $theta$ Oph point substantially to preference for the OPAL data.
149 - M.-P. Bouabid 2011
Context. gamma Doradus (gamma Dor) are late A and F-type stars pulsating with high order gravity modes (g-modes). The existence of different evolutionary phases crossing the gamma Dor instability strip raises the question of the existence of pre-main sequence (PMS) gamma Dor stars. Aims. We intend to study the differences between the asteroseismic behaviour of PMS and main sequence (MS) gamma Dor pulsators as it is predicted by the current theory of stellar evolution and stability. Methods. We explore the adiabatic and non-adiabatic properties of high order g-modes in a grid of PMS and MS models covering the mass range 1.2 Msun < Mstar < 2.5 Msun. Results. We derive the theoretical instability strip (IS) for the PMS gamma Dor pulsators. This IS covers the same effective temperature range as the MS gamma Dor one. Nevertheless, the frequency domain of unstable modes in PMS models with a fully radiative core is larger than in MS models, even if they present the same number of unstable modes. Moreover, the differences between MS and PMS internal structures are reflected on the average values of the period spacing as well as on the dependence of the period spacing on the radial order of the modes, opening the window to the determination of the evolutionary phase of gamma Dor stars from their pulsation spectra.
79 - B. Buysschaert , C. Neiner , 2017
Simultaneously and coherently studying the large-scale magnetic field and the stellar pulsations of a massive star provides strong complementary diagnostics suitable for detailed stellar modelling. This hybrid method is called magneto-asteroseismolog y and permits the determination of the internal structure and conditions within magnetic massive pulsators, for example the effect of magnetism on non-standard mixing processes. Here, we overview this technique, its requirements, and list the currently known suitable stars to apply the method.
Magnetic confinement of stellar winds leads to the formation of magnetospheres, which can be sculpted into Centrifugal Magnetospheres (CMs) by rotational support of the corotating plasma. The conditions required for the CMs of magnetic early B-type s tars to yield detectable emission in H$alpha$ -- the principal diagnostic of these structures -- are poorly constrained. A key reason is that no detailed study of the magnetic and rotational evolution of this population has yet been performed. Using newly determined rotational periods, modern magnetic measurements, and atmospheric parameters determined via spectroscopic modelling, we have derived fundamental parameters, dipolar oblique rotator models, and magnetospheric parameters for 56 early B-type stars. Comparison to magnetic A- and O-type stars shows that the range of surface magnetic field strength is essentially constant with stellar mass, but that the unsigned surface magnetic flux increases with mass. Both the surface magnetic dipole strength and the total magnetic flux decrease with stellar age, with the rate of flux decay apparently increasing with stellar mass. We find tentative evidence that multipolar magnetic fields may decay more rapidly than dipoles. Rotational periods increase with stellar age, as expected for a magnetic braking scenario. Without exception, all stars with H$alpha$ emission originating in a CM are 1) rapid rotators, 2) strongly magnetic, and 3) young, with the latter property consistent with the observation that magnetic fields and rotation both decrease over time.
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