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Comparison of different methods for analyzing $mu$SR line shapes in the vortex state of type-II superconductors

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 نشر من قبل Alexander Maisuradze
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A detailed analysis of muon-spin rotation ($mu$SR) spectra in the vortex state of type-II superconductors using different theoretical models is presented. Analytical approximations of the London and Ginzburg-Landau (GL) models, as well as an exact solution of the GL model were used. The limits of the validity of these models and the reliability to extract parameters such as the magnetic penetration depth $lambda$ and the coherence length $xi$ from the experimental $mu$SR spectra were investigated. The analysis of the simulated $mu$SR spectra showed that at high magnetic fields there is a strong correlation between obtained $lambda$ and $xi$ for any value of the Ginzburg-Landau parameter $kappa = lambda/xi$. The smaller the applied magnetic field is, the smaller is the possibility to find the correct value of $xi$. A simultaneous determination of $lambda$ and $xi$ without any restrictions is very problematic, independent of the model used to describe the vortex state. It was found that for extreme type-II superconductors and low magnetic fields, the fitted value of $lambda$ is practically independent of $xi$. The second-moment method frequently used to analyze $mu$SR spectra by means of a multi-component Gaussian fit, generally yields reliable values of $lambda$ in the whole range of applied fields $ H_{c1} ll H lesssim H_{c2}$ ($H_{c1}$ and $H_{c2}$ are the first and second critical fields, respectively). These results are also relevant for the interpretation of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments of the vortex state in type-II superconductors.

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اقرأ أيضاً

257 - T. Nattermann , S. Scheidl 2000
A review is given on the theory of vortex-glass phases in impure type-II superconductors in an external field. We begin with a brief discussion of the effects of thermal fluctuations on the spontaneously broken U(1) and translation symmetries, on the global phase diagram and on the critical behaviour. Introducing disorder we restrict ourselves to the experimentally most relevant case of weak uncorrelated randomness which is known to destroy the long-ranged translational order of the Abrikosov lattice in three dimensions. Elucidating possible residual glassy ordered phases, we distinguish betwee positional and phase-coherent vortex glasses. The discussion of elastic vortex glasses, in two and three dimensions occupy the main part of our review. In particular, in three dimensions there exists an elastic vortex-glass phase which still shows quasi-long-range translational order: the `Bragg glass. It is shown that this phase is stable with respect to the formation of dislocations for intermediate fields. Preliminary results suggest that the Bragg-glass phase may not show phase-coherent vortex-glass order. The latter is expected to occur in systems with weak disorder only in higher dimensions. We further demonstrate that the linear resistivity vanishes in the vortex-glass phase. The vortex-glass transition is studied in detail for a superconducting film in a parallel field. Finally, we review some recent developments concerning driven vortex-line lattices moving in a random environment.
57 - J. Schuler , S. Weiss , T. Bauch 2001
We performed numerical simulations and experiments on Josephson vortex flow transistors based on parallel arrays of YBa2Cu3O(7-x) grain boundary junctions with a cross gate-line allowing to operate the same devices in two different modes named Joseph son fluxon transistor (JFT) and Josephson fluxon-antifluxon transistor (JFAT). The simulations yield a general expression for the current gain vs. number of junctions and normalized loop inductance and predict higher current gain for the JFAT. The experiments are in good agreement with simulations and show improved coupling between gate line and junctions for the JFAT as compared to the JFT.
114 - T. J. Bullard 2005
In order to characterize flux flow through disordered type-II superconductors, we investigate the effects of columnar and point defects on the vortex velocity / voltage power spectrum in the driven non-equilibrium steady state. We employ three-dimens ional Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations to measure relevant physical observables including the force-velocity / current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, vortex spatial arrangement and structure factor, and mean flux line radius of gyration. Our simulation results compare well to earlier findings and physical intuition. We focus specifically on the voltage noise power spectra in conjunction with the vortex structure factor in the presence of weak columnar and point pinning centers. We investigate the vortex washboard noise peak and associated higher harmonics, and show that the intensity ratios of the washboard harmonics are determined by the strength of the material defects rather than the type of pins present. Through varying columnar defect lengths and pinning strengths as well as magnetic flux density we further explore the effect of the material defects on vortex transport. It is demonstrated that the radius of gyration displays quantitatively unique features that depend characteristically on the type of material defects present in the sample.
159 - Qing-Hu Chen 2008
Dynamics of vortices in strongly type-II superconductors with strong disorder is investigated within the frustrated three-dimensional XY model. For two typical models in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 91}, 077002 (2003)] and [Phys. Rev. B {bf 68}, 220502(R) ( 2003)], a strong evidence for the finite temperature vortex glass transition in the unscreened limit is provided by performing large-scale dynamical simulations. The obtained correlation length exponents and the dynamic exponents in both models are different from each other and from those in the three-dimensional gauge glass model. In addition, a genuine continuous depinning transition is observed at zero temperature for both models. A scaling analysis for the thermal rounding of the depinning transition shows a non-Arrhenius type creep motion in the vortex glass phase, contrarily to the recent studies..
The dynamics of vortices in type II superconductors exhibit a variety of patterns whose origin is poorly understood. This is partly due to the nonlinearity of the vortex mobility which gives rise to singular behavior in the vortex densities. Such sin gular behavior complicates the application of standard linear stability analysis. In this paper, as a first step towards dealing with these dynamical phenomena, we analyze the dynamical stability of a front between vortices and antivortices. In particular we focus on the question of whether an instability of the vortex front can occur in the absence of a coupling to the temperature. Borrowing ideas developed for singular bacterial growth fronts, we perform an explicit linear stability analysis which shows that, for sufficiently large front velocities and in the absence of coupling to the temperature, such vortex fronts are stable even in the presence of in-plane anisotropy. This result differs from previous conclusions drawn on the basis of approximate calculations for stationary fronts. As our method extends to more complicated models, which could include coupling to the temperature or to other fields, it provides the basis for a more systematic stability analysis of nonlinear vortex front dynamics.
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