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Constraining dust and color variations of high-z SNe using NICMOS on Hubble Space Telescope

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 نشر من قبل Chris Lidman Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present data from the Supernova Cosmology Project for five high redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) that were obtained using the NICMOS infrared camera on the Hubble Space Telescope. We add two SNe from this sample to a rest-frame I-band Hubble diagram, doubling the number of high redshift supernovae on this diagram. This I-band Hubble diagram is consistent with a flat universe (Omega_Matter, Omega_Lambda= 0.29, 0.71). A homogeneous distribution of large grain dust in the intergalactic medium (replenishing dust) is incompatible with the data and is excluded at the 5 sigma confidence level, if the SN host galaxy reddening is corrected assuming R_V=1.75. We use both optical and infrared observations to compare photometric properties of distant SNe Ia with those of nearby objects. We find generally good agreement with the expected color evolution for all SNe except the highest redshift SN in our sample (SN 1997ek at z=0.863) which shows a peculiar color behavior. We also present spectra obtained from ground based telescopes for type identification and determination of redshift.

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اقرأ أيضاً

236 - Mark Swinbank 2010
We present a quantitative morphological analysis using HST NICMOS H160- and ACS I775- band imaging of 25 spectroscopically confirmed submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) which have redshifts between z=0.7-3.4. Our analysis also employs a comparison sample o f more typical star-forming galaxies at similar redshifts (such as LBGs) which have lower far-infrared luminosities. This is the first large-scale study of the morphologies of SMGs in the near-infrared at ~0.1 resolution (<1kpc). We find that the half light radii of the SMGs (r_h=2.3+/-0.3 and 2.8+/-0.4kpc in the observed I- and H-bands respectively) and asymmetries are not statistically distinct from the comparison sample of star-forming galaxies. However, we demonstrate that the SMG morphologies differ more between the rest-frame UV and optical-bands than typical star-forming galaxies and interpret this as evidence for structured dust obscuration. We show that the composite observed H-band light profile of SMGs is better fit with a Sersic index with n~2, suggesting the stellar structure of SMGs is best described by a spheroid/elliptical galaxy light distribution. We also compare the sizes and stellar masses of SMGs to local and high-redshift populations, and find that the SMGs have stellar densities which are comparable to local early-type galaxies, as well as luminous, red and dense galaxies at z~1.5 which have been proposed as direct SMG descendants, although the SMG stellar masses and sizes are systematically larger. Overall, our results suggest that the physical processes occuring within the galaxies are too complex to be simply characterised by the rest-frame UV/optical morphologies which appear to be essentially decoupled from all other observables, such as bolometric luminosity, stellar or dynamical mass.
255 - Janet P. Simpson 2009
Massive young stellar objects (YSOs), like low-mass YSOs, appear to be surrounded by optically thick envelopes and/or disks and have regions, often bipolar, that are seen in polarized scattered light at near-infrared wavelengths. We are using the 0.2 spatial resolution of NICMOS on Hubble Space Telescope to examine the structure of the disks and outflow regions of massive YSOs in star-forming regions within a few kpc of the Sun. Here we report on 2 micron polarimetry of NGC 6334 V and S255 IRS1. NGC 6334 V consists of a double-lobed bright reflection nebula seen against a dark region, probably an optically thick molecular cloud. Our polarization measurements show that the illuminating star lies ~ 2 south of the line connecting the two lobes; we do not detect this star at 2 micron, but there are a small radio source and a mid-infrared source at this location. S255 IRS1 consists of two YSOs (NIRS1 and NIRS3) with overlapping scattered light lobes and luminosities corresponding to early B stars. Included in IRS1 is a cluster of stars from whose polarization we determine the local magnetic field direction. Neither YSO has its scattered light lobes aligned with this magnetic field. The line connecting the scattered light lobes of NIRS1 is twisted symmetrically around the star; the best explanation is that the star is part of a close binary and the outflow axis of NIRS1 is precessing as a result of non-coplanar disk and orbit. The star NIRS3 is also offset from the line connecting its two scattered light lobes. We suggest that all three YSOs show evidence of episodic ejection of material as they accrete from dense, optically thick envelopes.
