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A Region Void of Irregular Satellites Around Jupiter

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 نشر من قبل Nader Haghighipour
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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An interesting feature of the giant planets of our solar system is the existence of regions around these objects where no irregular satellites are observed. Surveys have shown that, around Jupiter, such a region extends from the outermost regular satellite Callisto, to the vicinity of Themisto, the innermost irregular satellite. To understand the reason for the existence of such a satellite-void region, we have studied the dynamical evolution of Jovian irregulars by numerically integrating the orbits of several hundred test particles, distributed in a region between 30 and 80 Jupiter-radii, for different values of their semimajor axes, orbital eccentricities, and inclinations. As expected, our simulations indicate that objects in or close to the influence zones of the Galilean satellites become unstable because of interactions with Ganymede and Callisto. However, these perturbations cannot account for the lack of irregular satellites in the entire region between Callisto and Themisto. It is suggested that at distances between 60 and 80 Jupiter-radii, Ganymede and Callisto may have long-term perturbative effects, which may require the integrations to be extended to times much longer than 10 Myr. The interactions of irregular satellites with protosatellites of Jupiter at the time of the formation of Jovian regulars may also be a destabilizing mechanism in this region. We present the results of our numerical simulations and discuss their applicability to similar satellite void-regions around other giant planets.

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The origins of irregular satellites of the giant planets are an important piece of the giant puzzle that is the theory of Solar System formation. It is well established that they are not in situ formation objects, around the planet, as are believed t o be the regular ones. Then, the most plausible hypothesis to explain their origins is that they formed elsewhere and were captured by the planet. However, captures under restricted three-body problem dynamics have temporary feature, which makes necessary the action of an auxiliary capture mechanism. Nevertheless, there not exist one well established capture mechanism. In this work, we tried to understand which aspects of a binary-asteroid capture mechanism could favor the permanent capture of one member of a binary asteroid. We performed more than eight thousand numerical simulations of capture trajectories considering the four-body dynamical system Sun, Jupiter, Binary-asteroid. We restricted the problem to the circular planar prograde case, and time of integration to 10^4 years. With respect to the binary features, we noted that 1) tighter binaries are much more susceptible to produce permanent captures than the large separation-ones. We also found that 2) the permanent capture probability of the minor member of the binary is much more expressive than the major body permanent capture probability. On the other hand, among the aspects of capture-disruption process, 4) a pseudo eastern-quadrature was noted to be a very likely capture angular configuration at the instant of binary disruptions. In addition, we also found that the 5) capture probability is higher for binary asteroids which disrupt in an inferior-conjunction with Jupiter. These results show that the Sun plays a very important role on the capture dynamic of binary asteroids.
We present thermal model fits for 11 Jovian and 3 Saturnian irregular satellites based on measurements from the WISE/NEOWISE dataset. Our fits confirm spacecraft-measured diameters for the objects with in situ observations (Himalia and Phoebe) and pr ovide diameters and albedo for 12 previously unmeasured objects, 10 Jovian and 2 Saturnian irregular satellites. The best-fit thermal model beaming parameters are comparable to what is observed for other small bodies in the outer Solar System, while the visible, W1, and W2 albedos trace the taxonomic classifications previously established in the literature. Reflectance properties for the irregular satellites measured are similar to the Jovian Trojan and Hilda Populations, implying common origins.
77 - Tommy Grav 2003
We present JHKs photometry of 10 Jovian and 4 Saturnian irregular satellites, taken with the Near-InfraRed Imager (NIRI) at the 8-m Gemini North Observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The observed objects have near-infrared colors consistent with C, P and D-type asteroids, although J XII Ananke and S IX Phoebe show weak indications of possible water features in the H filter. The four members of the Himalia-family have similar near-infrared colors, as do the two members of the Gallic family, S XX Paaliaq and S XXIX Siarnaq. From low resolution normalized reflectance spectra based on the broadband colors and covering 0.4 to 2.2 microns, the irregular satellites are identified as C-type (J VII Pasiphae, J VI Himalia and S IX Phoebe), P-type (J XII Ananke and J XVIII Themisto) and D-type (J IX Carme and J X Sinope), showing a diversity of origins of these objects.
It is widely recognized that the irregular satellites of the giant planets were captured from initially heliocentric orbits. However, the mechanism of capture and the source region from which they were captured both remain unknown. We present an opti cal color survey of 43 irregular satellites of the outer planets conducted using the LRIS camera on the 10-meter telescope at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii. The measured colors are compared to other planetary bodies in search for similarities and differences that may reflect upon the origin of the satellites. We find that ultrared matter (with color index B-R $ge$ 1.6), while abundant in the Kuiper belt and Centaur populations, is depleted from the irregular satellites. We also use repeated determinations of the absolute magnitudes to make a statistical estimate of the average shape of the irregular satellites. The data provide no evidence that the satellites and the main-belt asteroids are differently shaped, consistent with collisions as the major agent shaping both.
Constructing dynamical maps from the filtered output of numerical integrations, we analyze the structure of the $ u_odot$ secular resonance for fictitious irregular satellites in retrograde orbits. This commensurability is associated to the secular a ngle $theta = varpi - varpi_odot$, where $varpi$ is the longitude of pericenter of the satellite and $varpi_odot$ corresponds to the (fixed) planetocentric orbit of the Sun. Our study is performed in the restricted three-body problem, where the satellites are considered as massless particles around a massive planet and perturbed by the Sun. Depending on the initial conditions, the resonance presents a diversity of possible resonant modes, including librations of $theta$ around zero (as found for Sinope and Pasiphae) or 180 degrees, as well as asymmetric librations (e.g. Narvi). Symmetric modes are present in all giant planets, although each regime appears restricted to certain values of the satellite inclination. Asymmetric solutions, on the other hand, seem absent around Neptune due to its almost circular heliocentric orbit. Simulating the effects of a smooth orbital migration on the satellite, we find that the resonance lock is preserved as long as the induced change in semimajor axis is much slower compared to the period of the resonant angle (adiabatic limit). However, the librational mode may vary during the process, switching between symmetric and asymmetric oscillations. Finally, we present a simple scaling transformation that allows to estimate the resonant structure around any giant planet from the results calculated around a single primary mass.
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