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Theoretical study of the quenching of NH (singlet Delta) molecules via collisions with Rb atoms: preliminary results

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Haxton
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We examine the quenching reaction Rb (doublet S) + NH (singlet Delta) goes to Rb (doublet P one-half) + NH (ground triplet Sigma minus). This reaction may be utilized to produce ground state NH molecules for studies of ultracold physics or for other purposes, and is interesting in that it involves initial and final states that are nearly degenerate. This near degeneracy is expected to lead to a large reaction rate. We examine this system using ab initio quantum chemistry calculations and scattering calculations, which include spin-orbit effects, and find that the reaction rate is large and, in fact, approaches the quantum mechanical unitarity limit. We discuss the prospects for an experimental examination of this system.

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We present a detailed analysis of the role of the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction in cold and ultracold collisions. We focus on collisions between magnetically trapped NH molecules, but the theory is general for any two paramagnetic species for wh ich the electronic spin and its space-fixed projection are (approximately) good quantum numbers. It is shown that dipolar spin relaxation is directly associated with magnetic-dipole induced avoided crossings that occur between different adiabatic potential curves. For a given collision energy and magnetic field strength, the cross-section contributions from different scattering channels depend strongly on whether or not the corresponding avoided crossings are energetically accessible. We find that the crossings become lower in energy as the magnetic field decreases, so that higher partial-wave scattering becomes increasingly important textit{below} a certain magnetic field strength. In addition, we derive analytical cross-section expressions for dipolar spin relaxation based on the Born approximation and distorted-wave Born approximation. The validity regions of these analytical expressions are determined by comparison with the NH + NH cross sections obtained from full coupled-channel calculations. We find that the Born approximation is accurate over a wide range of energies and field strengths, but breaks down at high energies and high magnetic fields. The analytical distorted-wave Born approximation gives more accurate results in the case of s-wave scattering, but shows some significant discrepancies for the higher partial-wave channels. We thus conclude that the Born approximation gives generally more meaningful results than the distorted-wave Born approximation at the collision energies and fields considered in this work.
We present elastic and inelastic spin-changing cross sections for cold and ultracold NH($X,^3Sigma^-$) + NH($X,^3Sigma^-$) collisions, obtained from full quantum scattering calculations on an accurate textit{ab initio} quintet potential-energy surfac e. Although we consider only collisions in zero field, we focus on the cross sections relevant for magnetic trapping experiments. It is shown that evaporative cooling of both fermionic $^{14}$NH and bosonic $^{15}$NH is likely to be successful for hyperfine states that allow for s-wave collisions. The calculated cross sections are very sensitive to the details of the interaction potential, due to the presence of (quasi-)bound state resonances. The remaining inaccuracy of the textit{ab initio} potential-energy surface therefore gives rise to an uncertainty in the numerical cross-section values. However, based on a sampling of the uncertainty range of the textit{ab initio} calculations, we conclude that the exact potential is likely to be such that the elastic-to-inelastic cross-section ratio is sufficiently large to achieve efficient evaporative cooling. This likelihood is only weakly dependent on the size of the channel basis set used in the scattering calculations.
Elastic and spin-changing inelastic collision cross sections are presented for cold and ultracold magnetically trapped NH. The cross sections are obtained from coupled-channel scattering calculations as a function of energy and magnetic field. We spe cifically investigate the influence of the intramolecular spin-spin, spin-rotation, and intermolecular magnetic dipole coupling on the collision dynamics. It is shown that $^{15}$NH is a very suitable candidate for evaporative cooling experiments. The dominant trap-loss mechanism in the ultracold regime originates from the intermolecular dipolar coupling term. At higher energies and fields, intramolecular spin-spin coupling becomes increasingly important. Our qualitative results and conclusions are fairly independent of the exact form of the potential and of the size of the channel basis set.
We show the preliminary results of the application of our fireshell model to GRB060124. This source is very peculiar because it is the first event for which both the prompt and the afterglow emission were observed simultaneously by the three Swift in struments: BAT (15-350 keV), XRT (0.2-10 keV) and UVOT (170-650 nm), due to the presence of a precursor ~ 570 s before the main burst. We analyze GRB060124 within our canonical GRB scenario, identifying the precursor with the P-GRB and the prompt emission with the afterglow peak emission. In this way we reproduce correctly the energetics of both these two components. We reproduce also the observed time delay between the precursor (P-GRB) and the main burst. The effect of such a time delay in our model will be discussed.
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