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A high-flux 2D MOT source for cold lithium atoms

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 نشر من قبل Jook Walraven
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We demonstrate a novel 2D MOT beam source for cold 6Li atoms. The source is side-loaded from an oven operated at temperatures in the range 600<T<700 K. The performance is analyzed by loading the atoms into a 3D MOT located 220 mm downstream from the source. The maximum recapture rate of ~10^9 /s is obtained for T=700 K and results in a total of up to 10^10 trapped atoms. The recaptured fraction is estimated to be 30(10)% and limited by beam divergence. The most-probable velocity in the beam (alpha_z) is varied from 18 to 70 m/s by increasing the intensity of a push beam. The source is quite monochromatic with a full-width at half maximum velocity spread of 11 m/s at alpha_z=36 m/s, demonstrating that side-loading completely eliminates beam contamination by hot vapor from the oven. We identify depletion of the low-velocity tail of the oven flux as the limiting loss mechanism. Our approach is suitable for other atomic species.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present a compact source of cold sodium atoms suitable for the production of quantum degenerate gases and versatile for a multi-species experiment. The magnetic field produced by permanent magnets allows to simultaneously realize a Zeeman slower a nd a two-dimensional MOT within an order of magnitude smaller length than standard sodium sources. We achieve an atomic flux exceeding 4x10^9 atoms/s loaded in a MOT, with a most probable longitudinal velocity of 20 m/s, and a brightness larger than 2.5x10^(12) atoms/s/sr. This atomic source allowed us to produce a pure BEC with more than 10^7 atoms and a background pressure limited lifetime of 5 minutes.
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We describe an experimental apparatus capable of achieving a high loading rate of strontium atoms in a magneto-optical trap operating in a high vacuum environment. A key innovation of this setup is a two dimensional magneto-optical trap deflector loc ated after a Zeeman slower. We find a loading rate of 6x10^9/s whereas the lifetime of the magnetically trapped atoms in the 3P2 state is 54s.
We report on the production of a novel cold mixture of fermionic $^{53}$Cr and $^{6}$Li atoms delivered by two Zeeman-slowed atomic beams and collected within a magneto-optical trap (MOT). For lithium, we obtain clouds of up to $4 ,10^8$ atoms at tem peratures of about $500,mu$K. A gray optical molasses stage allows us to decrease the gas temperature down to $45(5),mu$K. For chromium, we obtain MOTs comprising up to $1.5, 10^6$ atoms. The availability of magnetically trappable metastable $D$-states, from which $P$-state atoms can radiatively decay onto, enables to accumulate into the MOT quadrupole samples of up to $10^7$ $^{53}$Cr atoms. After repumping $D$-state atoms back into the cooling cycle, a final cooling stage decreases the chromium temperature down to $145(5),mu$K. While the presence of a lithium MOT decreases the lifetime of magnetically trapped $^{53}$Cr atoms, we obtain, within a 5 seconds duty cycle, samples of about $4, 10^6$ chromium and $1.5,10^8$ lithium atoms. Our work provides a crucial step towards the production of degenerate Cr-Li Fermi mixtures.
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