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Double quantum dot as detector of spin bias

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 نشر من قبل Qing-Feng Sun
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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It was proposed that a double quantum dot can be used to be a detector of spin bias. Electron transport through a double quantum dot is investigated theoretically when a pure spin bias is applied on two conducting leads contacted to the quantum dot. It is found that the spin polarization in the left and right dots may be induced spontaneously while the intra-dot levels are located within the spin bias window and breaks the left-right symmetry of the two quantum dots. As a result, a large current emerges. For an open external circuit an charge bias instead of a charge current will be induced in equilibrium, which is believed to be measurable according to the current nanotechnology. This method may provide a practical and whole electrical approach to detect the spin bias (or the spin current) by measuring the charge bias or current in a double quantum dot.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A most fundamental and longstanding goal in spintronics is to electrically tune highly efficient spin injectors and detectors, preferably compatible with nanoscale electronics. Here, we demonstrate all these points using semiconductor quantum dots (Q Ds), individually spin-polarized by ferromagnetic split-gates (FSGs). As a proof of principle, we fabricated a double QD spin valve consisting of two weakly coupled semiconducting QDs in an InAs nanowire (NW), each with independent FSGs that can be magnetized in parallel or anti-parallel. In tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) experiments at zero external magnetic field, we find a strongly reduced spin valve conductance for the two anti-parallel configurations, with a single QD polarization of $sim 27%$. The TMR can be significantly improved by a small external field and optimized gate voltages, which results in a continuously electrically tunable TMR between $+80%$ and $-90%$. A simple model quantitatively reproduces all our findings, suggesting a gate tunable QD polarization of $pm 80%$. Such versatile spin-polarized QDs are suitable for various applications, for example in spin projection and correlation experiments in a large variety of nanoelectronics experiments.
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We develop a master equation approach to study the backaction of quantum point contact (QPC) on a double quantum dot (DQD) at zero bias voltage. We reveal why electrons can pass through the zero-bias DQD only when the bias voltage across the QPC exce eds a threshold value determined by the eigenstate energy difference of the DQD. This derived excitation condition agrees well with experiments on QPC-induced inelastic electron tunneling through a DQD [S. Gustavsson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 206804(2007)]. Moreover, we propose a new scheme to generate a pure spin current by the QPC in the absence of a charge current.
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221 - JunYan Luo , HuJun Jiao , Jing Hu 2015
We propose to continuously monitor a charge qubit by utilizing a T-shaped double quantum dot detector, in which the qubit and double dot are arranged in such a unique way that the detector turns out to be particularly susceptible to the charge states of the qubit. Special attention is paid to the regime where acquisition of qubit information and backaction upon the measured system exhibit nontrivial correlation. The intrinsic dynamics of the qubit gives rise to dynamical blockade of tunneling events through the detector, resulting in a super-Poissonian noise. However, such a pronounced enhancement of detectors shot noise does not necessarily produce a rising dephasing rate. In contrast, an inhibition of dephasing is entailed by the reduction of information acquisition in the dynamically blockaded regimes. We further reveal the important impact of the charge fluctuations on the measurement characteristics. Noticeably, under the condition of symmetric junction capacitances the noise pedestal of circuit current is completely suppressed, leading to a divergent signal-to-noise ratio, and eventually to a violation of the Korotkov-Averin bound in quantum measurement. Our study offers the possibility for a double dot detector to reach the quantum limited effectiveness in a transparent manner.
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