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We describe the recent developments to extend the multi-parton interaction model of underlying events in Herwig++ into the soft, non-perturbative, regime. This allows the program to describe also minimum bias collisions in which there is no hard interaction, for the first time. It is publicly available fro
Accurate knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of zero-temperature, high-density quark matter plays an integral role in attempts to constrain the behavior of the dense QCD matter found inside neutron-star cores, irrespective of the phase realized
A new release of the Monte Carlo program Herwig++ (version 2.5) is now available. This version comes with a number of improvements including: new next-to-leading order matrix elements, including weak boson pair production; a colour reconnection model
A new release of the Monte Carlo program Herwig++ (version 2.2) is now available. This version includes a number of improvements including: matrix elements for the production of an electroweak gauge boson, W and Z, in association with a jet; several
A new release of the Monte Carlo program Herwig++ (version 2.1) is now available. This version includes a number of significant improvements including: an eikonal multiple parton-parton scattering model of the underlying event; the inclusion of Beyon
In this paper we describe Herwig++ version 2.3, a general-purpose Monte Carlo event generator for the simulation of hard lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron collisions. A number of important hard scattering processes are available, togethe