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Grounded Uniaxial Material Slabs as Magnetic Conductors

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 نشر من قبل Olli Luukkonen
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The objective of this paper is all-angle artificial magnetic conductor, i.e. artificial magnetic conductor that has stable magnetic-wall effect with respect to the incidence angle. Furthermore, we seek for a design that would be easy for manufacturing. In order to achieve this we use grounded uniaxial material slabs and we do not constrict ourselves to naturally available materials. Instead, we assume that the desired parameters can be synthesized using the emerging artificial electromagnetic materials. It is found that it is possible to have an all-angle magnetic-wall effect for both TE and TM polarization. Especially for the TM fields the structure would be easily manufacturable. The proposed structure has similar appearance as more well-known artificial impedance surfaces, but the design parameters and the physical properties behind the magnetic wall effect are novel. The performance of the proposed artificial magnetic conductor is verified with numerical simulations. This paper introduces a new approach how to obtain a magnetic-wall effect. It is possible to use this this approach also together with other ways of obtaining the magnetic-wall effect for dual-band operation.

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