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Gauge Coupling Unification in MSSM + 5 Flavors

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 نشر من قبل Jeff Jones
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jeff L. Jones

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We investigate gauge coupling unification at 2-loops for theories with 5 extra vectorlike SU(5) fundamentals added to the MSSM. This is a borderline case where unification is only predicted in certain regions of parameter space. We establish a lower bound on the scale for the masses of the extra flavors, as a function of the sparticle masses. Models far outside of the bound do not predict unification at all (but may be compatible with unification), and models outside but near the boundary cannot reliably claim to predict it with an accuracy comparable to the MSSM prediction. Models inside the boundary can work just as well as the MSSM.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We explore the gauge coupling relations and the unification scale in F-theory SU(5) GUT broken down to the Standard Model by an internal U(1)Y gauge flux. We consider variants with exotic matter representations which may appear in these constructions and investigate their role in the effective field theory model. We make a detailed investigation on the conditions imposed on the extraneous matter to raise the unification scale and make the color triplets heavy in order to avoid fast proton decay. We also discuss in brief the implications on the gaugino masses.
We discuss the gauge-Higgs unification in a framework of Lifshitz type gauge theory. We study a higher dimensional gauge theory on R^{D-1}times S^{1} in which the normal second (first) order derivative terms for scalar (fermion) fields in the action are replaced by higher order derivative ones for the direction of the extra dimension. We provide some mathematical tools to evaluate a one-loop effective potential for the zero mode of the extra component of a higher dimensional gauge field and clarify how the higher order derivative terms affect the standard form of the effective potential. Our results show that they can make the Higgs mass heavier and change its vacuum expectation value drastically. Some extensions of our framework are briefly discussed.
Gauge-Higgs grand unification is formulated. By extending $SO(5) times U(1)_X$ gauge-Higgs electroweak unification, strong interactions are incorporated in $SO(11)$ gauge-Higgs unification in the Randall-Sundrum warped space. Quarks and leptons are c ontained in spinor and vector multiplets of $SO(11)$. Although the KK scale can be as low as $10 $ TeV, proton decay is forbidden by a conserved fermion number in the absence of Majorana masses of neutrinos.
Gauge-Higgs unification is the fascinating scenario solving the hierarchy problem without supersymmetry. In this scenario, the Standard Model (SM) Higgs doublet is identified with extra component of the gauge field in higher dimensions and its mass b ecomes finite and stable under quantum corrections due to the higher dimensional gauge symmetry. On the other hand, Yukawa coupling is provided by the gauge coupling, which seems to mean that the flavor mixing and CP violation do not arise at it stands. In this talk, we discuss that the flavor mixing is originated from simultaneously non-diagonalizable bulk and brane mass matrices. Then, this mechanism is applied to various flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) processes via Kaluza-Klein (KK) gauge boson exchange at tree level and constraints for compactification scale are obtained.
We consider the triple coupling of the Higgs boson in the context of the gauge-Higgs unification scenario. We show that the triple coupling of the Higgs boson in this scenario generically deviates from SM prediction since the Higgs potential in this scenario has a periodicity. We calculate the coupling in the five-dimensional $SU(3)$ x $U(1)_X$ gauge-Higgs unification model and obtain 70% deviation from the SM prediction.
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