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The stable moduli space of flat connections over a surface

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 نشر من قبل Daniel A. Ramras
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Daniel A. Ramras

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We compute the homotopy type of the moduli space of flat, unitary connections over aspherical surfaces, after stabilizing with respect to the rank of the underlying bundle. Over the orientable surface M^g, we show that this space has the homotopy type of the infinite symmetric product of M^g, generalizing a well-known fact for the torus. Over a non-orientable surface, we show that this space is homotopy equivalent to a disjoint union of two tori, whose common dimension corresponds to the rank of the first (co)homology group of the surface. Similar calculations are provided for products of surfaces, and show a close analogy with the Quillen-Lichtenbaum conjectures in algebraic K-theory. The proofs utilize Tyler Lawsons work in deformation K-theory, and rely heavily on Yang-Mills theory and gauge theory.

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اقرأ أيضاً

111 - Tosiaki Kori 2005
We introduce a symplectic structure on the space of connections in a G-principal bundle over a four-manifold and the Hamiltonian action on it of the group of gauge transformations which are trivial on the boundary. The symplectic reduction becomes th e moduli space of flat connections over the manifold. On the moduli space of flat connections we shall construct a hermitian line bundle with connection whose curvature is given by the symplectic form. This is the Chern-Simons prequantum line bundle. The group of gauge transformations on the boundary of the base manifold acts on the moduli space of flat connections by an infinitesimally symplectic way. This action is lifted to the prequantum line bundle by its abelian extension.
We show that the prequantum line bundle on the moduli space of flat $SU(2)$ connections on a closed Riemann surface of positive genus has degree 1. It then follows from work of Lawton and the second author that the classifying map for this line bundl e induces a homotopy equivalence between the stable moduli space of flat $SU(N)$ connections, in the limit as $N$ tends to infinity, and $mathbb{C}P^infty$. Applications to the stable moduli space of flat unitary connections are also discussed.
106 - Michael Thaddeus 1998
The moduli space of flat SU(2) connections on a punctured surface, having prescribed holonomy around the punctures, is a compact smooth manifold if the prescription is generic. This paper gives a direct, elementary proof that the trace of the holonom y around a certain loop determines a Bott-Morse function on the moduli space which is perfect, meaning that the Morse inequalities are equalities. This leads to an attractive recursion for the Betti numbers of the moduli space, which agrees with the Harder-Narasimhan formula in the case of one puncture with holonomy -1.
We give a description of the operad formed by the real locus of the moduli space of stable genus zero curves with marked points $overline{{mathcal M}_{0,{n+1}}}({mathbb R})$ in terms of a homotopy quotient of an operad of associative algebras. We use this model to find different Hopf models of the algebraic operad of Chains and homologies of $overline{{mathcal M}_{0,{n+1}}}({mathbb R})$. In particular, we show that the operad $overline{{mathcal M}_{0,{n+1}}}({mathbb R})$ is not formal. The manifolds $overline{{mathcal M}_{0,{n+1}}}({mathbb R})$ are known to be Eilenberg-MacLane spaces for the so called pure Cacti groups. As an application of the operadic constructions we prove that for each $n$ the cohomology ring $H(overline{{mathcal M}_{0,{n+1}}}({mathbb R}),{mathbb{Q}})$ is a Koszul algebra and that the manifold $overline{{mathcal M}_{0,{n+1}}}({mathbb R})$ is not formal but is a rational $K(pi,1)$ space. We give the description of the Lie algebras associated with the lower central series filtration of the pure Cacti groups.
What remains of a geometrical notion like that of a principal bundle when the base space is not a manifold but a coarse graining of it, like the poset formed by a base for the topology ordered under inclusion? Motivated by finding a geometrical frame work for developing gauge theories in algebraic quantum field theory, we give, in the present paper, a first answer to this question. The notions of transition function, connection form and curvature form find a nice description in terms of cohomology, in general non-Abelian, of a poset with values in a group $G$. Interpreting a 1--cocycle as a principal bundle, a connection turns out to be a 1--cochain associated in a suitable way with this 1--cocycle; the curvature of a connection turns out to be its 2--coboundary. We show the existence of nonflat connections, and relate flat connections to homomorphisms of the fundamental group of the poset into $G$. We discuss holonomy and prove an analogue of the Ambrose-Singer theorem.
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