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Model atmospheres of magnetic chemically peculiar stars. A remarkable strong-field Bp SiCrFe star HD137509

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 نشر من قبل Denis Shulyak Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In the last few years we have developed stellar model atmospheres which included effects of anomalous abundances and strong magnetic field. The full treatment of anomalous Zeeman splitting and polarized radiative transfer were introduced in the model atmosphere calculations for the first time. In this investigation we present results of modelling the atmosphere of one of the most extreme magnetic chemically peculiar stars, HD137509. This Bp SiCrFe star has the mean surface magnetic field modulus of about 29kG. We use the recent version of the line-by-line opacity sampling stellar model atmosphere code LLmodels, which incorporates the full treatment of Zeeman splitting of spectral lines, detailed polarized radiative transfer and arbitrary abundances. We compare model predictions with photometric and spectroscopic observations of the star, aiming to reach a self-consistency between the abundance pattern derived from high-resolution spectra and abundances used for model atmosphere calculation. Based on magnetic model atmospheres, we redetermined abundances and fundamental parameters of HD137509 using spectroscopic and photometric observations. This allowed us to obtain a better agreement between observed and theoretical parameters compared to non-magnetic models with individual or scaled-solar abundances. We confirm that the magnetic field effects should be taken into account in the stellar parameter determination and abundance analysis.

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The late-B magnetic chemically peculiar star CU Vir is one of the fastest rotators among the intermediate-mass stars with strong fossil magnetic fields. It shows a prominent rotational modulation of the spectral energy distribution and absorption lin e profiles due to chemical spots and exhibits a unique strongly beamed variable radio emission. Little is known about the magnetic field topology of CU Vir. In this study we aim to derive, for the first time, detailed maps of the magnetic field distribution over the surface of this star. We use high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations covering the entire rotational period. These data are interpreted using a multi-line technique of least-squares deconvolution (LSD) and a new Zeeman Doppler imaging code based on detailed polarised radiative transfer modelling of the Stokes I and V LSD profiles. This new magnetic inversion approach relies on the spectrum synthesis calculations over the full wavelength range covered by observations and does not assume that the LSD profiles behave as a single spectral line with mean parameters. We present magnetic and chemical abundance maps derived from the Si and Fe lines. Mean polarisation profiles of both elements reveal a significant departure of the magnetic field topology of CU Vir from the commonly assumed axisymmetric dipolar configuration. The field of CU Vir is dipolar-like, but clearly non-axisymmetric, showing a large difference of the field strength between the regions of opposite polarity. The main relative abundance depletion features in both Si and Fe maps coincide with the weak-field region in the magnetic map. Detailed information on the distorted dipolar magnetic field topology of CU Vir provided by our study is essential for understanding chemical spot formation, radio emission, and rotational period variation of this star.
51 - C. Trigilio 2004
In this paper we present a three-dimensional numerical model for the radio emission of Magnetic Chemically Peculiar stars, on the hypothesis that energetic electrons emit by the gyrosynchrotron mechanism. For this class of radio stars, characterized by a mainly dipolar magnetic field whose axis is tilted with respect to the rotational axis, the geometry of the magnetosphere and its deformation due to the stellar rotation are determined. The radio emitting region is determined by the physical conditions of the magnetosphere and of the stellar wind. Free-free absorption by the thermal plasma trapped in the inner magnetosphere is also considered. Several free parameters are involved in the model, such as the size of the emitting region, the energy spectrum and the number density of the emitting electrons, and the characteristics of the plasma in the inner magnetosphere. By solving the equation of radiative transfer, along a path parallel to the line of sight, the radio brightness distribution and the total flux density as a function of stellar rotation are computed. As the model is applied to simulate the observed 5 GHz lightcurves of HD37479 and HD37017, several possible magnetosphere configurations are found. After simulations at other frequencies, in spite of the large number of parameters involved in the modeling, two solutions in the case of HD37479 and only one solution in the case of HD37017 match the observed spectral indices. The results of our simulations agree with the magnetically confined wind-shock model in a rotating magnetosphere. The X-ray emission from the inner magnetosphere is also computed, and found to be consistent with the observations.
