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The BCS Gap Equation on a Banach Space Consisting of Functions both of the Temperature and of the Wave Vector

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 نشر من قبل Shuji Watanabe
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Shuji Watanabe

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In previous mathematical studies of the BCS gap equation of superconductivity, the gap function was regarded as an element of a space consisting of functions of the wave vector only. But we regard it as an element of a Banach space consisting of functions both of the temperature and of the wave vector. On the basis of the implicit function theorem we first show that there is a unique solution of class $C^2$ with respect to the temperature, to the simplified gap equation obtained from the BCS gap equation. We then regard the BCS gap equation as a nonlinear integral equation on the Banach space above, and show that there is a unique solution to the BCS gap equation on the basis of the Schauder fixed-point theorem. We find that the solution to the BCS gap equation is continuous with respect to both the temperature and the wave vector, and that the solution is approximated by a function of class $C^2$ with respect to both the temperature and the wave vector. Moreover, the solution to the BCS gap equation is shown to reduce to the solution to the simplified gap equation under a certain condition.

قيم البحث

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102 - Shuji Watanabe 2010
One of long-standing problems in mathematical studies of superconductivity is to show that the solution to the BCS gap equation is continuous in the temperature. In this paper we address this problem. We regard the BCS gap equation as a nonlinear int egral equation on a Banach space consisting of continuous functions of both $T$ and $x$. Here, $T (geq 0)$ stands for the temperature and $x$ the kinetic energy of an electron minus the chemical potential. We show that the unique solution to the BCS gap equation obtained in our recent paper is continuous with respect to both $T$ and $x$ when $T$ is small enough. The proof is carried out based on the Banach fixed-point theorem.
In the preceding work cite{watanabe3}, it is shown that the solution to the BCS gap equation for superconductivity is continuous with respect to both the temperature and the energy under the restriction that the temperature is very small. Without thi s restriction, we show in this paper that the solution is continuous with respect to both the temperature and the energy, and that the solution is Lipschitz continuous and monotonically decreasing with respect to the temperature.
We show the temperature dependence such as smoothness and monotone decreasingness with respect to the temperature of the solution to the BCS-Bogoliubov gap equation for superconductivity. Here the temperature belongs to the closed interval $[0,, tau] $ with $tau>0$ nearly equal to half of the transition temperature. We show that the solution is continuous with respect to both the temperature and the energy, and that the solution is Lipschitz continuous and monotone decreasing with respect to the temperature. Moreover, we show that the solution is partially differentiable with respect to the temperature twice and the second-order partial derivative is continuous with respect to both the temperature and the energy, or that the solution is approximated by such a smooth function.
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