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Direct Numerical Confirmation of Pinning Induced Sign Change in Superconducting Hall Effect in Type-II Superconductors

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 نشر من قبل Noriyuki Nakai
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation with the complex relaxation time and the Maxwell equation, we systematically examine transverse motion of vortex dynamics in the presence of pinning disorders. Consequently, in a plastic flow phase in which moving and pinned vortices coexist, we find that the Hall voltage generally changes its sign. The origin of the sign change is ascribed to a fact that moving vortices are strongly drifted by circular current of pinned vortices and the enforced transverse moving direction becomes opposite to that by transport current. This suggests that the Hall sign change is a behavior common in all disordered type-II superconductors.

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اقرأ أيضاً

102 - R.G. Mints , E.H. Brandt 1999
We predict a novel buckling instability in the critical state of thin type-II superconductors with strong pinning. This elastic instability appears in high perpendicular magnetic fields and may cause an almost periodic series of flux jumps visible in the magnetization curve. As an illustration we apply the obtained criteria to a long rectangular strip.
We fabricate van der Waals heterostructure devices using few unit cell thick Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+delta}$ for magnetotransport measurements. The superconducting transition temperature and carrier density in atomically thin samples can be maintai ned to close to that of the bulk samples. As in the bulk sample, the sign of the Hall conductivity is found to be opposite to the normal state near the transition temperature but with a drastic enlargement of the region of Hall sign reversal in the temperature-magnetic field phase diagram as the thickness of samples decreases. Quantitative analysis of the Hall sign reversal based on the excess charge density in the vortex core and superconducting fluctuations suggests a renormalized superconducting gap in atomically thin samples at the 2-dimensional limit.
We study effects of pinning on the dynamics of a vortex lattice in a type II superconductor in the strong-pinning situation and determine the force--velocity (or current--voltage) characteristic combining analytical and numerical methods. Our analysi s deals with a small density $n_p$ of defects that act with a large force $f_p$ on the vortices, thereby inducing bistable configurations that are a characteristic feature of strong pinning theory. We determine the velocity-dependent average pinning-force density $langle F_p(v)rangle$ and find that it changes on the velocity scale $v_p sim f_p/eta a_0^3$, where $eta$ is the viscosity of vortex motion and $a_0$ the distance between vortices. In the small pin-density limit, this velocity is much larger than the typical flow velocity $v_c sim F_c/eta$ of the free vortex system at drives near the critical force-density $F_c = langle F_p(v=0)rangle propto n_p f_p$. As a result, we find a generic excess-force characteristic, a nearly linear force--velocity characteristic shifted by the critical force-density $F_c$; the linear flux-flow regime is approached only at large drives. Our analysis provides a derivation of Coulombs law of dry friction for the case of strong vortex pinning.
The current-carrying capacity of type-II superconductors is decisively determined by how well material defect structures can immobilize vortex lines. In order to gain deeper insights into the fundamental pinning mechanisms, we have explored the case of vortex trapping by randomly distributed spherical inclusions using large-scale simulations of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations. We find that for a small density of particles having diameters of two coherence lengths, the vortex lattice preserves its structure and the critical current $j_c$ decays with the magnetic field following a power-law $B^{-alpha}$ with $alpha approx 0.66$, which is consistent with predictions of strong-pinning theory. For a higher density of particles and/or larger inclusions, the lattice becomes progressively more disordered and the exponent smoothly decreases down to $alpha approx 0.3$. At high magnetic fields, all inclusions capture a vortex and the critical current decays faster than $B^{-1}$ as would be expected by theory. In the case of larger inclusions with a diameter of four coherence length, the magnetic-field dependence of the critical current is strongly affected by the ability of inclusions to capture multiple vortex lines. We found that at small densities, the fraction of inclusions trapping two vortex lines rapidly grows within narrow field range leading to a peak in $j_c(B)$-dependence within this range. With increasing inclusion density, this peak transforms into a plateau, which then smooths out. Using the insights gained from simulations, we determine the limits of applicability of strong-pinning theory and provide different routes to describe vortex pinning beyond those bounds.
Chiral superconductors exhibit novel transport properties that depend on the topology of the order parameter, topology of the Fermi surface, the spectrum of bulk and edge Fermionic excitations, and the structure of the impurity potential. In the case of electronic heat transport, impurities induce an anomalous (zero-field) thermal Hall conductivity that is easily orders of magnitude larger than the quantized edge contribution. The effect originates from branch-conversion scattering of Bogoliubov quasiparticles by the chiral order parameter, induced by potential scattering. The former transfers angular momentum between the condensate and the excitations that transport heat. The anomalous thermal Hall conductivity is shown to depend to the structure of the electron-impurity potential, as well as the winding number, $ u$, of the chiral order parameter, $Delta(p)=|Delta(p)|,e^{i uphi_{p}}$. The results provide quantitative formulae for interpreting heat transport experiments seeking to identify broken T and P symmetries, as well as the topology of the order parameter for chiral superconductors.
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