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Factorization of R-matrix and Baxter Q-operators for generic sl(N) spin chains

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 نشر من قبل Alexander Manashov
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We develop an approach for constructing the Baxter Q-operators for generic sl(N) spin chains. The key element of our approach is the possibility to represent a solution of the the Yang Baxter equation in the factorized form. We prove that such a representation holds for a generic sl(N) invariant R-operator and find the explicit expression for the factorizing operators. Taking trace of monodromy matrices constructed of the factorizing operators one defines a family of commuting (Baxter) operators on the quantum space of the model. We show that a generic transfer matrix factorizes into the product of N Baxter Q-operators and discuss an application of this representation for a derivation of functional relations for transfer matrices.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

It is shown that the transfer matrices of homogeneous sl(2) invariant spin chains with generic spin, both closed and open, are factorized into the product of two operators. The latter satisfy the Baxter equation that follows from the structure of the reducible representations of the sl(2) algebra.
We study properties of transfer matrices in the sl(N) spin chain models. The transfer matrices with an infinite dimensional auxiliary space are factorized into the product of N commuting Baxter Q-operators. We consider the transfer matrices with auxi liary spaces of a special type (including the finite dimensional ones). It is shown that they can be represented as the alternating sum over the transfer matrices with infinite dimensional auxiliary spaces. We show that certain combinations of the Baxter Q-operators can be identified with the Q-functions which appear in the Nested Bethe Ansatz.
The noncompact homogeneous sl(3) invariant spin chains are considered. We show that the transfer matrix with generic auxiliary space is factorized into the product of three sl(3) invariant commuting operators. These operators satisfy the finite diffe rence equations in the spectral parameters which follow from the structure of the reducible sl(3) modules.
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Following the procedure, described in the paper nlin.SI/0003002, for the integrable DST chain we construct Baxter Q-operators as the traces of monodromy of some M-operators, that act in quantum and auxiliary spaces. Within this procedure we obtain tw o basic M-operators and derive some functional relations between them such as intertwining relations and wronskian-type relations between two basic Q-operators.
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