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Spontaneous Breaking of Lorentz-Invariance and Gravitons as Goldstone Particles

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 نشر من قبل O. V. Kancheli
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider some aspects of spontaneous breaking of Lorentz Invariance in field theories, discussing the possibility that the certain tensor operators may condensate in the ground state in which case the tensor Goldstone particles would appear. We analyze their dynamics and discuss to which extent such a theory could imitate the gravity. We are also interested if the universality of coupling of such `gravitons with other particles can be achieved in the infrared limit. Then we address the more complicated models when such tensor Goldstones coexist with the usual geometrical gravitons. At the end we examine the properties of possible cosmological scenarios in the case of goldstone gravity coexisting with geometrical gravity.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Weyl invariant theories of scalars and gravity can generate all mass scales spontaneously, initiated by a dynamical process of inertial spontaneous symmetry breaking that does not involve a potential. This is dictated by the structure of the Weyl cur rent, $K_mu$, and a cosmological phase during which the universe expands and the Einstein-Hilbert effective action is formed. Maintaining exact Weyl invariance in the renormalised quantum theory is straightforward when renormalisation conditions are referred back to the VEVs of fields in the action of the theory, which implies a conserved Weyl current. We do not require scale invariant regulators. We illustrate the computation of a Weyl invariant Coleman-Weinberg potential.
Generally speaking, the existence of a superluminal neutrino can be attributed either to re-entrant Lorentz violation at ultralow energy from intrinsic Lorentz violation at ultrahigh energy or to spontaneous breaking of fundamental Lorentz invariance (possibly by the formation of a fermionic condensate). Re-entrant Lorentz violation in the neutrino sector has been discussed elsewhere. Here, the focus is on mechanisms of spontaneous symmetry breaking.
We study a theory where the presence of an extra spin-two field coupled to gravity gives rise to a phase with spontaneously broken Lorentz symmetry. In this phase gravity is massive, and the Weak Equivalence Principle is respected. The newtonian pote ntials are in general modified, but we identify an non-perturbative symmetry that protects them. The gravitational waves sector has a rich phenomenology: sources emit a combination of massless and massive gravitons that propagate with distinct velocities and also oscillate. Since their velocities differ from the speed of light, the time of flight difference between gravitons and photons from a common source could be measured.
In this paper, we investigate a novel implication of the non-negligible spacetime curvature at large distances when its effects are expressed in terms of a suitably modified form of the Heisenberg uncertainty relations. Specifically, we establish a o ne-to-one correspondence between such modified uncertainty principle and the Standard Model Extension (SME), a string-theoretical effective field theory that accounts for both explicit and spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry. This tight correspondence between string-derived effective field theory and modified quantum mechanics with extended uncertainty relations is validated by comparing the predictions concerning a deformed Hawking temperature derived from the two models. Moreover, starting from the experimental bounds on the gravity sector of the SME, we derive the most stringent constraint achieved so far on the value of the free parameter entering in the extended Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
In this work, we compute some phenomenological bounds for the electromagnetic and massive gravitational high-derivative extensions supposing that it is possible to have an astrophysical process that generates simultaneously gravitational and electrom agnetic waves. We present Lorentz invariance violating (LIV) higher-order derivative models, following the Myers-Pospelov approach, to electrodynamics and massive gravitational waves. We compute the corrected equation of motion of these models, their dispersion relations and the velocities. The LIV parameters for the gravitational and electromagnetic sectors, $xi_{g}$ and $xi_{gamma}$, respectively, were also obtained for three different approaches: luminal photons, time delay of flight and the difference of graviton and photon velocities. These LIV parameters depend on the mass scales where the LIV-terms become relevant, $M$ for the electromagnetic sector and $M_{1}$ for the gravitational one. We obtain, using the values for $M$ and $M_{1}$ found in the literature, that $xi_{g}sim10^{-2}$, which is expected to be phenomenologically relevant and $xi_{gamma}sim10^{3}$, which cannot be suitable for an effective LIV theory. However, we show that $xi_{gamma}$ can be interesting in a phenomenological point of view if $Mgg M_{1}$. Finally the relation between the variation of the velocities of the photon and the graviton in relation to the speed of light was calculated and resulted in $Delta v_{g}/Delta v_{gamma}lesssim1.82times 10^{-3}$.
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