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Role of backflow correlations for the non-magnetic phase of the t-t Hubbard model

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 نشر من قبل Becca Federico
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce an efficient way to improve the accuracy of projected wave functions, widely used to study the two-dimensional Hubbard model. Taking the clue from the backflow contribution, whose relevance has been emphasized for various interacting systems on the continuum, we consider many-body correlations to construct a suitable approximation for the ground state at intermediate and strong couplings. In particular, we study the phase diagram of the frustrated $t{-}t^prime$ Hubbard model on the square lattice and show that, thanks to backflow correlations, an insulating and non-magnetic phase can be stabilized at strong coupling and sufficiently large frustrating ratio $t^prime/t$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

184 - P. A. Frigeri , C. Honerkamp , 2002
We calculate the Landau interaction function f(k,k) for the two-dimensional t-t Hubbard model on the square lattice using second and higher order perturbation theory. Within the Landau-Fermi liquid framework we discuss the behavior of spin and charge susceptibilities as function of the onsite interaction and band filling. In particular we analyze the role of elastic umklapp processes as driving force for the anisotropic reduction of the compressibility on parts of the Fermi surface.
190 - M. Raczkowski , R. Fresard , 2005
We investigate melting of stripe phases in the overdoped regime x>0.3 of the two-dimensional t-t-U Hubbard model, using a spin rotation invariant form of the slave boson representation. We show that the spin and charge order disappear simultaneously, and discuss a mechanism stabilizing bond-centered and site-centered stripe structures.
Using a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation we investigate the relative stability of various stripe phases in the extended $t$-$t$-$U$ Hubbard model. One finds that a negative ratio of next- to nearest-neighbor hopping $t/t<0$ expells holes fr om antiferromagnetic domains and reinforces the stripe order. Therefore the half-filled stripes not only accommodate holes but also redistribute them so that the kinetic energy is gained, and these stripes take over in the regime of $t/tsimeq -0.3$ appropriate for YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+delta}$.
The Hubbard model and its strong-coupling version, the Heisenberg one, have been widely studied on the triangular lattice to capture the essential low-temperature properties of different materials. One example is given by transition metal dichalcogen ides, as 1T$-$TaS$_2$, where a large unit cell with $13$ Ta atom forms weakly-coupled layers with an isotropic triangular lattice. By using accurate variational Monte Carlo calculations, we report the phase diagram of the $t-t^prime$ Hubbard model on the triangular lattice, highlighting the differences between positive and negative values of $t^prime/t$; this result can be captured only by including the charge fluctuations that are always present for a finite electron-electron repulsion. Two spin-liquid regions are detected: one for $t^prime/t<0$, which persists down to intermediate values of the electron-electron repulsion, and a narrower one for $t^prime/t>0$. The spin-liquid phase appears to be gapless, though the variational wave function has a nematic character, in contrast to the Heisenberg limit. We do not find any evidence for non-magnetic Mott phases in the proximity of the metal-insulator transition, at variance with the predictions (mainly based upon strong-coupling expansions in $t/U$) that suggest the existence of a weak-Mott phase that intrudes between the metal and the magnetically ordered insulator.
We study the phase diagram of the frustrated $t{-}t^prime$ Hubbard model on the square lattice by using a novel variational wave function. Taking the clue from the backflow correlations that have been introduced long-time ago by Feynman and Cohen and have been used for describing various interacting systems on the continuum (like liquid $^3$He, the electron jellium, and metallic Hydrogen), we consider many-body correlations to construct a suitable approximation for the ground state of this correlated model on the lattice. In this way, a very accurate {it ansatz} can be achieved both at weak and strong coupling. We present the evidence that an insulating and non-magnetic phase can be stabilized at strong coupling and sufficiently large frustrating ratio $t^prime/t$.
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