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Cosmology: small scale issues

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 نشر من قبل Joel R. Primack
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Joel R. Primack

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The abundance of dark matter satellites and subhalos, the existence of density cusps at the centers of dark matter halos, and problems producing realistic disk galaxies in simulations are issues that have raised concerns about the viability of the standard cold dark matter (LambdaCDM) scenario for galaxy formation. This talk reviews these issues, and considers the implications for cold vs. various varieties of warm dark matter (WDM). The current evidence appears to be consistent with standard LambdaCDM, although improving data may point toward a rather tepid version of LambdaWDM - tepid since the dark matter cannot be very warm without violating observational constraints.

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115 - Joel R. Primack 2009
The abundance of dark matter satellites and subhalos, the existence of density cusps at the centers of dark matter halos, and problems producing realistic disk galaxies in simulations are issues that have raised concerns about the viability of the st andard cold dark matter (LambdaCDM) scenario for galaxy formation. This article reviews these issues, and considers the implications for cold vs. various varieties of warm dark matter (WDM). The current evidence appears to be consistent with standard LambdaCDM, although improving data may point toward a rather tepid version of LambdaWDM -- tepid since the dark matter cannot be very warm without violating observational constraints.
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope has measured the angular power spectra of microwave fluctuations to arcminute scales at frequencies of 148 and 218 GHz, from three seasons of data. At small scales the fluctuations in the primordial Cosmic Microwave Ba ckground (CMB) become increasingly obscured by extragalactic foregounds and secondary CMB signals. We present results from a nine-parameter model describing these secondary effects, including the thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ and kSZ) power; the clustered and Poisson-like power from Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) sources, and their frequency scaling; the tSZ-CIB correlation coefficient; the extragalactic radio source power; and thermal dust emission from Galactic cirrus in two different regions of the sky. In order to extract cosmological parameters, we describe a likelihood function for the ACT data, fitting this model to the multi-frequency spectra in the multipole range 500<ell<10000. We extend the likelihood to include spectra from the South Pole Telescope at frequencies of 95, 150, and 220 GHz. Accounting for different radio source levels and Galactic cirrus emission, the same model provides an excellent fit to both datasets simultaneously, with chi2/dof= 675/697 for ACT, and 96/107 for SPT. We then use the multi-frequency likelihood to estimate the CMB power spectrum from ACT in bandpowers, marginalizing over the secondary parameters. This provides a simplified `CMB-only likelihood in the range 500<ell<3500 for use in cosmological parameter estimation.
98 - Fabien Lacasa 2019
Interest rises to exploit the full shape information of the galaxy power spectrum, as well as pushing analyses to smaller non-linear scales. Here I use the halo model to quantify the information content in the tomographic angular power spectrum of ga laxies, for future high resolution surveys : Euclid and SKA2. I study how this information varies as a function of the scale cut applied, either with angular cut $ell_{max}$ or physical cut kmax. For this, I use analytical covariances with the most complete census of non-Gaussian terms, which proves critical. I find that the Fisher information on most cosmological and astrophysical parameters follows a striking behaviour. Beyond the perturbative regime we first get decreasing returns : the information keeps rising but the slope slows down until reaching a saturation. The location of this plateau is a bit beyond the reach of current modeling methods : k $sim$ 2 Mpc$^{-1}$ and slightly depends on the parameter and redshift bin considered. I explain the origin of this plateau, which is due to non-linear effects both on the power spectrum, and more importantly on non-Gaussian covariance terms. Then, pushing further on I find that information rises again in the highly non-linear regime. I find that the cosmological information in this small scale miracle can indeed be disentangled from astrophysical information and yield large improvements. Pushing SKA2 analysis from kmax=1 Mpc$^{-1}$ to kmax=10 Mpc$^{-1}$ can improve the error bar on $sigma_8$ by a factor 9 and the error bar on the Dark Energy equation of state $w_0$ by a factor 5. Finally I show that high order statistics beyond the power spectrum should yield further significant improvements in this regime, with the improvements increasing when pushing kmax. Data and notebooks reproducing all plots and results will be made available at url{https://github.com/fabienlacasa/SmallScaleMiracle}
We introduce Copernicus Complexio (COCO), a high-resolution cosmological N-body simulation of structure formation in the $Lambda{rm CDM}{}$ model. COCO follows an approximately spherical region of radius $sim 17.4h^{-1},{rm Mpc}$ embedded in a much l arger periodic cube that is followed at lower resolution. The high resolution volume has a particle mass of $1.135times10^5h^{-1}{rm M}_{odot}$ (60 times higher than the Millennium-II simulation). COCO gives the dark matter halo mass function over eight orders of magnitude in halo mass; it forms $sim 60$ haloes of galactic size, each resolved with about 10 million particles. We confirm the power-law character of the subhalo mass function, $bar{N}(>mu)proptomu^{-s}$, down to a reduced subhalo mass $M_{sub}/M_{200}equivmu=10^{-6}$, with a best-fit power-law index, $s=0.94$, for hosts of mass $langle M_{200}rangle=10^{12}h^{-1}{rm M}_{odot}$. The concentration-mass relation of COCO haloes deviates from a single power law for masses $M_{200}<textrm{a few}times 10^{8}h^{-1}{rm M}_{odot}$, where it flattens, in agreement with results by Sanchez-Conde et al. The host mass invariance of the reduced maximum circular velocity function of subhaloes, $ uequiv V_{max}/V_{200}$, hinted at in previous simulations, is clearly demonstrated over five orders of magnitude in host mass. Similarly, we find that the average, normalised radial distribution of subhaloes is approximately universal (i.e. independent of subhalo mass), as previously suggested by the Aquarius simulations of individual haloes. Finally, we find that at fixed physical subhalo size, subhaloes in lower mass hosts typically have lower central densities than those in higher mass hosts.
We present the BACCO project, a simulation framework specially designed to provide highly-accurate predictions for the distribution of mass, galaxies, and gas as a function of cosmological parameters. In this paper, we describe our main suite of simu lations (L $sim2$ Gpc and $4320^3$ particles) and present various validation tests. Using a cosmology-rescaling technique, we predict the nonlinear mass power spectrum over the redshift range $0<z<1.5$ and over scales $10^{-2} < k/(h Mpc^{-1} ) < 5$ for 800 points in an 8-dimensional cosmological parameter space. For an efficient interpolation of the results, we build an emulator and compare its predictions against several widely-used methods. Over the whole range of scales considered, we expect our predictions to be accurate at the 2% level for parameters in the minimal $Lambda$ CDM model and to 3% when extended to dynamical dark energy and massive neutrinos. We make our emulator publicly available under http://www.dipc.org/bacco
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