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Three-Component Fermi Gas in a one-dimensional Optical Lattice

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 نشر من قبل Capponi Sylvain
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the effect of the anisotropy between the s-wave scattering lengths of a three-component atomic Fermi gas loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice. We find four different phases which support trionic instabilities made of bound states of three fermions. These phases distinguish themselves by the relative phases between the 2$k_F$ atomic density waves fluctuations of the three species. At small enough densities or strong anisotropies we give further evidences for a decoupling and the stabilization of more conventional BCS phases. Finally our results are discussed in light of a recent experiment on $^{6}$Li atoms.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the properties of a one-dimensional (1D) gas of fermions trapped in a lattice by means of the density matrix renormalization group method, focusing on the case of unequal spin populations, and strong attractive interaction. In the low densit y regime, the system phase-separates into a well defined superconducting core and a fully polarized metallic cloud surrounding it. We argue that the superconducting phase corresponds to a 1D analogue of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state, with a quasi-condensate of tightly bound bosonic pairs with a finite center-of-mass momentum that scales linearly with the magnetization. In the large density limit, the system allows for four phases: in the core, we either find a Fock state of localized pairs or a metallic shell with free spin-down fermions moving in a fully filled background of spin-up fermions. As the magnetization increases, the Fock state disappears to give room for a metallic phase, with a partially polarized superconducting FFLO shell and a fully polarized metallic cloud surrounding the core.
We show that in the sudden expansion of a spin-balanced two-component Fermi gas into an empty optical lattice induced by releasing particles from a trap, over a wide parameter regime, the radius $R_n$ of the particle cloud grows linearly in time. Thi s allow us to define the expansion velocity $V_{ex}$ from $R_n=V_{ex}t$. The goal of this work is to clarify the dependence of the expansion velocity on the initial conditions which we establish from time-dependent density matrix renormalization group simulations, both for a box trap and a harmonic trap. As a prominent result, the presence of a Mott-insulating region leaves clear fingerprints in the expansion velocity. Our predictions can be verified in experiments with ultra-cold atoms.
We investigate the response to radio-frequency driving of an ultracold gas of attractively interacting fermions in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We study the system dynamics by monitoring the driving-induced population transfer to a third state, and the evolution of the momentum density and pair distributions. Depending on the frequency of the radio-frequency field, two different dynamical regimes emerge when considering the evolution of the third level population. One regime exhibits (off)resonant many-body oscillations reminiscent of Rabi oscillations in a discrete two-level system, while the other displays a strong linear rise. Within this second regime, we connect, via linear response theory, the extracted transfer rate to the system single-particle spectral function, and infer the nature of the excitations from Bethe ansatz calculations. In addition, we show that this radio-frequency technique can be employed to gain insights into this many-body system coupling mechanism away from equilibrium. This is done by monitoring the momentum density redistributions and the evolution of the pair correlations during the drive. Capturing such non-equilibrium physics goes beyond a linear response treatment, and is achieved here by conducting time-dependent matrix product state simulations.
We study the ground-state phase diagram of a Bose-Fermi mixture loaded in a one-dimensional optical lattice by computing the ground-state fidelity and quantum entanglement. We find that the fidelity is able to signal quantum phase transitions between the Luttinger liquid phase, the density-wave phase, and the phase separation state of the system; and the concurrence can be used to signal the transition between the density-wave phase and the Ising phase.
Strontium optical lattice clocks have the potential to simultaneously interrogate millions of atoms with a high spectroscopic quality factor of $4 times 10^{-17}$. Previously, atomic interactions have forced a compromise between clock stability, whic h benefits from a large atom number, and accuracy, which suffers from density-dependent frequency shifts. Here, we demonstrate a scalable solution which takes advantage of the high, correlated density of a degenerate Fermi gas in a three-dimensional optical lattice to guard against on-site interaction shifts. We show that contact interactions are resolved so that their contribution to clock shifts is orders of magnitude lower than in previous experiments. A synchronous clock comparison between two regions of the 3D lattice yields a $5 times 10^{-19}$ measurement precision in 1 hour of averaging time.
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