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Impacts of a Supersonic Shock Front on Star Formation in the Bullet Cluster

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 نشر من قبل Sun Mi Chung
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We use the Bullet Cluster (1E0657-56) to investigate the extent to which star formation in cluster galaxies is influenced by ram pressure from supersonic gas (Mach 3) during a cluster merger. While the effects of ram pressure have been studied for individual galaxies infalling into galaxy clusters, this system provides a unique opportunity to investigate the impact of dramatic merger events on the cluster galaxy population. In this analysis we use {it Spitzer} IRAC data to study star formation. At the redshift of the cluster the 6.2 $mu$m PAH feature is redshifted into the 8 $mu$m band, enabling use of the m$_{4.5}$-m$_{8}$ color as a proxy for specific star formation rate. We find that the color distribution on the two sides of the shock differ by less than 2$sigma$, and conclude that ram pressure from the shock front has no dramatic, immediate impact on the star formation of cluster galaxies in the Bullet Cluster.

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154 - T.D. Rawle , S.M. Chung , D. Fadda 2010
We use deep, five band (100-500um) data from the Herschel Lensing Survey (HLS) to fully constrain the obscured star formation rate, SFR_FIR, of galaxies in the Bullet cluster (z=0.296), and a smaller background system (z=0.35) in the same field. Hers chel detects 23 Bullet cluster members with a total SFR_FIR = 144 +/- 14 M_sun yr^-1. On average, the background system contains brighter far-infrared (FIR) galaxies, with ~50% higher SFR_FIR (21 galaxies; 207 +/- 9 M_sun yr^-1). SFRs extrapolated from 24um flux via recent templates (SFR_24) agree well with SFR_FIR for ~60% of the cluster galaxies. In the remaining ~40%, SFR_24 underestimates SFR_FIR due to a significant excess in observed S_100/S_24 (rest frame S_75/S_18) compared to templates of the same FIR luminosity.
The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect presents a relatively new tool for characterizing galaxy cluster merger shocks, traditionally studied through X-ray observations. Widely regarded as the textbook example of a cluster merger bow shock, the wes tern shock front in the Bullet Cluster (1E0657-56) represents the ideal test case for such an SZ study. We aim to reconstruct a parametric model for the shock SZ signal by directly and jointly fitting deep, high-resolution interferometric data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and Atacama Compact Array (ACA) in Fourier space. The ALMA+ACA data are primarily sensitive to the electron pressure difference across the shock front. To estimate the shock Mach number $M$, this difference can be combined with the value for the upstream electron pressure derived from an independent Chandra X-ray analysis. In the case of instantaneous electron-ion temperature equilibration, we find $M=2.08^{+0.12}_{-0.12}$, in $approx 2.4sigma$ tension with the independent constraint from Chandra, $M_X=2.74pm0.25$. The assumption of purely adiabatic electron temperature change across the shock leads to $M=2.53^{+0.33}_{-0.25}$, in better agreement with the X-ray estimate $M_X=2.57pm0.23$ derived for the same heating scenario. We have demonstrated that interferometric observations of the SZ effect provide constraints on the properties of the shock in the Bullet Cluster that are highly complementary to X-ray observations. The combination of X-ray and SZ data yields a powerful probe of the shock properties, capable of measuring $M$ and addressing the question of electron-ion equilibration in cluster shocks. Our analysis is however limited by systematics related to the overall cluster geometry and the complexity of the post-shock gas distribution. To overcome these limitations, a joint analysis of SZ and X-ray data is needed.
ACO2163 is one of the hottest (mean $kT=12-15.5$ keV) and extremely X-ray overluminous merging galaxy clusters which is located at $z=0.203$. The cluster hosts one of the largest giant radio halos which are observed in most of the merging clusters, a nd a candidate radio relic. Recently, three merger shock fronts were detected in this cluster, explaining its extreme temperature and complex structure. Furthermore, previous XMM-Newton and Chandra observations hinted at the presence of a shock front that is associated with the gas `bullet crossing the main cluster in the west-ward direction, and which heated the intra-cluster medium, leading to adiabatic compression of the gas behind the bullet. The goal of this paper is to report on the detection of this shock front as revealed by the temperature discontinuity in the X-ray XMM-Newton image, and the edge in the Very Large Array (VLA) radio image. We also report on the detection of a relic source in the north-eastern region of the radio halo in the KAT-7 data, confirming the presence of an extended relic in this cluster. The brightness edge in the X-rays corresponds to a shock front with a Mach number $M= 2.2pm0.3$, at a distance of 0.2 Mpc from the cluster centre. An estimate from the luminosity jump gives $M=1.9pm0.4$. We consider a simple explanation for the electrons at the shock front, and for the observed discrepancy between the average spectral index of the radio halo emission and that predicted by the $M=2.2$ shock which precedes the bullet.
With Australia Telescope Compact Array observations, we detect a highly elongated Mpc-scale diffuse radio source on the eastern periphery of the Bullet cluster 1E0657-55.8, which we argue has the positional, spectral and polarimetric characteristics of a radio relic. This powerful relic (2.3+/-0.1 x 10^25 W Hz^-1) consists of a bright northern bulb and a faint linear tail. The bulb emits 94% of the observed radio flux and has the highest surface brightness of any known relic. Exactly coincident with the linear tail we find a sharp X-ray surface brightness edge in the deep Chandra image of the cluster -- a signature of a shock front in the hot intracluster medium (ICM), located on the opposite side of the cluster to the famous bow shock. This new example of an X-ray shock coincident with a relic further supports the hypothesis that shocks in the outer regions of clusters can form relics via diffusive shock (re-)acceleration. Intriguingly, our new relic suggests that seed electrons for reacceleration are coming from a local remnant of a radio galaxy, which we are lucky to catch before its complete disruption. If this scenario, in which a relic forms when a shock crosses a well-defined region of the ICM polluted with aged relativistic plasma -- as opposed to the usual assumption that seeds are uniformly mixed in the ICM -- is also the case for other relics, this may explain a number of peculiar properties of peripheral relics.
Supersonic turbulence generates distributions of shock waves. Here, we analyse the shock waves in three-dimensional numerical simulations of uniformly driven supersonic turbulence, with and without magnetohydrodynamics and self-gravity. We can identi fy the nature of the turbulence by measuring the distribution of the shock strengths. We find that uniformly driven turbulence possesses a power law distribution of fast shocks with the number of shocks inversely proportional to the square root of the shock jump speed. A tail of high speed shocks steeper than Gaussian results from the random superposition of driving waves which decay rapidly. The energy is dissipated by a small range of fast shocks. These results contrast with the exponential distribution and slow shock dissipation associated with decaying turbulence. A strong magnetic field enhances the shock number transverse to the field direction at the expense of parallel shocks. A simulation with self-gravity demonstrates the development of a number of highly dissipative accretion shocks. Finally, we examine the dynamics to demonstrate how the power-law behaviour arises.
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