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Quantized magnetic confinement in quantum wires

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 نشر من قبل Thomas Heinzel
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Ballistic quantum wires are exposed to longitudinal profiles of perpendicular magnetic fields composed of a spike (magnetic barrier) and a homogeneous part. An asymmetric magnetoconductance peak as a function of the homogeneous magnetic field is found, comprising quantized conductance steps in the interval where the homogeneous magnetic field and the magnetic barrier have identical polarities, and a characteristic shoulder with several resonances in the interval of opposite polarities. The observations are interpreted in terms of inhomogeneous diamagnetic shifts of the quantum wire modes leading to magnetic confinement.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The existence of Wigner crystallization, one of the most significant hallmarks of strong electron correlations, has to date only been definitively observed in two-dimensional systems. In one-dimensional (1D) quantum wires Wigner crystals correspond t o regularly spaced electrons; however, weakening the confinement and allowing the electrons to relax in a second dimension is predicted to lead to the formation of a new ground state constituting a zigzag chain with nontrivial spin phases and properties. Here we report the observation of such zigzag Wigner crystals by use of on-chip charge and spin detectors employing electron focusing to image the charge density distribution and probe their spin properties. This experiment demonstrates both the structural and spin phase diagrams of the 1D Wigner crystallization. The existence of zigzag spin chains and phases which can be electrically controlled in semiconductor systems may open avenues for experimental studies of Wigner crystals and their technological applications in spintronics and quantum information.
We report on magnetic field dependence of half-integer quantized conductance plateaus (HQPs) in InAs quantum wires. We observed HQPs at zero applied magnetic field in InAs quantum wires fabricated from a high-quality InAs quantum well. The applicatio n of in-plane magnetic field causes Zeeman splitting of the HQP features, indicating that the origin of the observed HQP is not spontaneous spin polarization. Additionally we observe that conductance of the split HQPs decreases gradually as the in-plane magnetic field increases. We finally assume electron-electron interaction as a possible mechanism to account for the zero-field HQPs and the anomalous field dependence.
We study the Zeeman splitting in induced ballistic 1D quantum wires aligned along the [233] and [011] axes of a high mobility (311)A undoped heterostructure. Our data shows that the g-factor anisotropy for magnetic fields applied along the high symme try [011] direction can be explained by the 1D confinement only. However when the magnetic field is along [233] there is an interplay between the 1D confinement and 2D crystal anisotropy. This is highlighted for the [233] wire by an unusual non-monotonic behavior of the g-factor as the wire is made narrower.
186 - S. Hugger , Hengyi Xu , A. Tarasov 2008
Quasi-ballistic semiconductor quantum wires are exposed to localized perpendicular magnetic fields, also known as magnetic barriers. Pronounced, reproducible conductance fluctuations as a function of the magnetic barrier amplitude are observed. The f luctuations are strongly temperature dependent and remain visible up to temperatures of about 10 K. Simulations based on recursive Green functions suggest that the conductance fluctuations originate from parametric interferences of the electronic wave functions which experience scattering between the magnetic barrier and the electrostatic potential landscape.
The transport through a quantum wire exposed to two magnetic spikes in series is modeled. We demonstrate that quantum dots can be formed this way which couple to the leads via magnetic barriers. Conceptually, all quantum dot states are accessible by transport experiments. The simulations show Breit-Wigner resonances in the closed regime, while Fano resonances appear as soon as one open transmission channel is present. The system allows to tune the dots confinement potential from sub-parabolic to superparabolic by experimentally accessible parameters.
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