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Pressure Effect on Superconductivity of Iron-based Arsenic-oxide ReFeAsO0.85 (Re=Sm and Nd)

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 نشر من قبل Liling Sun
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Here we report pressure effect on superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of ReFeAsO0.85 (Re= Sm and Nd) system without fluorine doping. In-situ measurements under high pressure showed that Tc of the two compounds decrease monotonously over the pressure range investigated. The pressure coefficients dTc/dP in SmFeAsO0.85 and Nd FeAsO0.85 were different, revealing the important influence of the deformation in layers on Tc. Theoretical calculations suggested that the electron density of states decrease with increasing pressure, following the same trend of experimental data.

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We report the appearance of superconductivity under hydrostatic pressure (0.35 to 2.5GPa) in Sr0.5RE0.5FBiS2 with RE = Ce, Nd, Pr and Sm. The studied compounds, synthesized by solid state reaction route, are crystallized in tetragonal P4/nmm space gr oup. At ambient pressure though the RE = Ce exhibit the onset of superconductivity below 2.5K, the Nd, Pr and Sm samples are not superconducting down to 2K. With application of hydrostatic pressure (up to 2.5GPa), superconducting transition temperature is increased to around 10K for all the studied samples. The magneto-transport measurements are carried out on all the samples with maximum Tc i.e., at under 2.5GPa pressure and their upper critical fields are determined. The new superconducting compounds appear to be quite robust against magnetic field but within Pauli paramagnetic limit. The new superconducting compounds with various RE (Ce, Nd, Pr and Sm) belonging to Sr0.5La0.5FBiS2 family are successfully synthesized for the first time and superconductivity is induced in them under hydrostatic pressure.
119 - J.-X. Yin , Zheng Wu , X. X. Wu 2016
In iron-based superconductors, a unique tri-layer Fe-As (Se, Te, P) plays an essential role in controlling the electronic properties, especially the Cooper pairing interaction. Here we use scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/S) to investi gate the role of arsenic atom in superconducting Ba0.4K0.6Fe2As2 by directly breaking and restoring the Fe-As structure at atomic scale. After the up-As-layer peeled away, the tunneling spectrum of the exposed iron surface reveals a shallow incoherent gap, indicating a severe suppression of superconductivity without arsenic covering. When a pair of arsenic atoms is placed on such iron surface, a localized topographic feature is formed due to Fe-As orbital hybridization, and the superconducting coherent peaks recover locally with the gap magnitude the same as that on the iron-layer fully covered by arsenic. These observations unravel the Fe-As interactions on an atomic scale and imply its essential roles in the iron-based superconductivity.
We study the impact of hydrostatic pressure on superconductivity of new BiS2 based layered REO0.5F0.5BiS2 (RE-La, Pr, and Nd) compounds through the measurements of dc electrical resistivity. The REO0.5F0.5BiS2 (RE-La, Pr and Nd) compounds synthesized by solid state reaction route via vacuum encapsulation are crystallized in the tetragonal P4/nmm space group. At ambient pressure the superconducting transition onset temperatures are 2.7K, 3.5K and 4.5K which are enhanced substantially under external hydrostatic pressure to 10.5K, 7.8K and 7.5K for LaO0.5F0.5BiS2, PrO0.5F0.5BiS2 and NdO0.5F0.5BiS2 respectively at 1.68GPa. The normal state electrical resistivity decreases with applied pressure for REO0.5F0.5BiS2 (RE-La, Pr and Nd). The electrical resistivity under magnetic field and applied pressure has been measured to estimate upper critical field, the values of which are 15.9Tesla, 8.8Tesla and 8.2Tesla for LaO0.5F0.5BiS2, PrO0.5F0.5BiS2 and NdO0.5F0.5BiS2 compounds. Substantial enhancement of superconductivity under moderate pressures in studied new BiS2 based superconductors call for the attention of condensed matter physics community.
102 - Aichi Yamashita 2020
Polycrystalline samples of Sr1-xRExFBiS2 (RE: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Sm) were synthesized via the solid-state reaction and characterized using synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Although all the Sr0.5RE0.5FBiS2 samples exhibited superconductivity at transit ion temperatures (Tc) within the range of 2.1-2.7 K under ambient pressure, the estimated superconducting volume fraction was small. This indicated the non-bulk nature of superconductivity in these samples under ambient pressure. A dramatic evolution of the bulk superconducting phases was achieved on applying an external hydrostatic pressure. Near pressures below 1 GPa, bulk superconductivity was induced with a Tc of 2.5-2.8 K, which is termed as the low-P phase. Moreover, the high-P phase (Tc = 10.0-10.8 K) featuring bulk characteristics was observed at higher pressures. Pressure-Tc phase diagrams indicated that the critical pressure for the emergence of the high-P phase tends to increase with decreasing ionic radius of the doped RE ions. According to the high-pressure X-ray diffraction measurements of Sr0.5La0.5FBiS2, a structural phase transition from tetragonal to monoclinic also occurred at approximately 1.1 GPa. Thus, this phase transition indicates a pressure-induced superconducting-superconducting transition similar to the transition in LaO0.5F0.5BiS2. Bulk superconducting phases in Sr0.5RE0.5FBiS2 induced by the external hydrostatic pressure effect are expected to be useful for evaluating the mechanisms of superconductivity in BiCh2-based superconductors.
Here we report a new class of superconductors prepared by high pressure synthesis in the quaternary family ReFeAsO1-delta (Re = Sm, Nd, Pr, Ce, La) without fluorine doping. The onset superconducting critical temperature (Tc) in these compounds increa ses with the reduction of Re atom size, and the highest Tc obtained so far is 55 K in SmFeAsO1-delta. For the NdFeAsO1-delta system with different oxygen concentration a dome-shaped phase diagram was found.
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