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Low-dimensional weakly interacting Bose gases: non-universal equations of state

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 نشر من قبل Astrakharchik Grigori E
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The zero-temperature equation of state is analyzed in low-dimensional bosonic systems. In the dilute regime the equation of state is universal in terms of the gas parameter, i.e. it is the same for different potentials with the same value of the s-wave scattering length. Series expansions of the universal equation of state are reported for one- and two- dimensional systems. We propose to use the concept of energy-dependent s-wave scattering length for obtaining estimations of non-universal terms in the energy expansion. We test this approach by making a comparison to exactly solvable one-dimensional problems and find that the generated terms have the correct structure. The applicability to two-dimensional systems is analyzed by comparing with results of Monte Carlo simulations. The prediction for the non-universal behavior is qualitatively correct and the densities, at which the deviations from the universal equation of state become visible, are estimated properly. Finally, the possibility of observing the non-universal terms in experiments with trapped gases is also discussed.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We prepare and study strongly interacting two-dimensional Bose gases in the superfluid, the classical Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition, and the vacuum-to-superfluid quantum critical regimes. A wide range of the two-body interaction st rength 0.05 < g < 3 is covered by tuning the scattering length and by loading the sample into an optical lattice. Based on the equations of state measurements, we extract the coupling constants as well as critical thermodynamic quantities in different regimes. In the superfluid and the BKT transition regimes, the extracted coupling constants show significant down-shifts from the mean-field and perturbation calculations when g approaches or exceeds one. In the BKT and the quantum critical regimes, all measured thermodynamic quantities show logarithmic dependence on the interaction strength, a tendency confirmed by the extended classical-field and renormalization calculations.
We consider weakly interacting bosonic gases with local and non-local multi-body interactions. By using the Bogoliubov approximation, we first investigate contact interactions, studying the case in which the interparticle potential can be written as a sum of N-body {delta}-interactions, and then considering general contact potentials. Results for the quasi-particle spectrum and the stability are presented. We then examine non-local interactions, focusing on two different cases of 3-body non-local interactions. Our results are used for systems with 2- and 3-body {delta}-interactions and applied for realistic values of the trap parameters. Finally, the effect of conservative 3-body terms in dipolar systems and soft-core potentials (that can be simulated with Rydberg dressed atoms) is also studied.
We prepare a chemically and thermally one-dimensional (1d) quantum degenerate Bose gas in a single microtrap. We introduce a new interferometric method to distinguish the quasicondensate fraction of the gas from the thermal cloud at finite temperatur e. We reach temperatures down to $kTapprox 0.5hbaromega_perp$ (transverse oscillator eigenfrequency $omega_perp$) when collisional thermalization slows down as expected in 1d. At the lowest temperatures the transverse momentum distribution exhibits a residual dependence on the line density $n_{1d}$, characteristic for 1d systems. For very low densities the approach to the transverse single particle ground state is linear in $n_{1d}$.
The critical properties of the phase transition from a normal gas to a BEC (superfluid) of a harmonically confined Bose gas are addressed with the knowledge of an equation of state of the underlying homogeneous Bose fluid. It is shown that while the presence of the confinement trap arrests the usual divergences of the isothermal compressibility and heat capacities, the critical behavior manifests itself now in the divergence of derivatives of the mentioned susceptibilities. This result is illustrated with a mean-field like model of an equation of state for the homogeneous particle density as a function of the chemical potential and temperature of the gas. The model assumes the form of an ideal Bose gas in the normal fluid while in the superfluid state a function is proposed such that, both, asymptotically reaches the Thomas-Fermi solution of a weakly interacting Bose gas at large densities and low temperatures and, at the transition, matches the critical properties of the ideal Bose gas. With this model we obtain the {it global} thermodynamics of the harmonically confined gas, from which we analyze its critical properties. We discuss how these properties can be experimentally tested.
In three dimensions, non-interacting bosons undergo Bose-Einstein condensation at a critical temperature, $T_{c}$, which is slightly shifted by $Delta T_{mathrm{c}}$, if the particles interact. We calculate the excitation spectrum of interacting Bose -systems, sup{4}He and sup{87}Rb, and show that a roton minimum emerges in the spectrum above a threshold value of the gas parameter. We provide a general theoretical argument for why the roton minimum and the maximal upward critical temperature shift are related. We also suggest two experimental avenues to observe rotons in condensates. These results, based upon a Path-Integral Monte-Carlo approach, provide a microscopic explanation of the shift in the critical temperature and also show that a roton minimum does emerge in the excitation spectrum of particles with a structureless, short-range, two-body interaction.
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