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Influence of primordial magnetic fields on 21 cm emission

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 نشر من قبل Dominik R. G. Schleicher
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Magnetic fields in the early universe can significantly alter the thermal evolution and the ionization history during the dark ages. This is reflected in the 21 cm line of atomic hydrogen, which is coupled to the gas temperature through collisions at high redshifts, and through the Wouthuysen-Field effect at low redshifts. We present a semi-analytic model for star formation and the build-up of a Lyman alpha background in the presence of magnetic fields, and calculate the evolution of the mean 21 cm brightness temperature and its frequency gradient as a function of redshift. We further discuss the evolution of linear fluctuations in temperature and ionization in the presence of magnetic fields and calculate the effect on the 21 cm power spectrum. At high redshifts, the signal is increased compared to the non-magnetic case due to the additional heat input into the IGM from ambipolar diffusion and the decay of MHD turbulence. At lower redshifts, the formation of luminous objects and the build-up of a Lyman alpha background can be delayed by a redshift interval of 10 due to the strong increase of the filtering mass scale in the presence of magnetic fields. This tends to decrease the 21 cm signal compared to the zero-field case. In summary, we find that 21 cm observations may become a promising tool to constrain primordial magnetic fields.

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The recent observation of the 21-cm global absorption signal by EDGES suggests that the intergalactic medium (IGM) gas has been cooler than the cosmic microwave background during $15 lesssim z lesssim 20$. This result can provide a strong constraint on heating sources for the IGM gas at these redshifts. In this paper we study the constraint on the primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) by the EDGES result. The PMFs can heat the IGM gas through their energy dissipation due to the magnetohydrodynamic effects. By numerically solving the thermal evolution of the IGM gas with the PMFs, we find that the EDGES result gives a stringent limit on the PMFs as $B_{1mathrm{Mpc}} lesssim 10^{-10}$ G.
We study prospects of constraining the primordial magnetic field (PMF) and its evolution during the dark ages and cosmic dawn in light of EDGES 21-cm signal. Our analysis has been carried out on a `colder IGM background which is one of the promising avenues to interpret the EDGES signal. We consider the dark matter-baryon interactions for the excess cooling. We find that the colder IGM suppresses both the residual free electron fraction and the coupling coefficient between the ionised and neutral components. The Compton heating also gets affected in colder IGM background. Consequently, the IGM heating rate due to the PMF enhances compared to the standard scenario. Thus, a significant fraction of the magnetic energy, for $B_0 lesssim 0.5 , {rm nG}$, gets transferred to the IGM and the magnetic field decays at a much faster rate compared to the simple $(1+z)^2$ scaling during the dark ages and cosmic dawn. This low PMF is an unlikely candidate for explaining the rise of the EDGES absorption signal at lower redshift. We also see that the PMF and DM-baryon interaction together introduces a plateau-like feature in the redshift evolution of the IGM temperature. We find that the upper limit on the PMF depends on the underlying DM-baryon interaction. Higher PMF can be allowed when the interaction cross-section is higher and/or the DM particle mass is lower. Our study shows that the PMF with $B_0$ up to $sim 0.4 , {rm nG}$, which is ruled out in the standard model, can be allowed if DM-baryon interaction with suitable cross-section and DM mass is considered.
109 - Junsong Cang , Yu Gao , Yin-Zhe Ma 2021
Hawking radiation from primordial black holes (PBH) can ionize and heat up neutral gas during the cosmic dark ages, leaving imprints on the global 21cm signal of neutral hydrogen. We use the global 21cm signal to constrain the abundance of spinning P BHs in mass range of $[2 times 10^{13}, 10^{18}]$ grams. We consider several extended PBH distribution models. Our results show that 21cm can set the most stringent PBH bounds in our mass window. Compared with constraints set by {it{Planck}} cosmic microwave background (CMB) data, 21-cm limits are more stringent by about two orders of magnitudes. PBHs with higher spin are typically more strongly constrained. Our 21cm constraints for the monochromatic mass distribution rule out spinless PBHs with initial mass below $1.4 times 10^{17} {rm{g}}$, whereas extreme Kerr PBHs with reduced initial spin of $a_0=0.999$ are excluded as the dominant dark matter component for masses below $6 times 10^{17} {rm{g}}$. We also derived limits for the log-normal, power-law and critical collapse distributions.
We forecast ability of dedicated 21 cm intensity mapping experiments to constraint primordial non-Gaussianity using power spectrum and bispectrum. We model the signal including the non-linear biasing expansion using a generalized halo model approach. We consider the importance of foreground filtering scale and of the foreground wedge. We find that the current generation intensity mapping experiments like CHIME do not posses sufficient sensitivity to be competitive with the existing limits. On the other hand, upcoming experiments like HIRAX can improve the current constraints and the proposed PUMA experiment can substantially improve them, reaching sensitivities below $sigma (f_{rm NL})<5$ for equilateral and orthogonal configurations and $sigma( f_{rm NL}) < 1$ for the local shape if good foreground control is achieved.
We investigate future constraints on primordial local-type non-Gaussianity from 21 cm angular power spectrum from minihalos. We particularly focus on the trispectrum of primordial curvature perturbations which are characterized by the non-linearity p arameters $tau_{rm NL}$ and $g_{rm NL}$. We show that future measurements of minihalo 21 cm angular power spectrum can probe these non-linearity parameters with an unprecedented precision of $tau_{rm NL}sim30$ and $g_{rm NL}sim2times10^3$ for Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and $tau_{rm NL}sim0.6$ and $g_{rm NL}sim8times10^2$ for Fast Fourier Transform Telescope (FFTT). These levels of sensitivity would give significant implications for models of the inflationary Universe and the origin of cosmic density fluctuations.
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