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Gauge symmetry breaking and topological quantization for the Pauli Hamiltonian

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 نشر من قبل Ernesto Medina
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss the Pauli Hamiltonian within a ${SU(2)}$ gauge theory interpretation, where the gauge symmetry is broken. This interpretation carries directly over to the structural inversion asymmetric spin-orbit interactions in semiconductors and offers new insight into the problem of spin currents in the condensed matter environment. The central results is that symmetry breaking leads to zero spin conductivity in contrast to predictions of Gauge symmetric treatments. Computing the translation operator commutation relations comprising the simplest possible structural inversion asymmetry due to an external electric field, we derive a new condition for orbit quantization. The relation between the topological nature of this effect is consistent with our non-Abelian gauge symmetry breaking scenario.

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اقرأ أيضاً

149 - Juntao Song , Emil Prodan 2015
In the strictly periodic setting, the electric polarization of inversion-symmetric solids with and without time-reversal symmetry and the isotropic magneto-electric response function of time-reversal symmetric insulators are known to be topological i nvariants displaying an exact $mathbb Z_2$ quantization. This quantization is stabilized by the symmetries. In the present work, we investigate the fate of such symmetry-stabilized topological invariants in the presence of a disorder which breaks the symmetries but restores them on average. Using a rigorous analysis, we conclude that the strict quantization still holds in these conditions. Numerical calculations confirm this prediction.
Magnetotransport measurements are a popular way of characterizing the electronic structure of topological materials and often the resulting datasets cannot be described by the well-known Drude model due to large, non-parabolic contributions. In this work, we focus on the effects of magnetic fields on topological materials through a Zeeman term included in the model Hamiltonian. To this end, we re-evaluate the simplifications made in the derivations of the Drude model and pinpoint the scattering time and Fermi velocity as Zeeman-term dependent factors in the conductivity tensor. The driving mechanisms here are the aligment of spins along the magnetic field direction, which allows for backscattering, and a significant change to the Fermi velocity by the opening of a hybridization gap. After considering 2D and 3D Dirac states, as well as 2D Rashba surface states and the quasi-2D bulk states of 3D topological insulators, we find that the 2D Dirac states on the surfaces of 3D topological insulators produce magnetoresistance, that is significant enough to be noticable in experiments. As this magnetoresistance effect is strongly dependent on the spin-orbit energy, it can be used as a telltale sign of a Fermi energy located close to the Dirac point.
Recent topological band theory distinguishes electronic band insulators with respect to various symmetries and topological invariants, most commonly, the time reversal symmetry and the $rm Z_2$ invariant. The interface of two topologically distinct i nsulators hosts a unique class of electronic states -- the helical states, which shortcut the gapped bulk and exhibit spin-momentum locking. The magic and so far elusive property of the helical electrons, known as topological protection, prevents them from coherent backscattering as long as the underlying symmetry is preserved. Here we present an experiment which brings to light the strength of topological protection in one-dimensional helical edge states of a $rm Z_2$ quantum spin-Hall insulator in HgTe. At low temperatures, we observe the dramatic impact of a tiny magnetic field, which results in an exponential increase of the resistance accompanied by giant mesoscopic fluctuations and a gap opening. This textbook Anderson localization scenario emerges only upon the time-reversal symmetry breaking, bringing the first direct evidence of the topological protection strength in helical edge states.
We show that the associative algebra structure can be incorporated in the BRST quantization formalism for gauge theories such that extension from the corresponding Lie algebra to the associative algebra is achieved using operator quantization of redu cible gauge theories. The BRST differential that encodes the associativity of the algebra multiplication is constructed as a second-order quadratic differential operator on the bar resolution.
The unfree gauge symmetry implies that gauge variation of the action functional vanishes provided for the gauge parameters are restricted by the differential equations. The unfree gauge symmetry is shown to lead to the global conserved quantities who se on shell values are defined by the asymptotics of the fields or data on the lower dimension surface, or even at the point of the space-time, rather than Cauchy hyper-surface. The most known example of such quantity is the cosmological constant of unimodular gravity. More examples are provided in the article for the higher spin gravity analogues of the cosmological constant. Any action enjoying the unfree gauge symmetry is demonstrated to admit the alternative form of gauge symmetry with the higher order derivatives of unrestricted gauge parameters. The higher order gauge symmetry is reducible in general, even if the unfree symmetry is not. The relationship is detailed between these two forms of gauge symmetry in the constrained Hamiltonian formalism. The local map is shown to exist from the unfree gauge algebra to the reducible higher order one, while the inverse map is non-local, in general. The Hamiltonian BFV-BRST formalism is studied for both forms of the gauge symmetry. These two Hamiltonian formalisms are shown connected by canonical transformation involving the ghosts. The generating function is local for the transformation, though the transformation as such is not local, in general. Hence, these two local BRST complexes are not quasi-isomorphic in the sense that their local BRST-cohomology groups can be different. This difference in particular concerns the global conserved quantities. From the standpoint of the BRST complex for unfree gauge symmetry, these quantities are BRST-exact, while for the alternative complex, these quantities are the non-trivial co-cycles.
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