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Kaltofens division-free determinant algorithm differentiated for matrix adjoint computation

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 نشر من قبل Gilles Villard
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Gilles Villard

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Kaltofen has proposed a new approach in 1992 for computing matrix determinants without divisions. The algorithm is based on a baby steps/giant steps construction of Krylov subspaces, and computes the determinant as the constant term of a characteristic polynomial. For matrices over an abstract ring, by the results of Baur and Strassen, the determinant algorithm, actually a straight-line program, leads to an algorithm with the same complexity for computing the adjoint of a matrix. However, the latter adjoint algorithm is obtained by the reverse mode of automatic differentiation, hence somehow is not explicit. We present an alternative (still closely related) algorithm for the adjoint thatcan be implemented directly, we mean without resorting to an automatic transformation. The algorithm is deduced by applying program differentiation techniques by hand to Kaltofens method, and is completely decribed. As subproblem, we study the differentiation of programs that compute minimum polynomials of lineraly generated sequences, and we use a lazy polynomial evaluation mechanism for reducing the cost of Strassens avoidance of divisions in our case.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a non-commutative algorithm for the multiplication of a 2 x 2 block-matrix by its adjoint, defined by a matrix ring anti-homomorphism. This algorithm uses 5 block products (3 recursive calls and 2 general products)over C or in positive cha racteristic. The resulting algorithm for arbitrary dimensions is a reduction of multiplication of a matrix by its adjoint to general matrix product, improving by a constant factor previously known reductions. We prove also that there is no algorithm derived from bilinear forms using only four products and the adjoint of one of them. Second we give novel dedicated algorithms for the complex field and the quaternions to alternatively compute the multiplication taking advantage of the structure of the matrix-polynomial arithmetic involved. We then analyze the respective ranges of predominance of the two strategies. Finally we propose schedules with low memory footprint that support a fast and memory efficient practical implementation over a prime field.
The complexity of matrix multiplication (hereafter MM) has been intensively studied since 1969, when Strassen surprisingly decreased the exponent 3 in the cubic cost of the straightforward classical MM to log 2 (7) $approx$ 2.8074. Applications to so me fundamental problems of Linear Algebra and Computer Science have been immediately recognized, but the researchers in Computer Algebra keep discovering more and more applications even today, with no sign of slowdown. We survey the unfinished history of decreasing the exponent towards its information lower bound 2, recall some important techniques discovered in this process and linked to other fields of computing, reveal sample surprising applications to fast computation of the inner products of two vectors and summation of integers, and discuss the curse of recursion, which separates the progress in fast MM into its most acclaimed and purely theoretical part and into valuable acceleration of MM of feasible sizes. Then, in the second part of our paper, we cover fast MM in realistic symbolic computations and discuss applications and implementation of fast exact matrix multiplication. We first review how most of exact linear algebra can be reduced to matrix multiplication over small finite fields. Then we highlight the differences in the design of approximate and exact implementations of fast MM, taking into account nowadays processor and memory hierarchies. In the concluding section we comment on current perspectives of the study of fast MM.
Certificates to a linear algebra computation are additional data structures for each output, which can be used by a-possibly randomized- verification algorithm that proves the correctness of each output. Wiede-manns algorithm projects the Krylov sequ ence obtained by repeatedly multiplying a vector by a matrix to obtain a linearly recurrent sequence. The minimal polynomial of this sequence divides the minimal polynomial of the matrix. For instance, if the $ntimes n$ input matrix is sparse with n 1+o(1) non-zero entries, the computation of the sequence is quadratic in the dimension of the matrix while the computation of the minimal polynomial is n 1+o(1), once that projected Krylov sequence is obtained. In this paper we give algorithms that compute certificates for the Krylov sequence of sparse or structured $ntimes n$ matrices over an abstract field, whose Monte Carlo verification complexity can be made essentially linear. As an application this gives certificates for the determinant, the minimal and characteristic polynomials of sparse or structured matrices at the same cost.
Computational problem certificates are additional data structures for each output, which can be used by a-possibly randomized-verification algorithm that proves the correctness of each output. In this paper, we give an algorithm that computes a certi ficate for the minimal polynomial of sparse or structured nxn matrices over an abstract field, of sufficiently large cardinality, whose Monte Carlo verification complexity requires a single matrix-vector multiplication and a linear number of extra field operations. We also propose a novel preconditioner that ensures irreducibility of the characteristic polynomial of the generically preconditioned matrix. This preconditioner takes linear time to be applied and uses only two random entries. We then combine these two techniques to give algorithms that compute certificates for the determinant, and thus for the characteristic polynomial, whose Monte Carlo verification complexity is therefore also linear.
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