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Nature of the enigmatic pseudogap state: novel magnetic order in superconducting HgBa2CuO4+d

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 نشر من قبل Yuan Li
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The nature of the enigmatic pseudogap region of the phase diagram is the most important and intriguing unsolved puzzle in the field of high transition-temperature (Tc) superconductivity. This region, the temperature range above Tc and below a characteristic temperature T*, is characterized by highly anomalous magnetic, charge transport, thermodynamic and optical properties. Associated with the pseudogap puzzle are open questions pertaining to the number of distinct phases and the presence of a quantum-critical point underneath the superconducting dome. Here we use polarized neutron diffraction to demonstrate for the model superconductor HgBa2CuO4+d (Hg1201) that T* marks the onset of an unusual magnetic order, and hence a novel state of matter with broken time-reversal symmetry. Together with prior results for YBa2Cu3O6+d (YBCO), this observation constitutes an essential and decisive demonstration of the universal existence of such a state. The new findings appear to rule out a large class of theories that regard T* as a crossover temperature rather than a phase transition temperature. Instead, they are consistent with a variant of previously proposed charge-current-loop order that involves apical oxygen orbitals, and with the notion that many of the unusual properties arise from the presence of a quantum-critical point.

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We use neutron scattering to study magnetic excitations near the antiferromagnetic wave vector in the underdoped single-layer cuprate HgBa2CuO4+{delta} (superconducting transition temperature Tc ~ 88 K, pseudogap temperature T* ~ 220 K). The response is distinctly enhanced below T* and exhibits a Y-shaped dispersion in the pseudogap state, whereas the superconducting state features an X-shaped (hourglass) dispersion and a further resonance-like enhancement. A large spin gap of about 40 meV is observed in both states. This phenomenology is reminiscent of that exhibited by bilayer cuprates. The resonance spectral weight, irrespective of doping and compound, scales linearly with the putative binding energy of a spin-exciton described by an itinerant-spin formalism.
Neutron diffraction measurements have been performed on a powder sample of BaMn2As2 over the temperature T range from 10 K to 675 K. These measurements demonstrate that this compound exhibits collinear antiferromagnetic ordering below the Neel temper ature T_N = 625(1) K. The ordered moment mu = 3.88(4) mu_B/Mn at T = 10 K is oriented along the c axis and the magnetic structure is G-type, with all nearest-neighbor Mn moments antiferromagnetically aligned. The value of the ordered moment indicates that the oxidation state of Mn is Mn^{2+} with a high spin S = 5/2. The T dependence of mu suggests that the magnetic transition is second-order in nature. In contrast to the closely related AFe2As2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu) compounds, no structural distortion is observed in the magnetically ordered state of BaMn2As2.
We report the results of the Knight shift by 63,65Cu-nuclear-magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on single-layered copper-oxide Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+delta conducted under very high magnetic fields up to 44 T. The magnetic field suppresses superconductiv ity completely and the pseudogap ground state is revealed. The 63Cu-NMR Knight shift shows that there remains a finite density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level in the zero-temperature limit, which indicates that the pseudogap ground state is a metallic state with a finite volume of Fermi surface. The residual DOS in the pseudogap ground state decreases with decreasing doping (increasing x) but remains quite large even at the vicinity of the magnetically ordered phase of x > 0.8, which suggests that the DOS plunges to zero upon approaching the Mott insulating phase.
113 - J.W. Lynn , Y. Chen , Q. Huang 2006
Neutron diffraction, polarized neutron transmission, and small angle neutron scattering have been used to investigate the crystal structure and nature of the magnetic order in a polycrystalline sample of RuSr2Eu1.2Ce0.8Cu2O10. The sample was made wit h the Eu-153 (98.8%) isotope to reduce the high neutron absorption for the naturally occurring element. Full refinements of the crystal structure, space group I4/mmm, are reported. At low temperatures only a single magnetic peak is clearly observed in a relatively wide angular range. A sharp spin reorientation transition (SRT) is observed around 35 K, close to the superconducting transition temperature (Tc~40 K). Between the spin reorientation temperature and the Neel temperature of 59 K, additional magnetic reflections are observed. However, none of these can be simply indexed on the chemical unit cell, either as commensurate peaks or simple incommensurate magnetism, and the paucity of reflections at low T compels the conclusion that these magnetic Bragg peaks arise from an impurity phase. X-ray and neutron diffraction on the pressed pellet both show that the sample does not appear to contain substantial impurity phases, but it turns out that the magnetic impurity peaks exhibit strong preferred orientation with respect to the pellet orientation, while the primary phase does not. We have been unable to observe any magnetic order that can be identified with the ruthenate-cuprate system.
In a multiorbital model of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors soft antiferromagnetic (AF) modes are assumed to reconstruct the Fermi surface to form nodal pockets. The subsequent charge ordering transition leads to a phase with a spatially modulated transfer of charge between neighboring oxygen p_x and p_y orbitals and also weak modulations of the charge density on the copper d_{x^2-y^2} orbitals. As a prime result of the AF Fermi surface reconstruction, the wavevectors of the charge modulations are oriented along the crystalline axes with a periodicity that agrees quantitatively with experiments. This resolves a discrepancy between experiments, which find axial order, and previous theoretical calculations, which find modulation wavevectors along the Brillouin zone (BZ) diagonal. The axial order is stabilized by hopping processes via the Cu4s orbital, which is commonly not included in model analyses of cuprate superconductors.
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