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The effect of a market factor on information flow between stocks using minimal spanning tree

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 نشر من قبل Woo-Sung Jung
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English

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We empirically investigated the effects of market factors on the information flow created from N(N-1)/2 linkage relationships among stocks. We also examined the possibility of employing the minimal spanning tree (MST) method, which is capable of reducing the number of links to N-1. We determined that market factors carry important information value regarding information flow among stocks. Moreover, the information flow among stocks evidenced time-varying properties according to the changes in market status. In particular, we noted that the information flow increased dramatically during periods of market crises. Finally, we confirmed, via the MST method, that the information flow among stocks could be assessed effectively with the reduced linkage relationships among all links between stocks from the perspective of the overall market.

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اقرأ أيضاً

428 - Okyu Kwon , Jae-Suk Yang 2007
We investigate the strength and the direction of information transfer in the U.S. stock market between the composite stock price index of stock market and prices of individual stocks using the transfer entropy. Through the directionality of the infor mation transfer, we find that individual stocks are influenced by the index of the market.
344 - Peng Yue 2020
Transfer entropy measures the strength and direction of information flow between different time series. We study the information flow networks of the Chinese stock market and identify important sectors and information flow paths. This paper uses the daily closing price data of the 28 level-1 sectors from Shenyin & Wanguo Securities ranging from 2000 to 2017 to study the information transmission between different sectors. We construct information flow networks with the sectors as the nodes and the transfer entropy between them as the corresponding edges. Then we adopt the maximum spanning arborescence (MSA) to extracting important information flows and the hierarchical structure of the networks. We find that, during the whole sample period, the textit{composite} sector is an information source of the whole stock market, while the textit{non-bank financial} sector is the information sink. We also find that the textit{non-bank finance}, textit{bank}, textit{computer}, textit{media}, textit{real estate}, textit{medical biology} and textit{non-ferrous metals} sectors appear as high-degree root nodes in the outgoing and incoming information flow MSAs. Especially, the textit{non-bank finance} and textit{bank} sectors have significantly high degrees after 2008 in the outgoing information flow networks. We uncover how stock market turmoils affect the structure of the MSAs. Finally, we reveal the specificity of information source and sink sectors and make a conclusion that the root node sector as the information sink of the incoming information flow networks. Overall, our analyses show that the structure of information flow networks changes with time and the market exhibits a sector rotation phenomenon. Our work has important implications for market participants and policy makers in managing market risks and controlling the contagion of risks.
105 - Peng Yue 2020
Information diffusion within financial markets plays a crucial role in the process of price formation and the propagation of sentiment and risk. We perform a comparative analysis of information transfer between industry sectors of the Chinese and the USA stock markets, using daily sector indices for the period from 2000 to 2017. The information flow from one sector to another is measured by the transfer entropy of the daily returns of the two sector indices. We find that the most active sector in information exchange (i.e., the largest total information inflow and outflow) is the {textit{non-bank financial}} sector in the Chinese market and the {textit{technology}} sector in the USA market. This is consistent with the role of the non-bank sector in corporate financing in China and the impact of technological innovation in the USA. In each market, the most active sector is also the largest information sink that has the largest information inflow (i.e., inflow minus outflow). In contrast, we identify that the main information source is the {textit{bank}} sector in the Chinese market and the {textit{energy}} sector in the USA market. In the case of China, this is due to the importance of net bank lending as a signal of corporate activity and the role of energy pricing in affecting corporate profitability. There are sectors such as the {textit{real estate}} sector that could be an information sink in one market but an information source in the other, showing the complex behavior of different markets. Overall, these findings show that stock markets are more synchronized, or ordered, during periods of turmoil than during periods of stability.
522 - Okyu Kwon , Jae-Suk Yang 2008
Using transfer entropy, we observed the strength and direction of information flow between stock indices. We uncovered that the biggest source of information flow is America. In contrast, the Asia/Pacific region the biggest is receives the most infor mation. According to the minimum spanning tree, the GSPC is located at the focal point of the information source for world stock markets.
We consider shared listings on two South African equity exchanges: the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and the A2X Exchange. A2X is an alternative exchange that provides for both shared listings and new listings within the financial market ecosyste m of South Africa. From a science perspective it provides the opportunity to compare markets trading similar shares, in a similar regulatory and economic environment, but with vastly different liquidity, costs and business models. A2X currently has competitive settlement and transaction pricing when compared to the JSE, but the JSE has deeper liquidity. In pursuit of an empirical understanding of how these differences relate to their respective price response dynamics, we compare the distributions and auto-correlations of returns on different time scales; we compare price impact and master curves; and we compare the cost of trading on each exchange. This allows us to empirically compare the two markets. We find that various stylised facts become similar as the measurement or sampling time scale increase. However, the same securities can have vastly different price responses irrespective of time scales. This is not surprising given the different liquidity and order-book resilience. Here we demonstrate that direct costs dominate the cost of trading, and the importance of competitively positioning cost ceilings. Universality is crucial for being able to meaningfully compare cross-exchange price responses, but in the case of A2X, it has yet to emerge in a meaningful way due to the infancy of the exchange -- making meaningful comparisons difficult.
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