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Spectral Ages of Giant Radio Sources

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 نشر من قبل D. J. Saikia
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف C. Konar

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Multifrequency observations with the GMRT and the VLA are used to determine the spectral breaks in consecutive strips along the lobes of a sample of selected giant radio sources (GRSs) in order to estimate their spectral ages. The maximum spectral ages estimated for the detected radio emission in the lobes of our sample of ten sources has a median value of $sim$20 Myr. The spectral ages of these GRSs are significantly older than smaller sources. In all but one source (J1313+6937) the spectral age gradually increases with distance from the hotspot regions, confirming that acceleration of the particles mainly occurs in the hotspots. Most of the GRSs do not exhibit zero spectral ages in the hotspots. This is likely to be largely due to contamination by more extended emission due to relatively modest resolutions. The injection spectral indices range from $sim$0.55 to 0.88 with a median value of $sim$0.6. We show that the injection spectral index appears to be correlated with luminosity and/or redshift as well as with linear size.

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Dynamical ages of the opposite lobes determined {sl independently} of each other suggest that their ratios are between $sim$1.1 to $sim$1.4. Demanding similar values of the jet power and the radio core density for the same GRS, we look for a {sl self -consistent} solution for the opposite lobes, which results in different density profiles along them found by the fit. A comparison of the dynamical and spectral ages shows that their ratio is between $sim$1 and $sim$5, i.e. is similar to that found for smaller radio galaxies. Two causes of this effect are pointed out.
The dynamical ages of the opposite lobes of selected giant radio sources are estimated using the DYNAGE algorithm of Machalski et al., and compared with their spectral ages estimated and studied by Jamrozy et al. in Paper II. As expected, the DYNAGE fits give slightly different dynamical ages and other models parameters for the opposite lobes modelled independently each other, e.g. the age ratios are found between ~1.1 to ~1.4. Demanding similar values of the jet power and the radio core density for the same source, we look for a self-consistent solution for the opposite lobes, which results in different density profiles along them found by the fit. We also show that a departure from the equipartition conditions assumed in the model, justified by X-ray observations of the lobes of some nearby radio galaxies, and a relevant variation of the magnetic-field strengths may provide an equalisation of the lobes ages. A comparison of the dynamical and spectral ages shows that a ratio of the dynamical age to the spectral age of the lobes of investigated giant radio galaxies is between ~1 and ~5, i.e. is similar to that found for smaller radio galaxies (e.g. Parma et al. 1999). Supplementing possible causes for this effect already discussed in the literature, like uncertainty of assumed parameters of the model, an influence of a possible departure from the energy equipartition assumption, etc. Arguments are given to suggest that DYNAGE can better take account of radiative effects at lower frequencies than the spectral-ageing analysis.The DYNAGE algorithm is especially effective for sources at high redshifts, for which an intrinsic spectral curvature is shifted to low frequencies.
203 - S. Godambe 2009
We present low-frequency observations with the GMRT of three giant radio sources (J0139+3957, J0200+4049 and J0807+7400) with relaxed diffuse lobes which show no hotspots and no evidence of jets. The largest of these three, J0200+4049, exhibits a dep ression in the centre of the western lobe, while J0139+3957 and J0807+7400 have been suggested earlier by Klein et al. and Lara et al. respectively to be relic radio sources. We estimate the spectral ages of the lobes. All three sources have compact radio cores. Although the radio cores suggest that the sources are currently active, we suggest that the lobes in these sources could be due to an earlier cycle of activity.
MOJAVE is a VLBI program which monitors a statistically complete, radio-selected sample of 135 relativistically beamed, flat-spectrum active galactic nuclei for over more than a decade. In order to understand the high-energy behavior of this radio co mplete sample, we are performing Swift fill-in observations on the complete MOJAVE-I sample since 2007. The complete study of the spectral energy distribution from radio to X-ray bands on this radio-selected sample will provide us an opportunity to understand the nature of AGN. Here we present the preliminary results of the spectral energy distributions of six gamma-quiet or faint sources from this project: NRAO 140, PKS 0403-13, PKS B0422+004, PKS 0823+033, 3C 309.1, and 3C 380.
137 - M. Jamrozy 2007
Multifrequency observations with the GMRT and the VLA are used to determine the spectral breaks in consecutive strips along the lobes of a sample of selected giant radio sources (GRSs) in order to estimate their spectral ages. The maximum spectral ag es estimated for the detected radio emission in the lobes of our sources range from $sim$6 to 36 Myr with a median value of $sim$20 Myr using the classical equipartition fields. Using the magnetic field estimates from the Beck & Krause formalism the spectral ages range from $sim$5 to 38 Myr with a median value of $sim$22 Myr. These ages are significantly older than smaller sources. In all but one source (J1313+6937) the spectral age gradually increases with distance from the hotspot regions, confirming that acceleration of the particles mainly occurs in the hotspots. Most of the GRSs do not exhibit zero spectral ages in the hotspots, as is the case in earlier studies of smaller sources. This is likely to be largely due to contamination by more extended emission due to relatively modest resolutions. The injection spectral indices range from $sim$0.55 to 0.88 with a median value of $sim$0.6. We discuss these values in the light of theoretical expectations, and show that the injection spectral index appears to be correlated with luminosity and/or redshift as well as with linear size.
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