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Improved Capacity Scaling in Wireless Networks With Infrastructure

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 نشر من قبل Won-Yong Shin
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper analyzes the impact and benefits of infrastructure support in improving the throughput scaling in networks of $n$ randomly located wireless nodes. The infrastructure uses multi-antenna base stations (BSs), in which the number of BSs and the number of antennas at each BS can scale at arbitrary rates relative to $n$. Under the model, capacity scaling laws are analyzed for both dense and extended networks. Two BS-based routing schemes are first introduced in this study: an infrastructure-supported single-hop (ISH) routing protocol with multiple-access uplink and broadcast downlink and an infrastructure-supported multi-hop (IMH) routing protocol. Then, their achievable throughput scalings are analyzed. These schemes are compared against two conventional schemes without BSs: the multi-hop (MH) transmission and hierarchical cooperation (HC) schemes. It is shown that a linear throughput scaling is achieved in dense networks, as in the case without help of BSs. In contrast, the proposed BS-based routing schemes can, under realistic network conditions, improve the throughput scaling significantly in extended networks. The gain comes from the following advantages of these BS-based protocols. First, more nodes can transmit simultaneously in the proposed scheme than in the MH scheme if the number of BSs and the number of antennas are large enough. Second, by improving the long-distance signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the received signal power can be larger than that of the HC, enabling a better throughput scaling under extended networks. Furthermore, by deriving the corresponding information-theoretic cut-set upper bounds, it is shown under extended networks that a combination of four schemes IMH, ISH, MH, and HC is order-optimal in all operating regimes.

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We address the optimization of the sum rate performance in multicell interference-limited singlehop networks where access points are allowed to cooperate in terms of joint resource allocation. The resource allocation policies considered here combine power control and user scheduling. Although very promising from a conceptual point of view, the optimization of the sum of per-link rates hinges, in principle, on tough issues such as computational complexity and the requirement for heavy receiver-to-transmitter channel information feedback across all network cells. In this paper, we show that, in fact, distributed algorithms are actually obtainable in the asymptotic regime where the numbers of users per cell is allowed to grow large. Additionally, using extreme value theory, we provide scaling laws for upper and lower bounds for the network capacity (sum of single user rates over all cells), corresponding to zero-interference and worst-case interference scenarios. We show that the scaling is either dominated by path loss statistics or by small-scale fading, depending on the regime and user location scenario. We show that upper and lower rate bounds behave in fact identically, asymptotically. This remarkable result suggests not only that distributed resource allocation is practically possible but also that the impact of multicell interference on the capacity (in terms of scaling) actually vanishes asymptotically.
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