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Efficient generation of random multipartite entangled states using time optimal unitary operations

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 نشر من قبل Antoni Borras
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We review the generation of random pure states using a protocol of repeated two qubit gates. We study the dependence of the convergence to states with Haar multipartite entanglement distribution. We investigate the optimal generation of such states in terms of the physical (real) time needed to apply the protocol, instead of the gate complexity point of view used in other works. This physical time can be obtained, for a given Hamiltonian, within the theoretical framework offered by the quantum brachistochrone formalism. Using an anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian as an example, we find that different optimal quantum gates arise according to the optimality point of view used in each case. We also study how the convergence to random entangled states depends on different entanglement measures.

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192 - J. Novotny , G. Alber , I. Jex 2009
We analyze the asymptotic dynamics of quantum systems resulting from large numbers of iterations of random unitary operations. Although, in general, these quantum operations cannot be diagonalized it is shown that their resulting asymptotic dynamics is described by a diagonalizable superoperator. We prove that this asymptotic dynamics takes place in a typically low dimensional attractor space which is independent of the probability distribution of the unitary operations applied. This vector space is spanned by all eigenvectors of the unitary operations involved which are associated with eigenvalues of unit modulus. Implications for possible asymptotic dynamics of iterated random unitary operations are presented and exemplified in an example involving random controlled-not operations acting on two qubits.
In the physics of flavor mixing, the flavor states are given by superpositions of mass eigenstates. By using the occupation number to define a multiqubit space, the flavor states can be interpreted as multipartite mode-entangled states. By exploiting a suitable global measure of entanglement, based on the entropies related to all possible bipartitions of the system, we analyze the correlation properties of such states in the instances of three- and four-flavor mixing. Depending on the mixing parameters, and, in particular, on the values taken by the free phases, responsible for the CP-violation, entanglement concentrates in preferred bipartitions. We quantify in detail the amount and the distribution of entanglement in the physically relevant cases of flavor mixing in quark and neutrino systems. By using the wave packet description for localized particles, we use the global measure of entanglement, suitably adapted for the instance of multipartite mixed states, to analyze the decoherence induced by the free evolution dynamics on the quantum correlations of stationary neutrino beams. We define a decoherence length as the distance associated with the vanishing of the coherent interference effects among massive neutrino states. We investigate the role of the CP-violating phase in the decoherence process.
We study the growth of genuine multipartite entanglement in random quantum circuit models, which include random unitary circuit models and the random Clifford circuit. We find that for the random Clifford circuit, the growth of multipartite entanglem ent remains slower in comparison to the random unitary case. However, the final saturation value of multipartite entanglement is almost the same in both cases. The behavior is then compared to the genuine multipartite entanglement obtained in random matrix product states with a moderately high bond dimension. We then relate the behavior of multipartite entanglement to other global properties of the system, viz. the delocalization of the many-body wavefunctions in Hilbert space. Along with this, we analyze the robustness of such highly entangled quantum states obtained through random unitary dynamics under weak measurements.
Recently, Halder emph{et al.} [S. Halder emph{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. textbf{122}, 040403 (2019)] present two sets of strong nonlocality of orthogonal product states based on the local irreducibility. However, for a set of locally indistinguishable orthogonal entangled states, the remaining question is whether the states can reveal strong quantum nonlocality. Here we present a general definition of strong quantum nonlocality based on the local indistinguishability. Then, in $2 otimes 2 otimes 2$ quantum system, we show that a set of orthogonal entangled states is locally reducible but locally indistinguishable in all bipartitions, which means the states have strong nonlocality. Furthermore, we generalize the result in N-qubit quantum system, where $Ngeqslant 3$. Finally, we also construct a class of strong nonlocality of entangled states in $dotimes dotimes cdots otimes d, dgeqslant 3$. Our results extend the phenomenon of strong nonlocality for entangled states.
We propose a simple setup for the conversion of multipartite entangled states in a quantum network with restricted access. The scheme uses nonlocal operations to enable the preparation of states that are inequivalent under local operations and classi cal communication, but most importantly does not require full access to the states. It is based on a flexible linear optical conversion gate that uses photons, which are ideally suited for distributed quantum computation and quantum communication in extended networks. In order to show the basic working principles of the gate, we focus on converting a four-qubit entangled cluster state to other locally inequivalent four-qubit states, such as the GHZ and symmetric Dicke state. We also show how the gate can be incorporated into extended graph state networks, and can be used to generate variable entanglement and quantum correlations without entanglement but nonvanishing quantum discord.
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