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Influence of sedimentary layering on tsunami generation

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 نشر من قبل Denys Dutykh
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Denys Dutykh

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The present article is devoted to the influence of sediment layers on the process of tsunami generation. The main scope here is to demonstrate and especially quantify the effect of sedimentation on vertical displacements of the seabed due to an underwater earthquake. The fault is modelled as a Volterra-type dislocation in an elastic half-space. The elastodynamics equations are integrated with a finite element method. A comparison between two cases is performed. The first one corresponds to the classical situation of an elastic homogeneous and isotropic half-space, which is traditionally used for the generation of tsunamis. The second test case takes into account the presence of a sediment layer separating the oceanic column from the hard rock. Some important differences are revealed. We conjecture that deformations in the generation region may be amplified by sedimentary deposits, at least for some parameter values. The mechanism of amplification is studied through careful numerical simulations.

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One of the most important aspects in tsunami studies is the wave behavior when it approaches the coast. Information on physical parameters that characterize waves is often limited because of the diffilculties in achieving accurate measurements at the time of the event. The impact of a tsunami on the coast is governed by nonlinear physics such as turbulence with spatial and temporal variability. The use of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic method (SPH) presents advantages over models based on two-dimensional Shallow Waters Equations (SWE), because the assumed vertical velocity simplifies hydrodynamics in two dimensions. The study presented here reports numerical SPH simulations of the tsunami event occurred in Coquimbo (Chile) on September 16 of 2015. On the basis of the reconstruction of the physical parameters that characterized this event (flow velocities, direction and water elevations), calibrated by a reference rodel, force values on buildings located on the study coast were numerically calculated, and compared with an estimate of the Chilean Structural Design Standard. Finally, discussion and conclusions of the comparison of both methodologies are presented, including an influence analysis of the topographical detail of the model in the estimation of hydrodynamic forces.
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Sedimentary records of tsunamis are a precious tool to assess the occurrence of past events, as attested by an abundant literature, which has seen a particular boom in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. Despit e an extensive literature, there is very little to no understanding of the role that the changing coastal environment is playing on the record of a tsunami, and for a given location, it is still unclear whether the largest tsunamis leave the largest amount of deposits. To research this question, the present study took place in Japan, in the Tohoku Region at Agawa-pond, because the pond act as a sediment trap. Using a sediment-slicer, a 1 m thick deposit was retrieved, from which 4 tsunami sequences were identified, including the latest 2011 tsunami. Using a series of sedimentary proxies: the AMS (Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility), grain size analysis, quartz morphoscopy (morphology and surface characteristics) and the analysis of microfossils, disparities between the tsunami deposits were identified and most importantly a clear thinning of the tsunami deposit towards the top. Provided the present evidences, the authors discuss that the upward fining is due to at least two components that are seldom assessed in tsunami research (1) a modification of the depositional environment, with the progressive anthropization of the coast, providing less sediments to remobilize; and (2) a progressive filling of the Agawa pond, which progressively loses its ability to trap tsunami materials.
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