381 - Janet P. Simpson 2006
We present 2micron polarization measurements of positions in the BN region of the Orion Molecular Cloud (OMC-1) made with NICMOS Camera 2 (0.2 resolution) on HST. Our results are as follows: BN is sim 29% polarized by dichroic absorption and appears to be the illuminating source for most of the nebulosity to its north and up to sim 5 to its south. Although the stars are probably all polarized by dichroic absorption, there are a number of compact, but non-point-source, objects that could be polarized by a combination of both dichroic absorption and local scattering of star light. We identify several candidate YSOs, including an approximately edge-on bipolar YSO 8.7 east of BN, and a deeply-embedded variable star. Additional strongly polarized sources are IRc2-B, IRc2-D, and IRc7, all of which are obviously self-luminous at mid-infrared wavelengths and may be YSOs. None of these is a reflection nebula illuminated by a star located near radio source I, as was previously suggested. Other IRc sources are clearly reflection nebulae: IRc3 appears to be illuminated by IRc2-B or a combination of the IRc2 sources, and IRc4 and IRc5 appear to be illuminated by an unseen star in the vicinity of radio source I, or by Star n or IRc2-A. Trends in the magnetic field direction are inferred from the polarization of the 26 stars that are bright enough to be seen as NICMOS point sources. The most polarized star has a polarization position angle different from its neighbors by sim 40^o, but in agreement with the grain alignment inferred from millimeter polarization measurements of the cold dust cloud in the southern part of OMC-1.
We present the highest redshift detections of resolved Lyman alpha emission, using Hubble Space Telescope/ACS F658N narrowband-imaging data taken in parallel with the Wide Field Camera 3 Early Release Science program in the GOODS CDF-S. We detect Lym an alpha emission from three spectroscopically confirmed z = 4.4 Lyman alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs), more than doubling the sample of LAEs with resolved Lyman alpha emission. Comparing the light distribution between the rest-frame ultraviolet continuum and narrowband images, we investigate the escape of Lyman alpha photons at high redshift. While our data do not support a positional offset between the Lyman alpha and rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) continuum emission, the half-light radii in two out of the three galaxies are significantly larger in Lyman alpha than in the rest-frame UV continuum. This result is confirmed when comparing object sizes in a stack of all objects in both bands. Additionally, the narrowband flux detected with HST is significantly less than observed in similar filters from the ground. These results together imply that the Lyman alpha emission is not strictly confined to its indigenous star-forming regions. Rather, the Lyman alpha emission is more extended, with the missing HST flux likely existing in a diffuse outer halo. This suggests that the radiative transfer of Lyman alpha photons in high-redshift LAEs is complicated, with the interstellar-medium geometry and/or outflows playing a significant role in galaxies at these redshifts.
132 - Guilin Liu 2013
We present HST/WFC3 narrow-band imaging of the starburst galaxy M83 targeting the hydrogen recombination lines (H$beta$, H$alpha$ and Pa$beta$), which we use to investigate the dust extinction in the HII regions. We derive extinction maps with 6 pars ec spatial resolution from two combinations of hydrogen lines (H$alpha$/H$beta$ and H$alpha$/Pa$beta$), and show that the longer wavelengths probe larger optical depths, with $A_V$ values larger by $gtrsim$1 mag than those derived from the shorter wavelengths. This difference leads to a factor $gtrsim$2 discrepancy in the extinction-corrected H$alpha$ luminosity, a significant effect when studying extragalactic HII regions. By comparing these observations to a series of simple models, we conclude that a large diversity of absorber/emitter geometric configurations can account for the data, implying a more complex physical structure than the classical foreground dust screen assumption. However, most data points are bracketed by the foreground screen and a model where dust and emitters are uniformly mixed. When averaged over large ($gtrsim$100--200 pc) scales, the extinction becomes consistent with a dust screen, suggesting that other geometries tend to be restricted to more local scales. Moreover, the extinction in any region can be described by a combination of the foreground screen and the uniform mixture model with weights of 1/3 and 2/3 in the center ($lesssim$2 kpc), respectively, and 2/3 and 1/3 for the rest of the disk. This simple prescription significantly improves the accuracy of the dust extinction corrections and can be especially useful for pixel-based analyses of galaxies similar to M83.
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