Magnetic chemically peculiar (mCP) stars are important to astrophysics because their complex atmospheres lend themselves perfectly to the investigation of the interplay between such diverse phenomena as atomic diffusion, magnetic fields, and stellar rotation. The present work is aimed at identifying new mCP stars using spectra collected by the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). Suitable candidates were selected by searching LAMOST DR4 spectra for the presence of the characteristic 5200A flux depression. Spectral classification was carried out with a modified version of the MKCLASS code and the accuracy of the classifications was estimated by comparison with results from manual classification and the literature. Using parallax data and photometry from Gaia DR2, we investigated the space distribution of our sample stars and their properties in the colour-magnitude diagram. Our final sample consists of 1002 mCP stars, most of which are new discoveries (only 59 previously known). Traditional mCP star peculiarities have been identified in all but 36 stars, highlighting the efficiency of the codes peculiarity identification capabilities. The derived temperature and peculiarity types are in agreement with manually derived classifications and the literature. Our sample stars are between 100 Myr and 1 Gyr old, with the majority having masses between 2M(Sun) and 3M(Sun). Our results could be considered as strong evidence for an inhomogeneous age distribution among low-mass (M < 3M(Sun)) mCP stars. We identified several astrophysically interesting objects: two mCP stars have distances and kinematical properties in agreement with halo stars; an eclipsing binary system hosting an mCP star component; and an SB2 system likely comprising of an mCP star and a supergiant component.
117 - N. Przybilla 2008
Context: Hyper-velocity stars are suggested to originate from the dynamical interaction of binary stars with the supermassive black hole in the Galactic centre (GC), which accelerates one component of the binary to beyond the Galactic escape velocity . Aims: The evolutionary status and GC origin of the HVS SDSS J113312.12+010824.9 (HVS7) is constrained from a detailed study of its stellar parameters and chemical composition. Methods: High-resolution spectra of HVS7 obtained with UVES on the ESO VLT were analysed using state-of-the-art NLTE/LTE modelling techniques that can account for a chemically-peculiar composition via opacity sampling. Results: Instead of the expected slight enrichments of alpha-elements and near-solar Fe, huge chemical peculiarities of all elements are apparent. The He abundance is very low (<1/100 solar), C, N and O are below the detection limit, i.e they are underabundant (<1/100, <1/3 and <1/10 solar). Heavier elements, however, are overabundant: the iron group by a factor of ~10, P, Co and Cl by factors ~40, 80 and 440 and rare-earth elements and Hg even by ~10000. An additional finding, relevant also for other chemically peculiar stars are the large NLTE effects on abundances of TiII and FeII (~0.6-0.7dex). The derived abundance pattern of HVS7 is characteristic for the class of chemical peculiar magnetic B stars on the main sequence. The chemical composition and high vsini=55+-2km/s render a low mass nature of HVS7 as a blue horizontal branch star unlikely. Conclusions: Such a surface abundance pattern is caused by atomic diffusion in a possibly magnetically stabilised, non-convective atmosphere. Hence all chemical information on the stars place of birth and its evolution has been washed out. High precision astrometry is the only means to validate a GC origin for HVS7.
296 - S. Joshi 2012
In this paper we present a high-resolution spectroscopic analysis of the chemically peculiar star HD207561. During a survey programme to search for new roAp stars in the Northern hemisphere, Joshi et al. (2006) observed significant photometric variab ility on two consecutive nights in the year 2000. The amplitude spectra of the light curves obtained on these two nights showed oscillations with a frequency of 2.79 mHz [P~6-min]. However, subsequent follow-up observations could not confirm any rapid variability. In order to determine the spectroscopic nature of HD207561, high-resolution spectroscopic and spectro-polarimetric observations were carried out. A reasonable fit of the calculated Hbeta line profile to the observed one yields the effective temperature (Teff) and surface gravity (log g) as 7300 K and 3.7 dex, respectively. The derived projected rotational velocity (vsin i) for HD207561 is 74 km/sec indicative of a relatively fast rotator. The position of HD207561 in the H-R diagram implies that this is slightly evolved from the main-sequence and located well within the delta-Scuti instability strip. The abundance analysis indicates the star has slight under-abundances of Ca and Sc and mild over-abundances of iron-peak elements. The spectro-polarimetric study of HD207561 shows that the effective magnetic field is within the observational error of 100 gauss (G). The spectroscopic analysis revealed that the star has most of the characteristics similar to an Am star, rather than an Ap star, and that it lies in the delta-Scuti instability strip; hence roAp pulsations are not expected in HD207561, but low-overtone modes might be excited.
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